After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Su Nan's head hurts even more, it's not good.

Zhan Weiling took his arm and said coquettishly: "I didn't tell you to go to the execution ground, why are you frowning so tightly? Let's go, don't make students Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin wait too long."

Now Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin may be punished, and they are very attractive to Su Nan. Although they have a close relationship with Su Nan, Zhan Weiling just met and wanted to spoil it.

So far, Su Nan can only bite the bullet. The senior sister should not take the initiative to expose the matter with her senior sister last night, so it is not a big problem to be careful.

"It was Chu Xi just now, Xiao Nan, why did you set her phone number to Zhao Xiaomin's?" Zhan Weiling said a little funny on the way.

"Chu Xi took Xiao Min's cell phone and called me." Su Nan explained.

Zhan Weiling didn't say anything, but she kept her mind on it. Su Nan didn't show any surprise when he answered the phone just now, which showed that he knew that the person who called him was Chuxi, but the number was Zhao Xiaomin's. It was weird no matter how you thought about it. .

Reminiscent of the possibility that the two of them were being punished, she vaguely grasped something, but she was not sure.

The two came all the way outside the activity room. Su Nan took a deep breath, pushed the door open, and walked in.Zhan Weiling followed behind him.

As soon as she entered the door, Su Nan saw Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin. They were sitting at the conference table with tea brewed and melons and fruits on the table, as if they were entertaining guests.There was no jealousy or anger on their faces, they just gave him a normal look, as if they didn't care at all about him being with senior sister.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, they all knew that he had an ambiguous relationship with his senior sister. They probably got used to it. It will be different again.

Zhan Weiling came here for the second time, and was in a hurry last time, so she looked around curiously, and then she focused on the two girls in front of the conference table.

Chu Xi said politely: "Senior sister, please sit down, it's your first time here, you're welcome, Mu Nan, please sit down too, you haven't been here for several days."

Zhan Weiling was stunned, and nodded with a smile: "Student Zhao Xiaomin, classmate Chu Xi, sorry to bother you."

As she sat down, she felt strange, had Zhao Xiaomin always been like this?and……

She glanced at Chu Xi, who was sitting on a chair and eating something. Seeing her looking over, she stopped awkwardly and said with a smile, "Senior sister, you can eat something too. We bought it specially for you."

What the hell, she made a temporary decision to come here.

Zhan Weiling complained in her heart, and the idea in her heart became more and more certain. The two people in front of her were obviously different from usual, but if they changed their identities and regarded Chu Xi as Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Xiaomin as Chu Xi, then There is no sense of incongruity.

In other words, the two people in front of them switched bodies.

Guessing the reason, Zhan Weiling was only surprised for a while before recovering. Compared with her several punishment experiences, the body exchange is not too surprising.

The purpose of her coming here is to keep Su Nan from losing her mind, not to tear things up or something, presumably Su Nan won't like it.

So after sitting down, Zhan Weiling calmly chatted with the two of them, and the topics were all everyday topics.

Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other, a little surprised in their hearts. Just now Zhan Weiling took the initiative to propose it. They thought she would take the opportunity to provoke, and they thought of many ways to deal with it, but this time it was completely useless.

Zhan Weiling said in her heart that the two of you are really good-looking, so she wouldn't do anything that she likes in front of Su Nan, and even if she was torturing her, it would have to be done without him knowing.

Just when she was proud, her body felt a little uncomfortable, Zhan Weiling's face turned dark, it was on purpose, at this time the disease occurred!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Suddenly, Zhan Weiling's body felt uncomfortable, and Zhan Weiling's forehead went dark. Was it because she wanted to embarrass her when she got sick at this moment?

What happened to Su Nan in front of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, she couldn't do it at all, it seems that she can only leave with an excuse, and at the same time take Su Nan away, find a place where there is no one to meet him...

She was thinking about how to take Su Nan away, when Chu Xi suddenly spoke to Su Nan, "Munan, there is no juice in the activity room, go buy a bottle of juice and come back."

Su Nan has had a low sense of existence since he came in. Seeing that the atmosphere between the three of them is very harmonious, he is also happy. Although he was a little surprised by Chu Xi's sudden request, he still nodded. something will happen.

Seeing Su Nan get up, Zhan Weiling felt a little anxious, and stood up calmly: "Let's go with Xiao Nan."

"Senior sister, this is the fifth floor. You will be very tired climbing up and down, but Mu Nan is in good health and has almost no effect on him." Chu Xi said gently, then looked at Su Nan: "Mu Nan, is it okay? .”

"No problem." Su Nan nodded and said to Zhan Weiling: "Sister, sit here for a while, I'll be back soon."

After speaking, she turned around and left. Zhan Weiling opened her mouth. Seeing Chu Xi looking at her, she endured it. Chu Xi seemed to have something to say to her, so she sent Su Nan away, but now she was very uncomfortable and needed to get through Su Nan. Come and shame yourself.

Just as Su Nan left the activity room, Zhan Weiling rolled her eyes and apologized, "I'm going out to use the bathroom."

Chu Xi didn't say anything.

Zhan Weiling didn't dare to show the signs of her seizures, she left her seat with a normal expression, and walked out of the activity room slowly.As soon as she closed the door, her expression changed, and she hurriedly chased after Su Nan.

In the activity room, Chu Xi frowned slightly. Originally, she wanted to dismiss Su Nan, and then have a serious talk with Zhan Weiling in person, because Zhan Weiling didn't seem to have listened to Zhao Xiaomin's warning, and she was worried that there would be consequences of not being able to save her.

But Zhan Weiling seemed to deliberately avoid being alone with them. It felt a little strange. Why did she come here? Could it be that because Su Nan was not here, she was afraid that she would be bullied by them?

Chu Xi felt that those who dared to provoke her and Zhao Xiaomin in public would not be so timid. If she really teamed up with Zhao Xiaomin to target Zhan Weiling, maybe Zhan Weiling would be happy.

Zhao Xiaomin said suddenly: "Hey, Chuxi, do you think senior sister is ill?"

Chu Xi was startled, and asked strangely, "How did you think of this?"

"Because my senior sister had an attack in front of me last time, so I subconsciously thought of it when I saw her acting strange just now." Zhao Xiaomin said seriously.

Chu Xi was thoughtful, recalling how the seniors behaved just now. At first, they had a friendly conversation with them, but then they seemed to talk less. When she asked Su Nan to buy juice, the seniors couldn't wait to follow her. , that is to say, the senior sister didn't reject being with them, but wanted to be alone with Su Nan.

The senior sister probably fell ill at this time, but Chu Xi was a little hesitant. It seemed that it was not suitable for them to intervene in this kind of matter. Let the senior sister find Su Nan to solve it by herself.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't think so, she reminded: "Don't forget that we have been punished several times, the condition became more serious, and we couldn't move soon after the attack, just now the senior sister was delayed for a while, maybe we can't catch up with Ah Nan."

Chu Xi looked at her. Although she knew that Zhao Xiaomin wanted to watch a good show, she had to say that what she said was quite reasonable. If the senior could not catch up with Su Nan and was punished, it would not be a good thing.

"Let's follow up and have a look," Chu Xi said.

Zhao Xiaomin smiled.

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