"It's about the same as you." Su Nan replied, seeing that Zhao Xiaomin didn't seem to care much, she was relieved.

"How far have you developed with senior sister?" Zhao Xiaomin asked him curiously after changing a more comfortable position in his arms.

A little bit awkward, being asked by my girlfriend about my progress with another girl.

"It can be overthrown." Zhao Xiaomin said to himself: "I am willing to be like this by you, and other things should be fine. Has Ah Nan ever thought about having a relationship with senior sister?"

Judging from the last time, Zhan Weiling and Su Nan didn't take the last step at that time, that is, their relationship has developed by leaps and bounds recently, but I'm not sure if they have a relationship, Zhao Xiaomin's words are testing.

It was almost there last night, but of course I can't say such things.

Su Nan shook her head: "No, senior sister still cares about our relationship."

"I think she wants to monopolize Ah Nan's heart, and then marry you in the future. As for Chuxi and I, we can only be mistresses and mistresses. It doesn't matter what I say, but Chuxi will definitely disagree." Zhao Xiaomin said maliciously Guess said.

Marriage in a harem has always been a difficult problem in modern society, and it’s not like the early online urban novels, where the protagonist brings a group of female immigrants to a small polygamous country. Everyone’s roots are in the country, so it’s so easy to give up. of.What's more, the protagonists of other people's novels hang everything in the end. Although Su Nan has a golden finger, he feels that he is still an ordinary person.

Su Nan didn't continue talking about this issue, feeling that it was too far away, he asked Zhao Xiaomin: "Is your sister okay?"

Zhao Xiaomin's face suddenly became gloomy, and Su Nan couldn't help frowning. Is Zhao Junmin's condition serious?But why didn't Zhao Xiaomin mention it to herself.

After reacting, Zhao Xiaomin hurriedly explained: "Junmin... probably has a psychological problem. She has been a little depressed these days, and she will be fine in a few days. Don't worry, Ah Nan."

When she said this, Su Nan became even more worried. The words "psychological problems" reminded Su Nan of that weekend, whether Zhao Junmin felt guilty for his sister who had been with her day and night after doing that to him.

Although Zhao Junmin has always acted like a slut when facing him, it doesn't mean that she doesn't feel any guilt in her heart. Like some bad guys, they always feel guilty while doing bad things.

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan became firm and said, "I'll accompany you home after school in the afternoon, and take a look at Junmin by the way."

He is also responsible for Zhao Junmin becoming like this. He didn't make a strong refusal at that time. This time, he planned to find an opportunity to chat with Zhao Junmin, hoping to eliminate the grudge in her heart.

"Uh..." Zhao Xiaomin's eyes flashed with panic, and he said with a dry smile, "No need, it's not a big deal."

"You are my girlfriend, your business is my business." Su Nan insisted.

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaomin was both moved and confused, she didn't know how to reject Ah Nan, she didn't know what to do for a while, but it was not suitable for her sister to see Ah Nan at this time.

Of course, it's not like she didn't have unbelievable thoughts in her heart. For example, her sister is like herself, and she can't live without Su Nan for the rest of her life, so they will be together forever. But this thought is just fleeting. Junmin is her sister. She can accept sharing Su Nan with others, but it doesn't mean that her younger sister can accept it, and she is not willing to force her younger sister. Besides, it's such absurd thing that sisters serve a man together.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xiaomin said softly, "Junmin is in a bad mood, maybe she doesn't want to see people."

Su Nan frowned, and said, "I'll accompany you back home, if I can't do it, I'll leave and I won't meet Jun Min."

Zhao Xiaomin breathed a sigh of relief, so that she could accept it.

"Thank you, Ah Nan." She couldn't help holding Su Nan's face, no matter what, Su Nan's concern for her moved her very much, and she moved her face closer to kiss him.

Su Nan remembered what she had done to her senior just now, and subconsciously avoided it. Zhao Xiaomin fixed his head with both hands, and said seriously, "I don't mind."

Then kissed him.

The two stopped after a while, hugged each other tightly, and could feel each other's violent heartbeat.

Like her senior just now, Su Nan refrained from doing anything to Zhao Xiaomin, he didn't lose his mind, besides, he was almost satisfied last night.

On the other hand, Zhao Xiaomin was thinking about taking Su Nan home in the afternoon, and tried not to tell her sister when the time came, and asked Su Nan to sit in the living room outside for a while, and then tactfully told him that Jun Min was in a bad mood and didn't want to see anyone.

It was almost time, and the two went back to class.

After school, Su Nan was going to find Zhao Xiaomin, but received a WeChat message from the class monitor asking him how he felt about today's news, but Su Nan ignored it.

But this time the squad leader obviously wouldn't let it go, he went straight to him and knocked on his desk: "Su Nan, come out, I have something to tell you."

Many classmates are still around, including many who usually have a good relationship with the class monitor, and even boys who pursue her. Su Nan is too low-key in class, and Lu Ying doesn't interact with him much, so it's a bit of a behavior to call him out in public. Surprising.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The monitor walked out of the classroom after speaking, without giving Su Nan a chance to object.

Although the time wasn't right, Su Nan finally got up and walked out of the classroom after the squad leader took action.

After leaving the classroom, the squad leader didn't stay, but went straight to the roof. Their class was in a tall building, and it was quite close to the roof.

Because the activity room was moved, the iron door on the landing was removed, but the door leading to the roof was still locked.

The squad leader stopped in front of the door, turned around and said to Su Nan, "You have the key, right?"

Actually brought herself here, Su Nan became more and more sure that she was uneasy and kind to her, so don't blame him for being rude.

With her head down, a hint of amusement flashed in her eyes, Su Nan stepped forward and opened the door.

After the squad leader went up to the top of the building, he frowned when he saw Su Nan close the door, but he didn't pay much attention and looked around curiously.

Su Nan locked the door, and her eyes fell on the squad leader. Today, the squad leader is still wearing a skirt, with two white legs exposed, and the scar on his knee is getting lighter and lighter.

It was in the afternoon at this time, and the sun was not so fierce. It shone on the squad leader, making her skin and smooth long hair seem to be dyed a layer of golden yellow, and her whole body seemed to be full of holy breath.

But when he thinks that such a monitor is actually a slut who has dirty thoughts about him behind his back, Su Nan feels a little strange, which makes him feel very strange, it seems that he has some changes compared to before, and now he seems to be able to Face up to your own desires, and you won't feel that a certain girl is unattainable.

The squad leader didn't notice Su Nan looking at her. She walked towards the deserted wooden room and said, "This is where you, Chuxi and the others are active? Why don't you use it?"

She came up for the second time, curiously opened the door and entered inside.

Su Nan's heart moved. The squad leader and him came to the rooftop where there was no one. He didn't even say anything when he locked the door. He didn't seem worried at all. This made him feel that he was underestimated, or that the other party even expected him to do something. .

Thinking of this, Su Nan followed into the room.

The squad leader looked inside the room for a while and saw that the chairs were covered with dust, so he didn't sit down, turned around and stared at Su Nan and asked, "What do you thank for the news I showed you earlier?"

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