Qin Xiaowan also found that she could move. With a thought, she glanced around the room. Because she was not familiar with it at first, her head hit the ceiling. It felt like touching something, but it didn't hurt.

Qin Xiaowan touched the ceiling curiously, a little strange, it is obviously a ghost, why can't it go through the wall, it's too weak, she still wants to go back to her room to see her dead body.

She tried to float towards the door and opened it with both hands, but she couldn't twist it. Although she could feel it, it seemed that the concept of "door" didn't exist for her, and the door was like a wall.

In desperation, Qin Xiaowan had no choice but to wait in the room for Su Nan to come back, and then she was troubled by another question, since it was a ghost, could Su Nan see her?

Of course, she hopes to be seen, so that she won't be too lonely, but she is worried that she will frighten Su Nan, but she has no clothes on her body as a ghost, and all kinds of secrets are exposed. It would be too shameful if she was seen .

Qin Xiaowan recalled the ghost movies she had seen, it seemed that those ghosts had clothes to wear, they must not be real, they should be conjured up?

She became interested, closed her eyes and experimented. After a while, she opened her eyes, and the key points on her body were covered.

Qin Xiaowan was a little excited, and then imagined a dress she was wearing today. She found that as long as she fantasized, she could have whatever she wanted, so even if she turned into a ghost, it would be a little comforting.

Just a moment later, Qin Xiaowan's small face collapsed, the suit dissipated as soon as it appeared, and even the key points of small objects faintly showed signs of dissipating, and the inside of her body felt empty for a while, as if she lacked strength.

She had to give up thinking about clothes, but it would be too embarrassing to wear only underwear.

After thinking about it, Qin Xiaowan removed her underwear and closed her eyes to fantasize. After a while, she opened her eyes with helpless eyes.She has an extra set of sexy translucent silk pajamas with suspenders. They say they are pajamas, but they are actually similar to sexy clothes. Too much power, because of the transparency, some key points are revealed.

That's not okay, it's too sensual, but she doesn't want to just wear underwear.

With an idea, Qin Xiaowan made some key parts of the pajamas thicker and darker, to the point where nothing was exposed.

Looking at herself again, Qin Xiaowan felt relieved, even if Su Nan could see her, it wouldn't make people too shy.

Then, she floated around the room, looking here and there, waiting for Su Nan to come back while killing time.

When Su Nan got home, the first thing she did was to knock on Qin Xiaowan's door. This girl was really naughty to keep her from class without telling him. As Qin Xiaowan's current supervisor, even if she was a pervert, Su Nan couldn't leave her alone. .

After knocking on the door for a while, no one opened it. Su Nan frowned, and twisted it directly. The door was unlocked and opened.

Su Nan walked in and saw Qin Xiaowan sleeping on the bed, her posture was very indecent, her skirt was turned up to her belly, and she was wearing his fat clothes underneath.

Su Nan sighed with a headache, and backed out silently. If Qin Xiaowan was woken up at this time, she might not be able to bear it.

After leaving Qin Xiaowan's room, Su Nan remembered that her phone was out of battery, and she might have to go out with her senior later, so she went back to the room to charge it, but the moment she opened the door, her eyelids twitched violently, and a sexy white figure floated in the middle of the room , the body is actually translucent!

At this moment, goosebumps appeared all over Su Nan's body. His first thought was to turn around and run away, but he held back. If it was really a ghost, there was a high probability that he couldn't escape, so what should he do?

After Su Nan opened the door, Qin Xiaowan stared at his face for the first time, trying to analyze whether he could see her from the expression on his face.

Su Nan found that the ghost was only staring at him and didn't attack him. He was taken aback and realized that he didn't look at the ghost. Instead, he walked into the room calmly and charged his phone.

During this process, the ghost kept staring at him, and even floated very close to him, thus directly exposing her body in front of Su Nan.

The female ghost's translucent pajamas couldn't block anything at all, except for some key points, Su Nan could see everything else, and even had a hazy beauty.

At this time, the appearance of the female ghost also came into Su Nan's eyes. She was about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a very delicate face. The facial features were perfectly combined, and her face was as white as snow, but it was translucent, so it seemed a bit out of harmony.

This female ghost is so beautiful.

Su Nan thought to himself, the scene in front of him even made him feel impulsive, but when he thought that the other party was a ghost, it was like pouring a basin of cold water, and he lost all thoughts.

The female ghost still didn't attack him, as if she was watching his expression.

Su Nan had the bottom line in his heart, pretending that he couldn't see the female ghost, turned around and walked out of the room after charging his phone, the moment he turned around, he seemed to see a trace of disappointment flashing in the ghost's eyes.

what happened?Wish I saw her?

This female ghost must not be too lonely, will she be sucked up at night?

After walking out of the room, Su Nan closed the door, but the female ghost flew out of the room with a whoosh.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan's body froze for a while, but she quickly recovered, and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. In short, everything should be more natural.

At this time, it is the best choice to pretend to go out and run away, but first, Su Nan doesn't know whether the female ghost will keep up with her, and second, she is worried that Qin Xiaowan will be targeted after she leaves.

When Qin Xiaowan was called, based on that girl's temper, it was estimated that she would go to the bottom of the matter, and it would be bad if she said something wrong and was suspected by the female ghost.

Anyway, the female ghost didn't show any aggressiveness now, so let's wait and see for now, and then find a way to escape with Qin Xiaowan if it doesn't work.

On the way to the kitchen, Su Nan was watching the female ghost out of the corner of her eye, and found that the female ghost ran to Qin Xiaowan's door and looked around, as if she wanted to go in.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat. Why did she enter Xiao Wan's room? Could it be that she was hostile to Xiao Wan?

And why this female ghost can't pass through the wall, could it be that she doesn't have this ability?

In this case, it will be even more impossible to wake Xiaowan up.

Su Nan couldn't walk too slowly, so as not to arouse suspicion. When he entered the kitchen, he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but found that the female ghost followed him in.

Su Nan had no choice but to start cooking and cooking, trying to behave normally so as not to arouse the female ghost's suspicion.

When he was busy, the female ghost floated around him, her bright eyes were staring at him closely, making him dare not relax in the slightest.

"Why can't you see me?" the female ghost muttered softly, giving a feeling that she was very depressed.

Su Nan was even more sure that the female ghost was too lonely, which made him a little relieved, as long as it didn't harm others, everything would be easy to handle.

It's just that she is a female ghost after all, although she is very beautiful, so beautiful that he has an urge to fall in love with a female ghost, but the fear of ghosts overwhelms her lust, so Su Nan is still quite nervous.

After finishing today's dinner as quickly as possible, Su Nan then sat at the dining table to eat dinner alone without waking Qin Xiaowan up.

The female ghost has no ability to penetrate walls and has been following him. Su Nan has an idea, planning to lure the female ghost back to the room and lock her up later, and then run away with Qin Xiaowan.

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