"Call the car back, the car can come in here." Su Nan took out her mobile phone to book a car online.

The school girl hesitated for a while, and murmured: "Then senior, please protect me."

Su Nan was startled, and came to realize casually that the school girl should be referring to her current situation, and the male must look at her a few times when she sees her.

"Ah..." The junior sneezed, rubbed her nose, crossed her arms, as if she was a little cold.

Su Nan frowned, but there was nothing she could do, she could only hope that the car would come soon.

"Senior..." The junior shuddered and approached him without covering her chest. She looked at him pitifully and said, "It's cold."

Su Nan's brains turned sharply: "How about I rush the driver."

The school girl gave him a white look, and said, "Forget it, I'll do it myself."

do it yourself?what?

Before Su Nan could figure it out, she saw the school girl stepping forward and leaning towards him.

Su Nan's heart jumped violently, and she retreated subconsciously, but the junior girl hugged him with open arms, and then squeezed her delicate body into his arms, feeling soft and hot to the touch, and smelling a faint fragrance in her nose at the same time.

The boy's embrace was very gentle, and the junior girl sighed comfortably, and said, "It's really convenient for boys."

Su Nan's head was a little dazed, and her heart began to beat faster. What's the matter?

At this moment, the junior girl shuddered again, and hugged him even tighter, noticing that his body was very stiff, and complained, "Senior, you shouldn't feel for me."

Su Nan's forehead went black, and he asked the boy carelessly, the junior girl is really too tough...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"After all, I'm too cute as a junior, and it's natural for me to be a senior, but don't mess around."

Before Su Nan could deny it, the school girl said again with an "I understand".

She rested her chin on Su Nan's shoulder. Su Nan couldn't see her expression, but she could feel her shivering. It must be too cold to do so. Obviously, she often exercises, and her physique is too poor.

"Senior, it's very cold, can you help me wring out the moisture in my clothes?" The junior girl said to him again, her voice sounded in his ears, it was not as weird as usual, but a little more weak.

Su Nan hesitated for a while, how to twist this, the clothes are still on her body.

"Senior, wearing wet clothes, I will catch a cold." The junior girl's voice sounded pitiful.

The location they were in was just a small pavilion, and it was raining heavily outside, so there was no place for the junior to change clothes.

Thinking of this, Su Nan nodded, wrapped her hands around the back of the school girl, grabbed the wet clothes and twisted them, the water dripped down, and her fingers inevitably touched the delicate back skin, and the school girl remained motionless.

After a while, Su Nan was in trouble, her clothes were all soaked, how could she wring them all out?

"Go on, it's wet." The junior girl urged, her voice trembling slightly, as if her teeth were chattering due to the cold.

Su Nan gritted her teeth, and kept on doing nothing. She rolled up the junior girl's blouse, revealing her small waist, until it reached her chest. There was no one around, and it was raining heavily, so she didn't have to worry about being seen.

Except for the soft place on his chest, the rest of the skin was naked. Su Nan was in a strange mood, but he couldn't lower his head, so he couldn't see. Suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, he put his hands behind the school girl's back and twisted it hard.

This posture is like hugging the junior girl tightly, while twisting the clothes, the clothes shrink and tighten the junior girl's body.

"Ah!" The school girl cried out in pain, and complained in a low voice: "It's too tight, it hurts."

Su Nan stopped awkwardly. It really didn't work. Just when he was in trouble, the junior said, "Senior, put down your clothes and turn around."

Listening to her, Su Nan put down her blouse, then the school girl let him go and took a step back.

Su Nan's gaze fell on the junior girl's face, and she was slightly taken aback. Before he could take a closer look, Shu Baoer quickly pushed him and urged, "Hurry up, it's freezing."

Su Nan had no choice but to stand with her back turned.

Shu Baoer blushed and looked around. There were only the two of them in the small pavilion. It was raining and there was no one around. There was a pillar behind her, and Su Nan was in front, so no one would see her.

Unknowingly, her face became even redder. Shu Bao'er took a deep breath, grabbed the hem of the clothes with both hands, and began to take off her clothes.

Su Nan only heard the rustling sound coming from behind her, and felt a little unbelievable, she wouldn't think...

The next moment, a hand stretched out from his shoulder, holding a piece of wet clothes in his hand, and he smelled a faint fragrance in his nostrils.

Su Nan froze, she was really off.

"Hurry up, my hands are not free, I have to block my body." The school girl gently pushed his back.

Su Nan settled down, took the clothes and twisted them off, squeezed out the water, but she was a little bit confused, that is to say, the school girl behind her was not wearing any clothes.

When he was changing the clothes back, the junior girl took the clothes, but handed over another thing, saying: "Twist this one for me too, I'm about to put on clothes, don't turn back."

As if intending to use his body as a cover, the junior girl took another step closer to him, almost touching him, and the voice rang in Su Nan's ear, beautiful and pleasant.

Su Nan's heart skipped a beat, and she said with a dark face, "I won't look back."

Although no one was around, the school girl was always in danger of being exposed naked, so she needed to get dressed as soon as possible, so her hands were naturally empty.

Convincing herself so, Su Nan gritted her teeth and took the thing over, and took a closer look. It turned out that the school girl had this style.

He didn't dare to continue watching, worried about being discovered, and felt that he was too perverted, so he began to squeeze the water, and returned it after a while.

"Wait, I'm not dressed properly." The school girl said hastily.

Su Nan's thoughts are floating, the small things are still in his hands, he will put on his clothes now, and how will he put them back on later.

"Is it possible that the senior is wondering how I can put the hood back on?"

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