-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After six o'clock in the morning, there was no suitable place for a date. After buying breakfast, Su Nan took Chu Xi to a nearby park and sat down.

It was still too early at this time, the sky was gloomy, and there were not many people exercising. The two sat on the stone bench, and the surrounding was very quiet, as if there were only the two of them in the world. Su Nan threw the breakfast aside and stretched out her arms After leaving Chuxi, he held her cheek with one hand and turned her to face him, and gently stroked her face with his hand, experiencing that wonderful feeling.

Recently, Chu Xi's skin has become better again, it is as white as snow, touching it in his hands is like touching the finest silk, smooth and tender.

Chu Xi held his breath, staring at Su Nan with moist eyes.

I slept with Su Nan last night, and wanted to see him when I woke up in the morning, so after hearing Su Nan said that she missed herself, she came to see him without hesitation. Although she was molested at the moment, she felt inexplicably at ease Feel.

Seeing Su Nan's face approaching, Chu Xifang's heart skipped a beat, and she closed her eyes. Then she felt her lips being sucked by Su Nan, and he tasted them carefully. Su Nan even stuck out his tongue.

Chu Xi knew that he was waiting for his response. Although he was a little uncomfortable, he stuck out his tongue thinking that he couldn't lose too much to Zhao Xiaomin.

After a while, Su Nan let go of Chuxi, saw her blushing and panting, and recalled the loli Chuxi last night, who bullied two Chuxis in just a dozen hours. A strange sense of satisfaction.

Chu Xi noticed that he was looking at her with evil eyes, as if thinking about something bad.

Chu Xi took a deep breath to calm himself down, stared at Su Nan and said strangely: "Munan has become more and more mature recently, and his skills in flirting with girls are at the full level. He was obviously very sloppy before."

"Uh, no matter what you think, it's all because of you." Su Nan complained.

Since when did he become so proficient at flirting with girls? It seems that everything started from the night Chu Xi became a vixen.

Usually, there are two beautiful girls by his side all the time, and he is not defensive against him, and he doesn't mind the existence of the other party, so the so-called cash charge is nothing more than that.

"I feel guilty for raising you like this." Chu Xi sighed.

"Then you have to take responsibility." Su Nan put his arms around her waist, and Chu Xi also lightly leaned his head on his shoulder.

Su Nan didn't mess around anymore, after all, the number of people in the park gradually increased.

He and Chuxi had breakfast, and walked in the park hand in hand, just like ordinary lovers.

At around eight o'clock, Chu Xi was going back, Su Nan sent her to the main gate of the park, watched her get into the car, and he didn't leave until the car drove away.

Su Nan didn't go home, but went to Zhao Xiaomin's house by car, intending to see how Zhao Xiaomin was doing.

After arriving, due to the access control, Su Nan stood downstairs and couldn't enter, so she had to contact Zhao Xiaomin on WeChat, and Zhao Xiaomin replied that she called her sister to come down and open the door.

A few minutes later, the door opened with a beep, and Zhao Junmin poked his head out to stare at him, his eyes were a little lost, and he nodded his head after a while to say hello: "Senior, good morning."

"Good morning." Su Nan looked at Zhao Junmin suspiciously, why was he distracted, is there something on my face?

He touched his face subconsciously, at this time Zhao Junmin had already opened the door, Su Nan put down his hand and walked in.

Su Nan walked in front, Zhao Junmin walked behind, she raised her head frequently to look at Su Nan's back, subconsciously stepped up to keep up with him.

Because she was walking up the stairs, Zhao Junmin saw Su Nan's buttocks as soon as she looked up, and she couldn't take her eyes off. She stared closely at the buttocks of this man who might be her brother-in-law, feeling a faint sense of shame.

Su Nan stopped suddenly, and Zhao Junmin couldn't react in time to bump into him, she put her hands on his buttocks, maybe because she was too nervous, Zhao Junmin grabbed the soft and elastic flesh, and exerted a little force.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, with an extremely strange expression on his face.

After reacting, Zhao Junmin quickly let go and stepped back, lowering her head and saying, "Senior, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I stopped suddenly, I want to ask if we have gone too far?" Su Nan asked.

Zhao Junmin was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "I have passed by."

She turned around and walked down as usual, Su Nan followed, but she felt a little strange in her heart, Zhao Junmin would forget her home address, could it be that she didn't wake up too early?

After going down one floor, finally arrived, Zhao Junmin opened the door and invited Su Nan to enter.

"Sister is taking a bath, senior sit and wait for a while, have you had breakfast?" Zhao Junmin asked after closing the door.

"Eat some." Su Nan sat down.

"If you don't mind, senior sit down and eat with me."

"Uh, no, I'm not hungry right now."

Zhao Junmin nodded slightly, walked to the dinner table and sat down.

Seeing that Zhao Ruomin was not there, probably still sleeping, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, Zhao Xiaomin, who was wearing loose pajamas, came out of the bathroom, and she was overjoyed when she saw him, but she was embarrassed to be too obvious with her younger sister.

"Ah Nan, come and have breakfast together." Zhao Xiaomin invited.

"I ate some."

"It's okay, eat with us."

Su Nan thought about it, and felt that it was not good for him to watch them eat alone, and with his relationship with Zhao Xiaomin, it seemed that he didn't need to be polite.

Going over to sit down, Zhao Junmin brought the bowl and chopsticks to help him serve the porridge, and put it in front of him.

"Thank you." Su Nan thanked him and drank the porridge, but he ate a lot of steamed stuffed buns just now, and he couldn't finish it after only half a bowl.

Seeing this, Zhao Xiaomin put down his chopsticks and said to his sister, "Junmin, remember to wake Ruomin up after you finish eating."

After seeing her sister nodding, Zhao Xiaomin dragged Su Nan back into the room.

Zhao Junmin drank the porridge quietly, but her eyes fell on the half bowl left by Su Nan, and her eyes became blurred.

After a while, Zhao Junmin woke up and saw that the bowl was empty in her hand, her face changed slightly, this was what Su Nan drank, why did she take it up and drink it up?

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