She and Zhao Xiaomin are used to all kinds of intimate contact with Su Nan, this level can't make them feel ashamed at all, but they can't contact Su Nan.

"I'll go to the bathroom to see if there are any clothes she changed last night." After Zhao Xiaomin finished speaking, she left the room. Even though Chu Xi felt that such behavior was abnormal, she didn't stop her. The discomfort at this moment made her lose her mind.

After a while, Zhao Xiaomin came back, panting heavily with her back leaning against the door, and said slowly, "Last night's clothes...washed."

Chu Xi was a little disappointed, walked to Su Nan's bed and sat down, frowning.

Unable to find a way to make themselves ashamed, if this continues, they will be punished again, and this time they are together.

It's just that at their level, unless they face Su Nan directly, many actions will not have much effect.

After thinking about it, Chu Xi couldn't think of a solution. Chu Xi sighed in his heart, gave up, and accepted the fact that he would be punished later, but he didn't feel sad in his heart. After all, he had experienced so many times, but he was just slightly embarrassed.

Zhao Xiaomin hesitated, walked over and sat beside Chu Xi, took out his phone and clicked to play a video.

Chu Xi was a little surprised by her actions, and couldn't help but look down at the screen of her phone.

Zhao Xiaomin blushed a little, she lowered her voice a bit, but as the video played, there was still a shameful voice, and the owner of the voice was Zhao Xiaomin herself.

When Chu Xi realized it, she was in a delicate mood, both surprised and apprehensive. This was actually a selfie video of Zhao Xiaomin and Su Nan. How could Zhao Xiaomin have the courage to show it in front of her!

Before she could speak, Zhao Xiaomin said in a low voice, "I took pictures for fun, and I didn't miss anything. Anyway, there is no other way. Let's try."

At this time, Chu Xi had been tortured to the point of losing his mind. Even though he was jealous, he couldn't help but move his head to watch the video of her and Su Nan with Zhao Xiaomin.

The one-minute or so video was played quickly. They were lying on the bed together, a little speechless. Although they felt ashamed, it was not enough for treatment. Because Chu Xi was not the protagonist, the effect was very mediocre, while Zhao Xiaomin... was purely His face became thicker, especially in front of Chu Xi.

Zhao Xiaomin threw the phone aside, turned over and hugged Chuxi tightly: "I think we should give up struggling. Speaking of which, I kind of miss those days, and I'm looking forward to being with you this time, Chuxi."

As she spoke, Zhao Xiaomin's voice became softer, like talking in a dream.

Chu Xi also slowly closed his eyes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In a daze, Chu Xi opened his eyes and found that he was still lying on Su Nan's bed, and he hadn't turned into anything strange.

But she didn't feel relieved, it was the same last time, nothing happened during the day, but at night she turned into little Chuxi and came to Su Nan's house, and suffered all kinds of shameful treatment, the punishment this time may be the same as last time.

It seems that at the third time, the punishment will be different because of the long time span. It is normal during the day, and it will become a strange thing at night.

At this time, the rice was ready to cook, and although Chu Xi was a little tangled, she didn't feel sad, but just shy about what she was about to encounter next, especially this time with Zhao Xiaomin.

Thinking of Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi turned her head to the side, ready to see Zhao Xiaomin's state at the moment, but at this moment, a familiar face came into her eyes.

Skin as white as fat, face with delicate features, and black hair like waterfalls like forging, giving people a soft and beautiful temperament in a deep sleep.

Everything is so familiar.

Isn't this yourself?

Chu Xi looked at his own face in front of him, and was a little confused, why could she see his own face!

Suddenly Chu Xi reacted, his face was startled, he put his hand on his chest and kneaded it, his hand froze, feeling the fullness of his chest.

She definitely doesn't have a career line of this scale. Thinking of the girl lying next to her who looks exactly like her and even has the same clothes, she still doesn't understand that she and Zhao Xiaomin have swapped bodies.

A feeling of absurdity welled up in her heart, she turned into Zhao Xiaomin, wouldn't she want to use Zhao Xiaomin's body to be bullied by Su Nan?After all, Su Nan had no resistance to her in the punishment state.

To make matters worse, Zhao Xiaomin turned into her. That was her real body, not a temporary substitute. It also had a strong temptation for Su Nan. Should she lose her virginity like this? She didn't even feel it.

While she was in a daze, Zhao Xiaomin woke up, opened her eyes and looked at her in front of her, and said in a daze, "How did I see myself?"

As she said that, Zhao Xiaomin stretched out her hand and touched her face, her expression became more confused, so real.She slowly lowered her hand, put it on her chest and kneaded it, and said with a strange look: "It is indeed my body, but why is it like this?"

She was so sleepy that she couldn't react for a while.

Sensitive parts were rubbed, and Chu Xi bit her lip, feeling weird. Although it wasn't her body, she was using it now, which was equivalent to her own body.

I don't know if it's because of the punishment, or because Zhao Xiaomin's body has been overexploited by Su Nan, but the kneading at this moment actually made her feel strange.

Zhao Xiaomin rubbed harder and harder, Chu Xi quickly knocked off her hand, sat up, gasped and said to her, "We switched bodies."


Zhao Xiaomin looked at Chu Xi in confusion, and then realized that she also got up. While touching her flat chest, she turned her head and looked at her body next to her. No, this is Chu Xi now.

Looking at Chu Xi who was pushing against her body, Zhao Xiaomin looked surprised: "Is this our punishment this time? Body swapping, but it's too ordinary."

They were in a coma together before, but now they switched bodies after waking up. Obviously this is the punishment this time.

However, although Zhao Xiaomin was surprised, she was not surprised. After all, she and her sister had exchanged bodies last time, so she felt that the punishment this time was a bit too ordinary.

Although Chu Xi doesn't think that exchanging bodies is a very common thing, she also agrees with Zhao Xiaomin's words. Compared with becoming a game heroine, becoming a figure, and becoming smaller and more transparent, this time it is really not so bizarre. You must know that this is their This is the fourth time I have been punished. Even if the punishment does not become more serious, it will at least be similar to the previous one.

Could there be other changes besides the interactive body?

For some reason Chu Xi felt a little uneasy.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't think too much about it, she was interested in touching her new body at this time, after understanding what the punishment was, she quickly calmed down, not only not sad, but also found it quite interesting.She didn't reject punishment at all, and sometimes even regarded it as a kind of fun, but she just hated the pain she had to go through before the punishment.

But now it's time for punishment, so there's no need to care about it.

"Don't mess with my body!" Seeing her playing with her body with great interest, Chu Xi was ashamed and weird, and also felt very depressed.

"It's just touching, I didn't do anything, don't you use my body now?" Zhao Xiaomin said with a look of 'don't be stingy', which made Chu Xi helpless.

While playing, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly remembered something, and his face became very weird, "Hey, Chu Xi, are you still a virgin?"

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