However, Zhao Xiaomin felt that it was really unbearable. After thinking about it, Ah Nan bullied herself like this.

She was tightly wrapped in the quilt, looking at the erotic palace in front of her, her hands moved quietly under the quilt.

With Su Nan's efforts, his girlfriend showed a satisfied expression, but suddenly, a white light flashed under her body, and Su Nan closed her eyes subconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, Su Nan was stunned. He found that his girlfriend, Zhao Xiaomin, seemed to have grown up all of a sudden. The face that was still a little childish at the moment became very charming, as if at least ten years older, and also Become more beautiful and moving, giving people a different kind of charm.Not only that, but her figure has also become plump, she is taller, and her legs look more slender, as if she is ripe.

My girlfriend, from seventeen years old to twenty-six or seventeen years old, exudes a ripe aura all the time, like a ripe peach, one can't help but take a bite.

Su Nan looked at her stupidly, unable to react.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhao Xiaomin, who was hiding under the blanket, was a little confused when she saw her body, which suddenly changed from a young girl to a mature woman in her twenties. Could this be the punishment this time?

But how did you grow up?

Su Nan was stunned for a while, and quickly realized that he was too obsessed with them and the strange changes in front of him. He realized that some major changes had taken place in Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi.

At this moment, he calmed down a bit, lay down next to his girlfriend who had become Sister Yu, and hugged her. Before the girlfriend noticed the change in herself, she closed her eyes and rested.

Su Nan turned to look at the girl under the quilt, and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

He felt an irresistible charm in both of them, so this time they should have encountered some strange changes together.

Zhao Xiaomin got out of the bed, got into Su Nan's arms and lay down, sighed comfortably, and said, "I'm not Chu Xi."

She seems unable to say her name, but as long as she denies that she is Chuxi, Su Nan will definitely get it.

Su Nan frowned, and said in surprise: "You mean, you exchanged bodies?"

Zhao Xiaomin nodded.

Su Nan's face became very strange, that is to say, it was Chu Xi who had been with him just now.

Turning her head to look at Chu Xi who seemed to have passed out, at the moment she was leaning against Zhao Xiaomin's adult body, Su Nan felt weird, but felt a little irritated for no reason, probably because she was attracted.

"What's going on?" Su Nan asked.

"We don't know either. When we were in your room, we passed out and woke up like this." Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to lie because he couldn't tell the reason.

Su Nan nodded slightly, and didn't ask in detail, anyway, they wouldn't tell the real reason.

Then he looked at the girl and sister Yu beside him. Although it was strange to switch bodies, he quickly accepted the fact that things like becoming smaller, becoming foxes, and game heroines had happened before. His acceptance The ability is much stronger, and the only thing I don't understand now is why Chuxi still grows up after switching bodies with Zhao Xiaomin, but Zhao Xiaomin doesn't.

Seeing that he was deep in thought, Zhao Xiaomin knew what he was thinking, and guessed, "A Nan, do you think it's because of you?"

Su Nan was stunned. If it was because of him that Chu Xi, who was using Zhao Xiaomin's body, grew up, then the reason is actually obvious. He only did one thing to Chu Xi just now.

It's just that the setting is dirty.

Zhao Xiaomin obviously also thought of this, and looked at him with a smile: "Why don't you do it again, Ah Nan, and find a way to change Chu Xi back, so you can't go to school tomorrow."

"We'll talk about it when she wakes up." Su Nan was a little moved, but she didn't show it at all.

Zhao Xiaomin, who was familiar with him, knew what he was thinking and how impulsive he was.

"Ah Nan, go on looking for Chuxi." Zhao Xiaomin whispered in his ear.

Feeling the temperature of Su Nan's body and sniffing the smell of his body, Zhao Xiaomin actually had an uncontrollable urge, but unfortunately it was not her body, so she could only endure it.

Gritting her teeth, Zhao Xiaomin forced herself to leave Su Nan, crawled to lie down next to Chu Xi, and used Chu Xi to separate herself from Su Nan.

She pushed Chu Xi, "Hey, don't pretend to be asleep, go help Ah Nan!"

Chu Xi, who was pretending to be asleep, had to open his eyes, met Su Nan's surprised eyes, blushed and turned to the other side, while covering his body with his hands.

"That's my body, what's blocking it?" Zhao Xiaomin jokingly said, taking her hand away, Chu Xi wanted to resist, but at this time she didn't have much strength, she was not Zhao Xiaomin's opponent.

"Ah Nan, transform my body back." Zhao Xiaomin said to Su Nan after grabbing Chuxi, like an assistant.

Her words made Chu Xi blush. If she really did what Zhao Xiaomin said, wouldn't she mean that she would be treated like Su Nan in front of Zhao Xiaomin...

Uh, it happened once just now.

Su Nan was a little moved, but seeing that Chu Xi seemed reluctant, she shook her head: "Maybe it's not the reason."

"Why not, Chuxi grew up after being fucked by you, Ah Nan must be caring about this guy's feelings, but this is my body, I allow Ah Nan to do whatever she wants." Zhao Xiaomin Speaking generously, her body was trembling, and her tone was not so indifferent.

Chu Xi was stunned, and suddenly realized that Zhao Xiaomin must be suppressing his impulse, suppressing himself from throwing himself into Su Nan's arms.

The reason why Zhao Xiaomin did this was for her.

Chu Xi took a deep breath, quietly grabbed Su Nan's palm, blushed and whispered, "Munan..."

Su Nan couldn't bear it anymore.

A burst of white light enveloped Chu Xi again, Su Nan stared at it with wide eyes, and Zhao Xiaomin, who was patient alone beside him, was also attracted and looked over curiously.

After the white light disappeared, what appeared in front of my eyes was not a seventeen-year-old body, nor was it Yujie who was in her twenties, but a more mature one, as if in her thirties, with a strong temperament of a wife and a mother, exuding all over her body. It exudes the breath of a mature woman and motherhood.

Although she looks like a mature woman in her thirties, her appearance is still very young, her face is still fair and smooth, but her body has become more plump, especially her career line, which seems to be larger than that of Yujie. .

Su Nan couldn't help but put his hand on it. Under the force of his hand, his chest deformed, and something flew out, onto his face and mouth.

Su Nan tasted it, her face was speechless, it was sweet, this is something similar to milk, it must be human milk.

"It's milk." Zhao Xiaomin wiped Su Nan's face with his finger, put it in his mouth, tasted it and said, then added: "It's my milk."

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