"I'll help you."

She left the seat and replaced Su Nan with her. She was a little hungry at this time, so she sat by the bed and ate silently while watching Su Nan play games.

Naturally, Su Nan was not in the mood to play games, even if he had a girlfriend, so he was beaten to death on purpose.

"Stupid." Chu Xi said, her tone was a little joyful, and she seemed very happy to see that Su Nan's skills were worse than hers.

"Stop playing." Pretending to be angry and turning off the computer, Su Nan left the computer, walked over to sit beside Chu Xi, and turned to watch her eat.

Little Chuxi was slightly embarrassed, and stopped after two bites, "I'm full."

"Are you full? Then let's play something else." Su Nan said enthusiastically, and sat closer to her.

Little Chuxi's cheeks were red again, she put her things on the bed, got up, walked over to sit in front of the computer, and said normally, "I'll play two more games."

Su Nan smiled and wanted to tease her. At this moment, someone sent him a WeChat message, took it out to see, it was from a senior sister, and invited him to her house.

It will take at least two hours to go out, Chu Xi will definitely doubt it, but it is difficult to refuse the promise to the senior sister.

Su Nan stared at Chu Xi who was pretending to be playing games, and had a plan in mind, and picked up what she had left after eating: "I'll go out to wash the dishes, and then I'll go out to give you toothbrushes and towels, and you lock the door."

Then leave the room.

When Su Nan came to the senior sister's door, Su Nan rang the doorbell, and the senior sister seemed to be waiting for him behind the door. As soon as the doorbell rang, the door opened, looked at him with a smile, pulled him in, and closed the door again.

Su Nan touched her senior's waist habitually, feeling the slipperiness and asked with a smile, "Senior, what are we doing tonight?"

"What do you want to do?" Senior sister snuggled halfway into his arms, and asked him with a rosy face and a smile, the faint fragrance penetrated into Su Nan's nostrils.

He didn't speak, hugged senior sister, and took a deep breath on her body.

Zhan Weiling lay in his arms and whispered, "Xiao Nan only wants to do bad things?"

"Isn't it the love feeling that senior sister wants?" Su Nan chuckled, and suddenly couldn't help saying that she picked up senior sister and walked to the sofa. There is a high probability that she will sleep with Chu Xi tonight, but she can't bully her, after all, she is so petite. The main body couldn't bear it at all, and Su Nan didn't have much confidence in her own stopping power, so she should ask her senior sister for help.

Suddenly being hugged by him like this, Zhan Weiling exclaimed in a low voice, and then felt that she was placed on the sofa to lie down.

At first, Zhan Weiling twisted her delicate body to express her dissatisfaction, but she soon softened. Isn't that why he made him pay for two hours a day? Su Nan was too eager today, making her feel like she was being used to replace her. Yes, but boys, there is always a time when you need it.

A few minutes later, Su Nan let go of her senior, and looked down at her. At this time, her face was like peach blossoms, her misty eyes were as charming as the night, and her two thin lips were as bright as pearls, reflecting a faint light.

Su Nan felt that a string called reason in her heart was broken.

After waiting for the senior sister to breathe easier, I couldn't help but ask her: "Senior sister, I want you, is that okay?"

Zhan Weiling's half-closed eyes widened instantly, and she stared blankly at Su Nan. She saw seriousness in Su Nan's eyes, her heart beat faster for a moment, she subconsciously closed her eyes, her eyelids became more obvious, and her eyelashes kept trembling.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Su Nan regretted it, and quickly said guiltily: "I'm sorry, senior sister, think I said something wrong."

Said that Su Nan got off the senior sister, sat on the side and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He shouldn't say such things to the senior sister on impulse, especially since he already has Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin, he can't do that to the senior sister. He didn't make any promises, and getting along with his senior sister so smoothly these two days made him overwhelmed with complacency.

Zhan Weiling's face turned pale, she got up and hugged his arm and asked in a low voice, "Why did you suddenly change your focus? What did senior sister do wrong?"

Turning her head to look at the flustered senior sister, Su Nan was taken aback, for some reason, her mood was a little bit better, so she was so nervous about herself.

"There's nothing wrong with senior, it's because I didn't respect senior." Su Nan said apologetically.

Zhan Weiling breathed a sigh of relief, and said shyly: "This is not disrespect, when the love is strong, you should move forward like this, and I didn't say no, why are you so anxious?"

"Uh..." Su Nan felt guilty again.

Zhan Weiling swallowed her saliva, and said nervously: "If Xiao Nan wants... Senior sister can give it to you."

She hugged Su Nan's arm unconsciously, and her face turned red in an instant as if she was about to bleed, but there was nothing to hesitate, and it wasn't that she hadn't done it before, it was just a replacement for herself.

Su Nan was surprised for a while.

After saying that, Zhan Weiling calmed down a lot, resting her head on Su Nan's shoulder, her face was gentle: "Xiao Nan doesn't have to worry about what senior sister will ask you, as long as Xiao Nan doesn't forget me."

What she meant was that after having a relationship, she would not use this to force him to leave Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin. Su Nan was moved and full of pity. The senior sister was willing to make such a big sacrifice for him, but he was even more unwilling Having sex with senior sister so lightly.

But Zhan Weiling seemed to see through his thoughts, leaned into his ear and said with a charming smile: "Why, the senior sister has already talked to this point, isn't Xiao Nan going to do something?"

Her hand slipped down from Su Nan's chest accurately...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Senior sister accidentally got her hands dirty, so she had to wash her hands.

After washing her hands, she lay comfortably in Su Nan's arms, raised her head and kissed him, smiling sweetly: "I washed my hands and rinsed my mouth, do you want to kiss me?"

"Let me see." Su Nan said and kissed her, and then they closed their eyes and kissed.

Separated after a while, Zhan Weiling took Su Nan's hand and put it on her chest, letting his palm feel her active heartbeat, and asked him, "Do you want to do more?" Her voice was charming.

Although Zhan Weiling smiled, she was helpless, she had clearly agreed that she didn't mind, but Su Nan would rather endure it than touch her, at most she would just play tricks.

It seems that the previous performance put Su Nan under psychological pressure. Before she made it clear that she would not mind Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, the last step was difficult to overcome.

But it's not without opportunities. Su Nan seems to be much more impulsive than ordinary people, and maybe he will hit a home run with an opportunity.

Thinking of some indescribable things, Zhan Weiling couldn't help but feel dizzy on her pretty face, and her heart thumped. She glanced at Su Nan as if she wanted to test it out, but she was too embarrassed to say it.

"What's the matter?" Su Nan asked, his palm keenly felt the strangeness of the senior, her heartbeat accelerated, like a deer bumping wildly.

Suddenly Zhan Weiling bit her lip, held back Su Nan's troublesome hand with shame, guided her tremblingly, her tone also trembled, and Qiao Xiaoqian said: "Reciprocity is a gift." The senior sister's hand came from Su Nan's chest slid down and landed on his crotch. He flexibly untied the chain of his trousers, took out his cock and fiddled with it, with a hint of excitement in his expression.

Su Nan didn't expect her senior to be so sudden, but she still sighed comfortably. He wanted to vent his desire at first, but being manipulated by her soft and boneless little hands made him feel very comfortable, and he lost all thoughts.

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