"...Sorry, so what does it have to do with me?"

"Actually, I've been secretly practicing being a seiyuu for a while, but I don't know how good it is, so I would like to ask you to help me evaluate it. By the way, have you watched anime? Just evaluate it according to the standards in anime. "

Zhao Xiaomin sent a tearful expression.

Su Nan couldn't help shaking his head, Zhao Xiaomin was too daring to compare himself with a professional.Although he doesn't watch anime often, he has watched several popular movies every year with the recommendation of his classmates. He knows how big the gap is between amateur and professional.

However, Zhao Xiaomin was in high spirits, so Su Nan didn't attack her, and asked casually, "Why are you looking for me? It's better to find friends for this kind of thing, they can give you more advice."

Zhao Xiaomin immediately vetoed, "They can't do it. I'm in the same class, and I'm the class leader. Wouldn't it embarrass me if I say it?"

"And Su Nan didn't make friends with you last time, actually... I think you're okay, and you don't know my circle, so you shouldn't expose my secrets."

In that case, what's the matter with the lack of confidence revealed in your reply?

"Also, if you're a boy and you watch anime, isn't that what everyone often calls a dead house? It's quite appropriate to ask your opinion." Zhao Xiaomin added at the end.

Su Nan wanted to roll his eyes, but even his reply became a little unkind.

"I think anime is a dead house. What about you? Not only do you watch it, you also want to be a voice actress."

"I'm different, I'm a dream!" She said righteously, but soon, the next reply was inexplicably cowardly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to belittle you, Su Nan, if you are not a good person, am I not? I'll ask you for help, don't talk about it, start quickly, and sleep well when you're done."

Su Nan, who inexplicably received a good person card, didn't care too much and asked, "How to start? Voice chat?"

"No... that seems too embarrassing. In fact, I have already prepared a paragraph, and I will send it to you now."

Then, Zhao Xiaomin sent an audio over.

Su Nan opened it and listened. It was getting late. After talking with Zhao Xiaomin, he became sleepy and wanted to go to bed earlier.

I only heard Zhao Xiaomin whispering a paragraph in a soft tone: "Everyone has everyone's misfortune and everyone's happiness, who can say that their misfortune can't be happiness. A woman's happiness is to find a good one. Man, can a good man be your husband?" (The plot is needed, this paragraph is taken from a certain Harmony novel, don't search for a good boy)

Hearing this, Su Nan pressed pause, wondering why the beginning of this paragraph is so familiar.

Su Nan couldn't remember for a while, so he continued to listen:

"Women have sexual desires, and they are stronger than men. Once exposed, the power of women is infinite. Women should be careful, beautiful women should be more careful, and beautiful young women should be more careful, because young women can get away with it. It is rare for a young woman to say goodbye to rape, but it will bring her own ruin.” (ibid.)

Chapter 23 Does my dubbing make you feel?

It is a very common thing to say, but in Zhao Xiaomin's coquettish voice, why does it feel so exciting.

Moreover, the beginning is so familiar, the unicorn arm seems to be about to move.

Is that you, Ye Qiantong?

Su Nan suddenly regained his senses, typed out this paragraph, searched in the browser, and the final result pointed to a novel that was sealed many years ago.

Indeed it is!

Pay less for Xiaojie!

Su Nan was shocked. Zhao Xiaomin actually dubbed this novel, and she even sent it to him. Isn't she not a little ashamed?

Did she do it on purpose or was it natural?

Strong curiosity made Su Nan choose to listen.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't match much, only a short paragraph at the beginning, and Su Nan finished listening to it not long after, but from the very beginning of this novel, there was H description.

Xiao Jie was shocked: "Don't touch me, I'm going to sue you for rape. You...not human!" Tears rolled in Xiao Jie's eyes.

"Sue me? This is my home. You let me fall on my bed. How do you say it's rape?" Principal Gao smiled nonchalantly.

"You..." Xiao Jie was shaking, pointing at Principal Gao with one hand and covering her body with the other hand.

"Don't be silly, follow me, I can't lose you, otherwise, you can take a look at this." Principal Gao took out two photos for Xiaojie to see.

Xiaojie just felt a little confused...

With Zhao Xiaomin's charming voice, it was so immersive. Su Nan showed respect. After listening, Su Nan was still addicted to Zhao Xiaomin's voice. For a moment, he even regarded Zhao Xiaomin as a little boy. Jie, think of yourself as a high principal.


It was the sound of the phone vibrating that woke Su Nan.

He opens WeChat.

"Have you heard it? How do you think I fit in?"

Zhao Xiaomin sent a question with an uneasy expression.

Su Nan didn't know how to answer. It wasn't that Zhao Xiaomin was a bad match, but that the match was too substituting. He just couldn't say the praise, he always felt that it was too much.

After being stunned for a while, Su Nan asked tentatively, "Squad Leader Zhao, do you know the name of this novel?"

"I saw someone sharing it on the Internet, and I downloaded it casually. It seemed to be called a collection of banned books. I chose one to dub it," she replied.

Su Nan twitched the corners of his mouth and asked again, "Since you know it's a banned book, why do you still need to dub it? And..."

And don't you feel shy?

Su Nan didn't ask this question. He felt that Zhao Xiaomin might have something to hide. After all, she is the leader of the class. If the moral aspect is not good, the teacher will not choose her as the class leader. In addition, Zhao Xiaomin has a good reputation in normal times.

"Don't think about it, it's just that copyright is so hot now, I don't dare to dub online novels casually, this kind of banned book has no copyright problem, because it's that kind of book, it's also very suitable for practice, seiyuu, extra shame. There shouldn't be a heart at all!"

Zhao Xiaomin replied calmly, but Su Nan couldn't see her face, otherwise she would definitely find her whole face flushed with beauty.

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