Lu Ying covered her lower body all at once, with a shy and terrified expression on her face. Could it be that Su Nan wanted to...

Just thinking about it, I saw Su Nan's reply:

"You can eat popsicles, don't bite, use licks, I want to hear your voice to rush."


Lu Ying was dumbfounded. Although it was different from what she guessed, it was also perverted. Su Nan was so perverted. How could he be like this and say that he wanted to listen to her voice to do such a bad thing.

For a while, my heart beat faster, my mouth was dry, my breathing was messy, and I felt a little nervous for no reason.

But I promised Su Nan, and it's just eating popsicles, it's not too embarrassing, just forget what Su Nan is doing.

Making up her mind, Lu Ying blushed and tore open the popsicle, put it in her mouth, and then picked up the phone to talk to Su Nan.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and Lu Ying saw that it was a video call from Su Nan. She immediately felt very bad. She knew that Su Nan wanted to see her eating popsicles and wanted to refuse, but she thought of herself The promise just now was suddenly hesitant.

Lu Ying also thought that even if she refused, Su Nan would probably threaten her to do so, so refusing is meaningless.

As if convincing herself, she took a deep breath and chose to accept.

The screen flashed, and Su Nan appeared in sight, looking at her curiously.Su Nan sat on the bed, and the camera only showed his upper body.

Facing Su Nan's scrutiny, Lu Ying blushed slightly, and said with contempt: "You are so perverted, you actually came up with such an idea."

Su Nan remembered that she was acting, and said arrogantly to the camera: "Eat quickly, remember to eat lewdly, I want to watch you eat popsicles."

"How can this be done!" Lu Ying was extremely annoyed, she just let him eat it, but she wanted to eat it lewdly, she didn't understand what it means to eat lewdly, how to do it!

"Just eat it, mother-in-law."

Su Nan said impatiently, cursing inwardly, pretending to be pure, as a pervert, at least she has seen a small movie, how could she not be lewd while eating popsicles.

Although very annoyed by Su Nan's attitude, Lu Ying found that she had nothing to do with him, unless she never cared about Su Nan's affairs, no, now she had something in Su Nan's hands, even if she wanted to stay away from Su Nan, she couldn't do it.

Thinking of this, she was a little discouraged, and ate the popsicle in her mouth, her seductive lips hesitating.

She doesn't understand what it means to eat lewdly. Even if she has learned about it from the Internet, she is usually very self-loving and can't do that kind of thing to her. It's just that as a pretty girl, even if it's a very ordinary behavior, it falls on the In the eyes of boys, maybe it is also full of charm.

The picture of the popsicle coming in and out of the monitor's mouth, the melted juice stained the monitor's lips, and even the corners of his mouth were covered with juice, which was shining everywhere, an extremely attractive scene.

The squad leader sat at the table because she was very tired holding her mobile phone. She put her mobile phone on the table and ate popsicles facing the camera like this.

Realizing that being watched by Su Nan, in his eyes she might look lewd, Lu Ying was very embarrassed, blushed, and felt extremely nervous. Her free hand unconsciously grabbed the hem of the skirt, but it fell into Su Nan's eyes. , Because I can't see it, I think the squad leader's hands are secretly doing bad things.

Su Nan had a strange feeling in her heart, fantasizing about what the monitor was doing, watching the picture of her eating popsicles, her heart was itchy and impulsive.

Suddenly, the door behind him made a sound and opened.

Lu Ying's body froze, and she tapped the hang up button on the screen.

At the last moment, Su Nan saw a slender figure appearing in the camera, as if he had just taken a shower, with slightly curly and slightly blond hair falling down casually, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin, exquisite facial features, a tall nose bridge, and green eyes , is a beautiful mixed-race face.

Then the camera flashed and the video call was cut off, but Su Nan was stunned, because the woman who caught a glimpse just now was very similar to the photo Zhao Ruomin sent him last time.

Not quite sure, Su Nan exited the chat box with the squad leader, found Zhao Ruomin's name, clicked in, and pulled out the photo for comparison.

Su Nan frowned slightly, still a little uncertain, after all, the squad leader moved too fast just now, and the distance was so far, the woman stayed on the camera for less than a second.

But Su Nan is the only one who can be sure that the woman is of mixed race. The photo Zhao Ruomin sent him is also of mixed race, which is too coincidental.

A thought came to mind, who is that woman?What is the relationship with the monitor?

As soon as the door opened, Lu Ying realized that her aunt had come in. She quickly hung up the video call with Su Nan, and looked back, only to see her aunt standing at the door, seemingly puzzled by her reaction. After she turned her face around, my aunt seemed taken aback.

It was only then that Lu Ying realized that she still had a popsicle in her mouth. At the same time, she broke the jar just now, and the juice from the melted popsicle flowed all over her mouth. Even her clothes were soaked, looking very silvery.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lu Ying blushed instantly, and when she was flustered and didn't know how to explain, she found that her aunt suddenly took out her mobile phone to take pictures of her with excitement, and kept getting closer.

Lu Ying looked confused and asked, "Auntie, what are you doing?"

"I'm taking pictures of Xiaoying's cute side. I didn't expect Xiaoying to have such a hobby. It's so exciting... Cough, who was that just now? Boyfriend?"

Aunt Lu Ying was joking with a smile, and when she got closer, the camera did not focus on Lu Ying's face, but focused on photographing Lu Ying's bad state.

"I didn't have a video call with anyone, so I'm not allowed to take pictures!" Lu Ying frantically defended, reaching for the gun phone, but her aunt dodged it all at once.

The aunt took back her mobile phone and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, remember to lock the door in the future, and go to school tomorrow to check the kid's mobile phone to see if he has recorded videos. Don't do this kind of thing casually. The most important thing is Just don't show your face."

Without giving Lu Ying a chance to speak, the little aunt grabbed the phone like a baby and quickly left the room.

"I told you I'm not talking to anyone..." Lu Ying whispered in embarrassment, her jade-like cheeks flushed brightly, and at the same time, she felt a strong worry in her heart, whether Su Nan would really take pictures of her Let's watch the video, I'll find a chance to test him tomorrow.

I don't know if Su Nan took a video, but my aunt definitely did, and in front of her, Lu Ying hurriedly chased her out to ask her to delete it.

In the middle of the night, Su Nan received a short video on WeChat. He clicked on it and watched it. It was only about ten seconds long. In the video, there was a girl who was faceless. She could only see her neck down to her lower abdomen. These places were all covered in strange colors. The juice wet the clothes, which is obviously the video of the squad leader eating popsicles today.

After watching the video, Su Nan gained a new understanding of the monitor's abnormality. He didn't even remember the video, but the monitor himself recorded it and sent it to him. The video was edited into about ten seconds, and the camera took a close-up from the chest to the lower abdomen, because it was too close, but the overall outline could not be seen clearly.

Immediately, Su Nan found out that the squad leader sent the video to himself by the small account nicknamed Dan Ran. He probably did this to avoid trouble, but the last time he sent him underwear photos, why did he send them in a large size?

Su Nan was a little puzzled. The next moment, WeChat continued to receive messages, attracting his attention. The messages were all sent by the squad leader with the trumpet of indifferent, and most of them were photos full of benefits.

After seeing the photos, Su Nan felt a little itchy. The squad leader was also big-hearted. He was seen by others, and there was an air conditioner making fun of him. It was too bad, and he really wanted to bully her.

In the morning, Su Nan woke up on her senior's bed. She felt an extremely delicate girl's body in her arms. When she opened her eyes, her delicate face was right in front of her eyes. She curled up her mouth slightly in a deep sleep, probably doing something. Such a sweet dream, one couldn't bear to wake her up.

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