Generally speaking, Lu Ying only perverts herself, and the reason for the perversion may be only because of her sexuality. The resentment in Su Nan's heart is not as serious as before.

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan planned to go to Zhao Ruomin and bring Junmin's cell phone back to her, but Lu Ying asked him to meet him on the rooftop on WeChat.

It was really bad enough that he was almost seen only at noon, and then he got angry again at this time.

Su Nan didn't intend to go to the appointment, and replied: "I'm not free, sometimes we can talk about it tomorrow."

In addition to finding Zhao Ruomin, he also planned to go back to meet the ghost girl to see if she was still there, and he didn't want to delay.

But Lu Ying didn't think so. He was not tempted when he was asked out by a beautiful woman. He must have gone to flirt with other girls, and he touched his thighs. Isn't he satisfied? He has to eat hot tofu impatiently. A dead scum.

Lu Ying secretly complained in her heart.

Originally, she planned to ask Su Nan about the matter at noon, so that she could feel at ease, but at this time Lu Ying forgot about it, stomped her feet and hurried downstairs, and she must not let Su Nan go for sex.

Su Nan left the class after replying to Lu Ying. On the way, she asked Zhao Ruomin which class she was in through WeChat on the way, and planned to find her. Suddenly, Su Nan remembered something. Place an order in time and let the courier deliver it to the school.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, I'm in Class 16, Senior One, waiting for you to come over!"

Zhao Ruomin's voice sounded very excited.

Su Nan couldn't help laughing, this girl treats him like a brother-in-law, but she has a single mind, it's weird to be called brother-in-law at school.

"Come down, I'll wait for you downstairs." Su Nan also sent a voice message to her, and then went to wait under the senior one teaching building.

He looked at the entrance of the corridor, looking for Zhao Ruomin's figure, but a hand behind him stretched out to cover his eyes, and the girl said mysteriously: "Guess who I am."

Su Nan was a little speechless, at least his voice changed, so he could hear it completely.

"Ruomin." But Su Nan still replied, after taking those hands away, he turned around and looked at the slim girl in front of him, the girl looked at him with a bright smile, her eyes seemed to be shining brightly, as if she was looking at something she liked .

"Brother-in-law is so smart." Zhao Ruomin smiled and rolled his eyes.

Su Nan felt that she was flattering herself, and she was in a good mood. She smiled and took out her mobile phone to her: "Your sister's mobile phone, help me take it back to her. By the way, I said last time that I would give you a mobile phone. Do you like it?" which one?"

After Su Nan handed the mobile phone to Zhao Ruomin, she took out her mobile phone, clicked on the shopping app, and handed it to her.

Zhao Ruomin tilted his head to look at it, frowned and said, "It's so hard to choose, brother-in-law help me choose, I want the one that can play games."

Probably Zhao Ruomin didn't know much about mobile phones, so Su Nan had to choose by herself, and the price didn't need to be too high, about one or two thousand, if you only need to play games, this kind of mobile phone is very good.

Soon Su Nan picked out one, and after placing the order, she was going to tell Zhao Ruomin the news to make her happy, but she heard a familiar recording, the voice was from him and Zhao Xiaomin, which was the dubbing connection between him and Zhao Ruomin before.

Su Nan was stunned, why did Zhao Junmin's phone have recordings of him and Zhao Xiaomin?

"My sister is biased, but she won't listen to me for my sister!" Zhao Ruomin angrily accused him of her sister's partiality while playing the audio.

Su Nan's mood was even weirder, it was actually Zhao Xiaomin who took the initiative to tell her sister, what was that girl doing?

"Don't let it go, be careful not to be overheard." When she came back to her senses, Su Nan hurriedly persuaded, this is a public place, Zhao Ruomin is really big-hearted, and she is not afraid of being overheard.

"Oh." As if he had just realized it, Zhao Ruomin quickly turned off the audio, put his phone in his pocket, took his arm very intimately and said, "Brother-in-law, you haven't been to my house for a long time, my sister is not here tonight, come quickly .”

Su Nan had a strange expression, and asked tentatively, "Your sister is not here, so it's not convenient for me to go."

"But if sister is here, brother-in-law will be dominated by her all day long." Zhao Ruomin said seriously.

So it turned out that maybe I was too kind to her and even bought her a mobile phone, so Zhao Ruomin was very close to him.Su Nan thought so.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Naturally, Su Nan would not go back with Zhao Ruomin, and sent her away after telling her about the order. He was going to go back to meet the ghost girl, but he didn't notice Lu Ying who was hiding and peeping.

Lu Ying gritted her teeth and stared at Su Nan's far away back, full of frustration, he really shot at Zhao Xiaomin's sister, and even spent thousands of dollars to buy a mobile phone for Zhao Ruomin, really sinister!

Absolutely, absolutely not allow this to happen!

There was an incoming call on the mobile phone, Lu Ying glanced at the caller ID, her expression changed, it was from her aunt.

She took a deep breath to calm down, answered, and asked calmly: "Hey, auntie, what can I do for you?"

"You don't seem to have gained much recently." Auntie said a little dissatisfied.

Lu Ying said embarrassingly, "I've been a little busy studying recently."

"How much time does it take to take a few random photos." The aunt chuckled: "By the way, your mother is already asking me when you will go to where she is, and she wants to take you to meet your stepdad, I heard The man your mother found is quite tall and handsome..."

Lu Ying's eyelids twitched, and she nodded depressedly: "I'll find a chance to take some pictures of him tomorrow."

"On the front, by the way, it's more handsome to take pictures, and it would be even better if it can be recorded."

In the past, when her aunt made such a request, Lu Ying would only feel weird and helpless, but now she felt an uncomfortable feeling in her heart, but now that she was asking for something from her aunt, she resisted the urge to object.

"By the way, there is one more thing, you know, I added him on WeChat, pretending to have done business with him, this time I want to ask him to buy something again, then you can help me." My aunt suddenly remembered, and proposed a new requirements.

"Did he open a Taobao shop online?"

Lu Ying was very confused, but this is not right, online shopping is so troublesome, and my aunt even told her that she should not let Su Nan find out when she was picking up the goods.

"If you shouldn't ask, don't ask." Auntie said with a smile, Lu Ying decisively shut up.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ying frowned. It seemed that my aunt couldn't stop fooling around, so she should obediently give her some photos of Su Nan, and make an appointment with Su Nan on the rooftop tomorrow.

After Lu Ying's aunt hung up the phone, she thought for a while and dialed another number, "Are you interested in helping me with a part-time job? Well, the family is not short of money. Forget it. My aunt will treat you to something delicious some other day. What, Am I not your mother's sister? But I am not Lu Ying's mother's biological sister either, she still calls me Auntie, so I call Auntie to listen..."

When Su Nan returned home, the ghost girl was no longer in the room. He was a little disappointed. He wanted to go back earlier and ask more clues about her identity, but it seemed that he could only continue to search.

After dinner, Su Nan had the urge to go next door, but they were reluctant to come, so she went back to the room and put on headphones to play games, so as not to be too impulsive to bear.

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