Maybe he didn't pay attention, thinking about it, he grabbed Lu Anya's shoulder with both hands, pushed her away, and continued to massage.

Lu Anya blushed, bit her lips, and felt a little frustrated in her heart, because she found that she had made such a shameless move, and the uncomfortable feeling had not completely disappeared.

Su Nan will definitely find out if he continues, he is not stupid, maybe he feels something wrong now.

At this time, she felt something hard behind her touching herself.

Lu Anya blinked her eyes and was a little dazed. When she realized what it was, she spat secretly, her face flushed, and she felt ashamed, but the next moment, Su Nan left again, which made her feel a little lost.

She took a deep breath and leaned back slightly, but she didn't touch anything. It seemed that Su Nan stood a little farther away to avoid touching her.

Too bad, how can she satisfy herself like this?Just because his shoulders are massaged by him, the feeling of shame is not very strong.

A bold idea suddenly appeared in her mind, Lu Anya gritted her teeth, and asked pretending to be puzzled: "What touched me? It was hard."

She stretched her hand behind her back and grabbed the hard thing, and the sudden strong sense of shame almost made her faint.

Su Nan froze for a moment, and replied, "It's the key in my pocket, what's wrong?"

The next moment, the feeling of shame subsided instantly, and Lu Anya felt extremely uncomfortable. She stood up and gave him a hateful look, and stretched out her hand: "Give me the key first."

Su Nan took out the key to her and took it back after the massage.

But Lu Anya put on a look of being taken advantage of and said unhappily: "Don't press it now, you took all the advantages and Shu Bao didn't come out."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Su Nan and quickly walked into a room.

Su Nan is a little confused, so what are you doing with my key?

Just about to catch up to get it back, the bathroom door opened, Shu Baoer came out, glanced at his crotch, and said to him with a smile from the corner of her eyes: "Senior, your clothes are finished, but there is one thing you need to wash by yourself."

Thinking of her fat times, Su Nan looked a little embarrassed, and hurried into the bathroom.

Lu Anya ran into the room, locked the door, and looked at Su Nan's key in her hand thoughtfully.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After entering the bathroom, the washed clothes were placed aside, not yet dried.

Su Nan picked up the fat dress, squeezed out some laundry detergent, washed it briefly, wrung it dry, and mixed it with other clothes and took it out.

"Senior, do you want to dry the clothes, or take them back?" After going outside, the junior girl was still standing at the door and asked him.

Su Nan shook her head: "Take it back and forget it. Give me a bag to put it in. I'll go back first. Your clothes will be washed and returned to you tomorrow."

Shu Bao'er glanced out the window, and raised her mouth in dissatisfaction: "Does the senior hate staying at my house so much? It's still raining heavily."

Su Nan didn't want to tell her that because of Aunt Lu Ying, she continued to stay and face Lu Anya. She always felt a little embarrassed. Maybe Lu Anya would ask him to piss off her school girl.

"It's too late today, come and sit when you have time." Su Nan explained.

"Senior hates it. I live alone, and the senior often comes to be gossiped." Shu Bao'er spat, her face was shy, but her tone of voice seemed a bit narrow.

Although what she said made sense, she didn't seem to care.

After a pause, Shu Bao'er continued: "Okay, I'll send the senior away. As for the clothes, it's okay to take them to school on Monday, but the premise is that you don't-permit-do-bad-things- -Oh."

The smiling eyes are as cunning as a fox, and the low voice has a delicate taste. After glancing at Su Nan with moist eyes, he left the dazed man and ran to find the bag.

Su Nan was very speechless, who would use clothes to do bad things, besides, he was already wearing clothes, so there was no need to deliberately do bad things.

At first, I didn't feel anything, but after listening to the junior girl's words, Su Nan felt uncomfortable when she thought that she was wearing the junior girl's clothes.


The door opened, Su Nan turned her head to look, Lu Anya appeared at the door and looked at him, her clear eyes were slightly strange, her fair neck was stained with a little blush, because the size of her chest was too swollen, she pulled the bathrobe She stood up high, revealing a trace of tenderness just right, which gave her a charming temperament at this moment.

Except for the period when the two girlfriends exchanged bodies, it was the first time for Su Nan to come into contact with such a mature woman. Recalling the feeling of her hands on her just now, a faint strange feeling flashed in her heart.

He averted his eyes without any trace, and cursed in his heart, this is the elder of the monitor, what are you thinking, but the elder of the monitor is so beautiful, isn't it a kiss?

"Go back?" The woman came over and asked while standing in front of him with her breasts folded, because her actions made her bulging chest even more impactful.

Su Nan nodded, glanced over there inadvertently, scolded herself inwardly, and asked, "Where's my key?"

"Here, I forgot to return it to you just now." The woman tossed the key lightly, and the key flew over in a parabola. Su Nan held it firmly in her hand, and her palm felt moist.

"Sorry, my palms are sweaty." Lu Anya said lightly, wiped her palms on her body, and took out her phone with the other hand: "How about leaving a contact information? I haven't finished what I just did, and I was taken by you." It's cheap, and I'm a little reconciled."

A trace of anger flashed just right in her eyes, but her gaze was inadvertently staring at Su Nan's hand, which was holding the key that she had defiled. Thinking of what she had done just now, Lu Anya felt extremely ashamed, and finally That uncomfortable feeling completely disappeared without a trace.

"This..." Su Nan hesitated a little, did this mean to trouble him again?

As if seeing what he was worried about, Lu Anya showed a smile: "Don't worry, that kind of thing was too bad for me just now, it won't be like that next time, I will chat with you on WeChat in two days, and write the lines in advance, we will follow Line chat, and then I took a screenshot and sent it to Shu Bao."

This made Shu Bao'er angry, this little aunt Lu Ying was too mean, and she seemed to be very persistent.

Without thinking about it for a long time, Su Nan agreed that he was just to deal with this woman, and he would naturally explain it to his school girl on WeChat after returning home. Then Lu Anya would send pictures to Shu Baoer, and Shu Baoer would probably just watch it as a good show.

After adding each other's WeChat messages, Shu Bao'er found a plastic bag and came over. Su Nan packed up his clothes and left.

After he left, two women stood at the door, no one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

Lu Anya's original calm expression disappeared, and her face was full of shyness and shame, especially when Shu Baoer knew about it and did that to Su Nan.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Shu Bao'er, who was looking at her with a smile, obviously she was an adult, and the other party was just a high school student, but Lu Anya felt ashamed.

"Hey, did you come here like this before?" Lu Anya suppressed her pounding heart and asked, Shu Bao'er is a person who has come here and has more experience than her, so there is no need to be too shy, and show the stability of an adult.

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