She went back to the room with a guilty conscience, opened the bag, and put Fatci on the bed.

Lu Ying stared at her own fat times and frowned in thought, the scene was very inconsistent.

Do you really want to give it away?

She struggled.

Thinking that Su Nan might use it to do strange things, Lu Ying's heart pounded wildly, but if she didn't give it away, Su Nan wouldn't let it go, besides, she lost his fat times.

In the end Lu Ying decided to send it out, um, how did you say that?Those who achieve major events are not limited to fat times?Bah, it's the section.

Then she rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find the gift box from her birthday friend last time, bit her lip, carefully put her own fat in it, and packed it well so that she wouldn't deal with it with a plastic bag just like Su Nan .

"Xiaoying, I'm coming in..."

The sudden sound startled Lu Ying, she quickly hid the wrapped gift box under the quilt, and sat on the edge of the bed to maintain a calm look.

My aunt opened the door and came in. She held a mobile phone in one hand and a bag in the other. She said with a smile on her face, "Today we will continue to take artistic photos."

Lu Ying's forehead darkened, and she said coquettishly, "Auntie, I don't want to take pictures."

"Let's shoot, girls should leave their own youth when they are the most beautiful, don't worry, I won't show it to others." Aunt Lu Ying walked over with a smile on her face.

Seeing her aunt like this, Lu Ying, who had experience, knew that she would not escape bad luck, so she reluctantly let her change into all kinds of strange clothes, and then her aunt kept taking pictures of her with her mobile phone, the only thing that made Lu Ying feel a little comforted My aunt never patted her face or sensitive parts.

In the evening, Su Nan received a series of welfare photos and cosplay photos from Danran, but the angles were as tricky as before, and the overall parts could not be seen.

It's just that at this time Su Nan already knew that Lu Ying was indifferent, and had personally measured her long legs, so looking at the photos about the legs, she quickly figured it out, swallowed, and the monitor was in a hurry to clean it up again. It's time to finish what you did last time.

Just as he was fascinated by watching, someone suddenly sent him a WeChat message, and the vibrating phone startled Su Nan.

After settling her mind, Su Nan opened WeChat, only to find that the person who sent her a message was Zhao Ruomin, a little surprised.

Before Zhao Ruomin changed her mobile phone, Su Nan added her on WeChat, but the two of them never chatted. Zhao Ruomin probably hated the mobile phone card and never opened WeChat. He changed his mobile phone today and couldn't wait to contact him.

Su Nan clicked on the message.

"Brother-in-law, be careful with this man."

Words of warning followed by a picture of a woman.

Su Nan clicks on the photo to enlarge it. The woman in the photo is about twenties, with an oval face, delicate features, a high nose bridge, and a cunning smile on the corner of her mouth. Her eyes are emerald green, full of exotic style, but at the same time It also has the characteristics of an Asian woman, so it should be a mixed race.

She was very beautiful, but Su Nan didn't know who she was, so she was very puzzled by Zhao Ruomin's words.

"Who is she?" Su Nan asked.

"I don't know." Zhao Ruomin replied to him.

Su Nan was speechless for a while, wondering if he should be careful?

"She is a vixen, my brother-in-law must go far away when he sees her, and don't talk to her." Zhao Ruomin sent another message, warning her vowedly.

Su Nan thought for a while, and finally understood. Zhao Ruomin always regarded him as her brother-in-law, and felt dissatisfied with him when he was with other girls. This mixed-race girl might have offended her. Her pretty face made Zhao Ruomin feel that her brother-in-law was being robbed. danger, so I specifically warned him.

"I see." Su Nan replied that although my sister-in-law has a weird personality, she is very nice to him, and he doesn't know this mixed-race woman, so naturally he should make her sister-in-law happy.

Zhao Ruomin sent him several smiling faces, and seemed very satisfied with his statement.

Then she sent another message: "Brother-in-law, sister is not coming home, she doesn't want us anymore."

Now that Zhao Xiaomin has switched bodies with Chu Xi, it is not convenient to go home at all, and letting Chu Xi deal with it is likely to be exposed.

"Your sister has something to do, so I don't want you. By the way, who will cook for you tonight? Did you have a good meal?" Su Nan remembered that Zhao Xiaomin was not here, what about her two younger sisters.

"If there is food, my sister can cook. She is very good." Zhao Ruomin said.

That's good, but what's the matter with this proud and complacent tone?Shouldn't a sister take care of a younger sister?

Su Nan didn't take it seriously either. Jun Min often helped Xiao Min with work at home. She was already very capable at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and taking care of herself and her sister was no problem.

Thinking of Zhao Junmin, Su Nan recalled the incident of being kissed by her yesterday, and he was in a strange mood. Until now, he couldn't figure out what Zhao Junmin was thinking.

After a brief chat with Zhao Ruomin, Su Nan ended the chat with her. When she exited, she saw the message sent by her senior sister. The senior sister said that the date tonight was cancelled, because she went to the previous store to help again.

Senior sister apologized to him, feeling very embarrassed and guilty, but Su Nan didn't care too much, but comforted her.

The word-of-mouth incident at noon made Su Nan very satisfied, so he felt less impulsive tonight, but he still went out to the next door, but no one opened the door for him.

Chu Xi's consideration is that everyone is very energetic after recharging their energy at night, and may not be as restrained as during the day, so she wants to avoid contact between Zhao Xiaomin and Su Nan as much as possible.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After ten o'clock, Qin Xiaowan had already fallen asleep, Su Nan left home and came to the door next door, hesitated but did not knock on the door, intending to go out for a stroll, calm down.

But the senior sister's voice came from the side, full of surprise.

Su Nan turned around and saw the senior standing at the door of her house with something in her hand, as if she was about to take out the key to enter the door, but saw him wandering outside.

"Sister, why is it so late?" Su Nan asked, walking towards her.

"I'm a little busy." Zhan Weiling smiled, with a bright smile, lifted her things, and asked expectantly, "Do you want supper?"

When I got home after a busy day, the first person I saw was my junior. Zhan Weiling was quite happy, feeling healed from fatigue, and remembering that I had released my junior several times recently, I felt very embarrassed and wanted to make up for it.

Su Nan glanced at the supper in her hand, but then her eyes fell more on the high chest of the senior sister, and she nodded with a smile: "Okay."

Zhan Weiling noticed Su Nan's gaze and blushed a little, but she didn't feel repelled, instead she felt a little happy.

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