On the way to the cafeteria at noon, Su Nan had a sudden feeling. Looking back, she found that Zhao Junmin was following behind her, quietly like a ghost.

Su Nan frowned, pretending not to see it, and walked away at a faster pace.

Zhao Junmin stopped and looked at his distant back, feeling a slight colic in her heart.

After finishing the meal, I habitually went up to the second floor to find Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi, but saw Zhao Junmin sitting with them in the corner, Su Nan pretended not to notice, and walked towards her classmates.

What happened yesterday happened, but Zhao Junmin came over with the cheek today, clearly thinking that he was too timid to resist, but Su Nan really didn't want to make a big fuss, so she had to avoid it.

It's not that he hasn't met a pervert before, and the masked woman even attacked him, but this acquaintance made him wonder what to do, and the identity of the other party was still his woman's sister.

"Ah Nan didn't see us." Zhao Xiaomin said with some regret.

Chu Xi frowned slightly. Zhao Xiaomin didn't see it, but she saw it. Su Nan's first reaction when she went upstairs was to look for them. She should have planned to have lunch with them, but she suddenly changed her mind.

Is there any reason?

Chu Xi inadvertently glanced at Zhao Xiaomin's third sister who was silently eating with her head lowered, and was startled.

After eating early, Su Nan left immediately. He found that Zhao Junmin seemed to want to get in touch with him. He was worried that the other party would want to do something perverted. Su Nan didn't want to give her a chance.

Zhao Junmin knew about the Internet celebrity department that the three of them had set up privately, and also knew the location of the activity room. If she guessed correctly, she would follow her sister to the activity room after dinner.

Su Nan hid in a place far away and waited. It didn't take long before he saw Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin entering the building together.

He has no past and chooses to go back to class for self-study. If Zhao Junmin is only interested in his identity as brother-in-law, he can only try to avoid her and let her understand his thoughts. As a little girl, she should have a thin skin and bad thoughts in her heart. Being discovered and rejected by the person concerned, one should not dare to be so presumptuous again.

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan slipped out of the classroom immediately, saw Zhao Junmin meeting her sister from a distance, and then walked to the building where the activity room was located.

Su Nan picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Chu Xi, telling her that she had something to do tonight and had to go back early.

After receiving the news, Chu Xi raised his head and gave Zhao Junmin a strange look. Why didn't Su Nan come to the activity room all day today, and Zhao Xiaomin's sister happened to be there during his absence.

Su Nan gave Chu Xi the feeling that he was deliberately avoiding Zhao Xiaomin's sister. What happened to them before?

There must be a reason for this. Could it be that Su Nan bullied Zhao Junmin?Or the kind of bullying that sucks?

Then Chu Xi vetoed it in her heart. Although Su Nan started to develop in the direction of Huaxin under the connivance of her and Zhao Xiaomin, she was the first to not believe that Su Nan did such a thing.

And if Zhao Junmin was really being bullied, then why did she come to the activity room?Not afraid of Su Nan?

So the reason is Zhao Junmin?

"Junmin, this is Ah Nan's cup." Zhao Xiaomin reminded.

"I thought it belonged to my sister."

"This is mine. If you are thirsty, drink from my cup, or use a disposable cup, you know?"

Seeing Zhao Junmin calmly put down Su Nan's cup and picked up her sister's cup to drink water, Chu Xi shook her head, feeling that she was thinking too much. How could it be possible? Recently, she came into contact with Su Nan through her sister.

Chu Xi vetoed the incredible idea that popped up just now.

Back home, my sister had just entered the kitchen to cook, Zhao Junmin knelt down on one knee uncontrollably, her face was very painful, she hardly had any contact with Su Nan throughout the day, and now she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Looking up at the kitchen, my sister didn't notice, so Zhao Junmin gritted her teeth and stood up, entering her room.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After entering her sister's room, Zhao Junmin gently closed the door, went to the bed and lay down.

During the previous weekend, Su Nan and her sister stayed in the room all day, and some later discoveries also confirmed that they were doing bad things.

Zhao Junmin lay on the bed, fantasizing about her sister and her boyfriend doing bad things, of course, mainly fantasizing about her sister's boyfriend's face, which made her feel ashamed and guilty.

Although the uncomfortable feeling subsided a little, it was still not enough. The girl gradually gritted her teeth.

She suddenly remembered something she had discovered before. At that time, her sister would chat with people until late at night, and sometimes she would make all kinds of strange noises. Now it seems that the person chatting with her sister should be Su Nan.

But at that time she was worried about her sister, so she eavesdropped on it. My sister and Su Nan were not chatting normally, they seemed to be acting, it was estimated that the love between couples. At that time, she was worried that her sister would find out, so she didn't dare to listen for too long. .

With a glimmer of expectation, Zhao Junmin got up and sat in front of the computer.

This computer is very old and poorly configured, even Ruo Min doesn't like to play it, but Zhao Junmin sometimes uses it to look up information, so she is very familiar with it.

Opened the D drive, searched for a while, and found a hidden strange folder, and after clicking on the folder, there were some audio files.

Zhao Junmin put on the earphones, and clicked to play the first one. Soon, her sister's voice came out of the earphones, as if she was reading a novel, she pulled it directly to the middle, and her sister began to speak obscene words, which were the content of H novels.

Zhao Junmin was a little disappointed, because without Su Nan's voice, without his voice, her pain could not be eased.

Time is running out, Zhao Junmin auditioned one by one, and it only took a few seconds to confirm each audio, and finally she heard the voice she dreamed of, the obscene conversation between her sister and her boyfriend!

They seem to be playing the heroine and the heroine.

Zhao Junmin blushed, but a sense of joy made her sigh deeply, then she found a data cable, connected her mobile phone to the computer, and copied all the audio with Su Nan's voice into the mobile phone.

The sound of opening the door came from behind, and Zhao Junmin instantly closed the folder, and clicked on the webpage that had been opened before, pretending to download something.

"Junmin, you are playing computer, don't play for too long."

My sister charged her phone and went out again.

Zhao Junmin turned off the computer, and her eyes fell on her sister's mobile phone, remembering her sister's voice with Su Nan all the way in the morning.

She had an urge to peek into their privacy, but at this time she was too uncomfortable, Zhao Junmin picked up her mobile phone and left from her sister's room.

After stumbling back to the room, Zhao Junmin closed and locked the door, then found the earphones and plugged in the mobile phone, impatiently stuffed the earplugs into the ears, and lay down on the bed.

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