It's just that compared with Zhao Xiaomin, Chuxi is obviously incomparable, especially when she is still in the state of little Chuxi, and she is immediately suppressed.

"Pervert, stop quickly..." Xiao Chuxi's voice became a little strange, as if she was overwhelmed with shame and indignation.

"Healed up so quickly, obviously he was opened yesterday." Zhao Xiaomin said after the examination.

"Open, open... treasure?" Xiao Chuxi was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, her face was flushed, and she gritted her teeth: "How could Mu Nan like a girl like you, who keeps talking all day long."

"Not as noble as you, Chuxi, the amount of bleeding is greater than mine." Zhao Xiaomin snorted, and pulled back the quilt, revealing the red marks left by little Chuxi last night. Su Nan still didn't change the quilt today.

Chu Xi was on the move because of her entanglement with Zhao Xiaomin, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak when she was ridiculed by Zhao Xiaomin, and she was extremely embarrassed looking at the red patch.

"What's the matter, do you have nothing to say? Today I found several sheets in Ah Nan's closet. Besides mine, senior sister's, which one is left?"

Zhao Xiaomin snorted and said, Chu Xi must have established an intimate relationship with Su Nan earlier with the non-body, but she has been hiding it from her before, and she is jealous of her, it is really shameless.

But Chu Xi is not a good person, even though the posture held by Zhao Xiaomin is a bit embarrassing, his tone is not flustered, but a little cold: "You have done it with Su Nan."

Zhao Xiaomin's body froze, a little flustered, but she forced herself to be calm and said: "I did it, what's the matter, didn't you do the same, and the senior next door also did it, Ah Nan, are you jealous too?"

"I'm talking about the original body. I don't know how to clean up the marks left on the bed. Don't you know that I am very sensitive in this state?"

Taking advantage of Zhao Xiaomin's weakening strength, Chu Xi turned around to face Zhao Xiaomin, her eyes made Zhao Xiaomin dodge all of a sudden.

The quilt and sheets all smelled of Zhao Xiaomin, mixed with a strange smell. Obviously, Zhao Xiaomin had slept on the bed before, and had intimate contact with Su Nan.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Xiaomin let go of Chu Xi, sat in front of her with her head shrugged, like a child who has made a mistake, and apologized softly, "I'm sorry, that day...we couldn't hold back."

She was embarrassed to say that it was her own initiative.

"When?" Chu Xi asked calmly.

"The day you were punished, Ah Nan came to my house." Zhao Xiaomin said weakly, looking at Xiao Chuxi while talking, but Xiao Chuxi is now invisible, so she can't see her.

Chu Xi didn't look very angry when she heard that. Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin's stand-in had done that kind of thing, and the body would do the same one day. She was just in a delicate mood, a little upset, as if her beloved baby was being raped. People snatch it.

"Ah Nan's first time was given to you." Zhao Xiaomin asked.

Chu Xi's pretty face flushed, but Zhao Xiaomin couldn't see it, and her voice was calm: "And then?" Now, it seems that it doesn't make sense to hide it.

"I'm so envious of you." Zhao Xiaomin sighed, and then stared at Xiao Chuxi seriously: "So let's leave this matter as it is, we have no choice, and I welcome you to have a relationship with Su Nan, And then... the three of us will be together forever."

There was a touch of tenderness on Zhao Xiaomin's face.

Chu Xi stared at her blankly for a while, then lowered his head, have we been together all this time...

For some reason, she didn't feel much resistance in her heart, she just felt that if the three of them stayed together in the future, Zhao Xiaomin would be very annoying.

"If you don't make a sound, it will be assumed that you agree." Zhao Xiaomin said happily.

Chu Xi frowned and stared at her: "I haven't decided yet."

"There's nothing to decide. Isn't this good? Besides, can you satisfy Ah Nan? Occupy him alone and be careful to die of exhaustion on the bed." Zhao Xiaomin warned.

Little Chuxi couldn't help but blush, Zhao Xiaomin really didn't choose what to say, but what she said made sense, Su Nan was really...

She has no confidence at all.

Chu Xi fell silent, Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes, and approached with a smile: "For the sake of the harmony between the three of us in the future, it's better for the two of us tonight..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan entered Qin Xiaowan's room, saw that she was just a little scared, and she was fine, so she comforted her for a while, and then went back to her room again.

As soon as he came in, he felt that the atmosphere in the room was a bit subtle.

Zhao Xiaomin changed the bed with new sheets, and sat on the bed with Chuxi. The two of them sat very close to each other, with a quilt covering their stomachs. Zhao Xiaomin had a slightly shy expression, as if she was talking about something embarrassing to Chuxi.

Normally, their relationship is not too close, and occasionally they will be jealous of each other. Such a harmonious scene is rare.

No, it's not harmonious either. Xiao Chuxi seemed to be in shock and didn't react for a while.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomin hooked her fingers on the bed.

Seeing her provocative eyes, Su Nan vaguely grasped something, the joke Zhao Xiaomin made during the day must not be true.

Feeling slightly agitated, he locked the door behind him and climbed into bed pretending to be calm.

Seeing him coming up, Zhao Xiaomin actually moved her buttocks to give him the middle seat.

Su Nan's heartbeat began to speed up, and she sat down, her body was next to the girls on both sides, each of them transmitted an astonishing amount of heat from them, and the air was accompanied by the girl's faint fragrance, making her heart soft.

Su Nan took a deep breath and stretched out two hands to touch the waists of the two girls. In the past, this was an act of death, but at this moment he was a little impulsive, and Zhao Xiaomin's hint made him even bolder.

Zhao Xiaomin hugged her slender waist very smoothly, and she turned her head and gave him a gentle smile, leaning over and half touching him.

It's just that Chu Xi encountered resistance and was pinched on the back of his hand.

Sensing Xiao Chuxi's resistance, Su Nan was about to withdraw her hand when Zhao Xiaomin bumped into him, causing him to fall to Chuxi. Facing Zhao Xiaomin's assist, Su Nan hugged Xiao Chuxi's slender body waist.

Xiao Chuxi twisted her body to resist, but she was afraid of exposing her body, so she finally acquiesced in Su Nan's behavior, her face blushing because she couldn't be seen by others.

Su Nan was excited and was about to do something when Zhao Xiaomin whispered in his ear, "You can't do bad things today, so let's just do this first?"

Su Nan suppressed the restlessness in her heart and nodded.

But can he really do nothing?

Obviously it is impossible, just leaning against Xiao Chuxi like this is extremely impulsive, let alone Zhao Xiaomin by his side, the thought of having both of them at the same time makes Su Nan feel a sense of excitement, and the feeling of impulsiveness becomes more and more intense. strong.

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