Su Nan nodded, turned her head to look, and found that the senior sister had expectations in her eyes, so she reacted and said, "Let's go on a date tomorrow."

A woman in love needs more company, take advantage of these two days of free time, and have fun with her senior.

After thinking about it, Su Nan added: "Tonight..."

"Tonight, I won't go there." The senior sister leaned close to his ear and said, her moist lips pressed against his ear, feeling warm.

Her hand caressed on his chest, drawing circles all the way down.

Su Nan's movements stopped.

Zhan Weiling bit her lip and dressed like this on purpose. How could it be so simple? She wanted to fascinate Su Nan. Besides, Su Nan didn't try his best just now. He stopped fighting halfway in order to have a meal. .

The junior is really strong, she is so satisfied.

The girl smiled charmingly, and got under the dining table, and then found that he had never worn the sportswear on her junior. The girl's eyes were full of deep meaning, but her behavior did not stop.

Su Nan looked at the dishes on the table, slowly put down the chopsticks, and ate without rushing.

At this time, the WeChat bell rang.

Seeing that her senior didn't intend to stop, Su Nan took out her mobile phone, it was Qin Xiaowan's video call request.

"Xiao Wan."

"Take it."

So I took it.

"Why do you have a weird face? What are you frowning for?" Qin Xiaowan looked at him suspiciously, feeling a little upset in her heart. She was not at home, how could the sister next door miss such a good opportunity.

The thought of Zhan Weiling sitting opposite her out of sight, Zhan Weiling watching Su Nan talk to her, arms crossed, showing an elegant smile, the smile finally turned into complacency, her heart twitched, and she was even more upset.

"I'm eating and it's hot." Su Nan explained, trying to maintain a calm surface.

"Let me see what to eat tonight." The girl made a seemingly reasonable request.

Su Nan didn't hesitate either, and turned the camera around the dining table, avoiding the senior sister's bowls and chopsticks, and then pointed the camera at herself again in a few seconds.

"You can eat so much by yourself." Qin Xiaowan said in a sour tone.

"Get used to it, forget you're not at home."

After Su Nan finished speaking, she looked very happy when she saw the corner of the girl's mouth curled up in the camera.

Seemingly realizing that he was looking at her, the smile disappeared immediately, and she snorted.

"Get used to it when you go home, where's your mother?" Su Nan asked, stroking the senior's long, smooth hair with one hand under the table.

"I'm cooking. The food she cooks is terrible."

"Who cooks unpalatable food?"

Just as the girl complained, a soft voice sounded from behind, with a hint of a smile.

A woman's shadow appeared in front of the camera, before she could see it clearly, Qin Xiaowan pressed her finger and disconnected.

Su Nan threw away the phone, closed her eyes, and let her mind go blank.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

That night, Su Nan and her senior sister entered the honeymoon mode. Their footprints spread all over the bathroom, kitchen, living room, and balcony, including Su Nan's room and Qin Xiaowan's room.

Except for Su Nan's parents' room, Zhan Weiling dared not go in.

When she woke up the next day, Zhan Weiling was lying in Su Nan's arms, and she couldn't even move a finger, and she was out of play.

Su Nan was also a little helpless. With the improvement of his physical fitness, his ability in that area also increased, and ordinary girls could not satisfy him at all.

However, the senior sister is a stubborn person, and she felt ashamed to be pitied by him, so she insisted on pestering him until midnight, until her mouth was full and her wish was fulfilled before she fell asleep exhausted.

At first, Su Nan had time to pay attention to her physical enhancement, but later she got used to it and didn't bother to care about it. Now she doesn't know how strong she is, but seeing her senior frowned and gritted her teeth in the morning, she must be quite abnormal.Feeling distressed, I leaned over to kiss her.

Zhan Weiling's first reaction was to cooperate with him, then pushed him off the bed, looked at him sorry and ran out of the room covering her little mouth.

Su Nan's complexion changed, and she followed out anxiously. In film and television works, the heroine often changes her face suddenly, covering her mouth and running into the bathroom, which is usually the case.

It won't be so unlucky, it's only been two times with my senior sister, the first time I took medicine, and the second time was last night, just because I was too excited to play, I forgot to take precautionary measures, how could it be so fast.

After chasing to the bathroom, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief. The senior didn't have morning sickness. She stood in front of the mirror and brushed her teeth.

The senior sister used his toothbrush. After rinsing her mouth, she turned and hugged him, kissed him, and asked with a smile, "You don't smell like you, do you?"

Su Nan remembered what happened last night. The senior was lying on the bed too tired to move. Seeing that he was not satisfied, she pulled him and changed the way of fighting. After she was too tired, she fell asleep directly.

After that, Su Nan opened her mouth to look at it, and fell asleep helplessly.

No wonder the senior sister had to brush her teeth as soon as she woke up. It turned out that she was worried that he would dislike her.

Senpai is so gentle.

He hugged her into his arms, turned around and pressed against the door and kissed her passionately until he kissed her senior until he couldn't breathe before letting her go.

After taking her senior back to her room to rest, Su Nan started to make breakfast.

After breakfast, the two of them didn't go anywhere, and spent the whole morning in bed. They didn't go out for a date until the senior sister regained her energy at noon. This was what she promised her yesterday.

"Where should I go?" Holding Su Nan's hand and walking on the street, enjoying the solitude with him, Zhan Weiling was happy for a while, pointing her finger at her chin to enter the thinking mode.

Su Nan said: "Let's go to lunch first, then watch a movie or go shopping."

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