She and Xiao Min are attracted to each other, she may not have noticed the smell on her body.

Su Nan pinched Zhao Xiaomin's waist lightly, and said in a shy voice, "Xiao Min, get out of my arms, Chu Xi will be angry."

He looked uncomfortable, three points were acting, seven points were real, after all, he had been aroused by the relationship with the monitor just now, and now that he was close to Zhao Xiaomin, his heart was about to move.

The same is true for Zhao Xiaomin, but instead of listening to Su Nan, she giggled and smiled, with a charming look in her eyes: "She won't be angry, if you don't believe me, ask her to come and see."

What else did Su Nan want to say, Zhao Xiaomin had already left his arms, just when Su Nan thought she was going to restrain herself, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly squatted down, untied his trouser chain, took out his big couple, He bowed his head and swallowed, then held it.

Su Nan's words suddenly stuck in his throat, and his reason was leaving him.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhao Xiaomin's mouth. She checked Su Nan's body with her mouth like this, and found that Su Nan was normal, she was still very energetic, and she didn't smell like a girl, so Ah Nan and Lu Ying didn't post anything.

He was about to stop, but Su Nan had already taken the initiative. He stood up, held her head and gently thrust it.

His mouth was stuffed full, his throat was pushed, even patting his thighs couldn't stop him, and Zhao Xiaomin could only let him do whatever he wanted, and only hoped that Su Nan would be gentle, because this was Chuxi's body.Suddenly the picture in front of her eyes changed, and when she came back to her senses, she found that she was sitting in the activity room with a cup of hot tea in front of her.

Startled for a moment, Zhao Xiaomin immediately came to his senses with a strange expression on his face.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I sat in the activity room and waited for a while, but no one came, presumably they had fooled around together.

Chu Xi felt a little upset, took a sip of the hot tea from her cup, and suddenly she had a strange expression, and the tea tasted wrong.

At this time, Chu Xi realized that the environment he was in had changed. He came to the rooftop from the activity room and was with Su Nan.

When she realized what happened, she was stunned, and then her face flushed suddenly, full of shame and indignation.

Su Nan sat down and stroked her hair gently. He didn't realize that she had taken back his body.

Poor Chu Xi didn't know anything, so he experienced this kind of treatment. At this time, Su Nan still didn't let him go, and asked her to finish the work, lick off the leftovers, and do the final service.Chu Xi was ashamed and annoyed, but she hated Zhao Xiaomin. What would she have done if Zhao Xiaomin hadn't messed around?

I wanted to tell Su Nan the reason, but couldn't speak.

After a while, she was blushing and pulled up by Su Nan. Su Nan pulled her into his arms, sat on his lap, pinched her elastic buttocks, and then kissed her delicate cheek with a smile on her face. : "Is this okay?"

Originally wanted to complain about Su Nan being abnormal, but seeing Su Nan smiling happily, she seemed to be happy to see her behavior just now, Chu Xi was suddenly filled with shame for some reason, and couldn't say anything.

Su Nan pulled her into his arms, sat on his lap, kissed her delicate face, and asked with a smile on her face, "Is this okay?"

"What's the matter?" Su Nan was a little puzzled seeing her avoiding his gaze and blushing. Zhao Xiaomin actually showed a shy look, which didn't fit her style, could it be...

"I'm Chu Xi." Chu Xi whispered.

Su Nan immediately blushed, "When did you change it back?"

Enduring her shame, Chu Xi leaned in his arms and replied calmly, "Just now, I was drinking tea in the activity room..."

Su Nan was startled for a moment, and then realized something, showing surprise on her face.

Chu Xi nodded, and gently pinched his waist to express his dissatisfaction.

Su Nan opened her eyes wide, it was too coincidental, no wonder she didn't hesitate at all just now, it turned out she didn't react.

Chu Xi raised his head and glanced at him, then lay in his arms again, gritted his teeth and said, "So you like this, Mr. Pervert."

Because she was sitting on his lap, Chu Xi could feel the changes in his body.

Su Nan's expression was awkward. When he heard that it was Chu Xi just now, he felt an inexplicable excitement. Maybe it was because Chu Xi had always given him the feeling that he was too serious. He suddenly knew that she had done that kind of thing, even if it was unconscious. The contrast brought about is also extremely strong, which makes people want to stop.

Chu Xi's tender body trembled, and pinched his thigh bitterly.

Chu Xi seemed a little repelled, Su Nan looked embarrassed and was about to separate from her, but she heard her ask, "Do you like it very much?" in a nonchalant tone.

Su Nan had an idea, nodded, hugged Chu Xi's soft and hot body tightly, and said softly, "Because it's you, I like it very much."

Chu Xi blushed, bit her lip, and her eyes flickered, as if she was struggling in her heart.

Su Nan saw that something was going on, swallowed her saliva, and couldn't help asking: "In the future..."

"No!" Chu Xi insisted.

"Uh, why?" Su Nan was a little confused. Just now Chu Xi seemed to agree, but suddenly changed his mind, because Chu Xi actually wanted to go further with him, so she would try to work hard on many things and agree. His kind of thing is not impossible.

"Because..." Chu Xi pursed her lips, and Liu Mei frowned: "I don't like..."

Well, for good reason.

This kind of thing can't happen by force, but Su Nan doesn't have to make her do this, and judging from Chu Xi's performance, it's not like there is no chance in the future.

Recently, because Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin exchanged bodies, the two of them were treated like that by him several times. It seems that they are a little used to it, and the acceptable scale has become larger.

The phone rang, and Chu Xi adjusted his posture leaning against Su Nan's arms, took out the phone, and gritted his teeth hard when he saw the caller ID.

Su Nan leaned over to take a look. The caller ID was Chu Xi, which meant that the call was from Zhao Xiaomin. No wonder Chu Xi was angry.

"I'll open the door." Su Nan said proactively.

Chu Xi shook his head: "It's so late, let's go back together."

She paused at this point, her expression became unnatural, her eyes drifted away, and her tone was shy: "Don't tell her what happened just now."

Su Nan nodded seriously.

The two left the room, walked to the door and opened it. Zhao Xiaomin appeared at the door with a few bottles of drinks in her hand. As soon as the door opened, she looked at Chu Xi curiously, and asked, "Do you want to rinse your mouth?"

Chu Xi's pretty face immediately turned red, and she stared at Zhao Xiaomin in embarrassment.

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