I thought that Zhao Xiaomin would have a little dispute with Lu Ying, and then Lu Ying left, why did it become a situation where everyone sat and ate together?

Zhao Xiaomin shook her head lightly, expressing that she didn't understand what was going on.

When she thought about it, Lu Ying had some thoughts about Su Nan. She didn't understand why Lu Ying invited her to have dinner with Chu Xi. They were her rivals in love, maybe it was for demonstration?

Looking at Lu Ying who was sitting very close to Su Nan, Zhao Xiaomin was thoughtful, and then her mood became even more unhappy. However, in front of Su Nan, this is the cafeteria again, so she didn't say anything, she just made up her mind to do it. Find a chance to warn this cheap sister.

After Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin sat down, Lu Ying chatted with them without saying a word, pretending to be natural, but there was a hint of excitement hidden under her calm eyes.

The hand she put under the table had been playing tricks on Su Nan. In front of his two girlfriends, an inexplicable strange emotion grew in her heart, and she couldn't stop it even more.Su Nan's face was weird, and the hand underneath was even more extreme, even fingers squeezed in from the edge of the fat side, making zero-distance contact with the skin, really worthy of the perverted squad leader, who can do this kind of thing when there are people around.

But Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi didn't find anything wrong. The topics that Lu Ying raised were all about study and interesting things on campus. Although it was a bit inexplicable, they also dealt with it one after another, and didn't notice that Su Nan on the other side was silent. eating.

Su Nan felt that her acting skills were still good, and she could still keep her face under the tricks of the squad leader. Fortunately, the squad leader didn't go too far, so she quickly took it back. From then on, she paid more attention to it. his thighs.

Su Nan felt that the squad leader's perverted thoughts were in conflict with her sense of shame as a girl. While being a pervert, she also had a heart that understood shame.

Therefore, many very bad behaviors, even those she really wanted to do, restrained herself because of reason. Su Nan couldn't know whether it was because of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin's presence. She needed to find an opportunity to be alone with the squad leader. to understand.

He lowered his head, so as not to let the girls see his twinkling eyes. Naturally, he couldn't bear to be treated like this by the monitor. Compared with being trained, he prefers training others.

That hand was still making trouble, but most of the time it was just a light touch, and then quickly retracted. After a while, it did it again, expressing the mixed feelings of its owner who was shy, longing, and excited.

Su Nan was a little bit tempted by the teasing, but the two girlfriends were there, and she didn't dare to resist or respond to the monitor for the time being, so she held back and pretended nothing happened.

The meal was quite difficult, but luckily it didn't take long. It lasted about five minutes, and the three girls finished talking, and the atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

The silence lasted for a while, Lu Ying withdrew her hand, stood up holding the tableware, and said, "I have to take a step ahead, we will have dinner together next time."

Chu Xi nodded slightly, but Zhao Xiaomin saw that she was upset, and kept silent, and Su Nan would not make a sound at this time.

Lu Ying didn't care either. She took a deep look at Su Nan and left the table.

The revenge of the last time has been avenged, but it is far from enough, far from it.

After finally catching Su Nan's handle, the girl felt an uplifting feeling in her heart, eager to use this to do more, more.

Staring at Lu Ying's back until she disappeared, Zhao Xiaomin looked away and asked Su Nan curiously, "Ah Nan, what did you talk about just now?"

"What can there be? It's not the same as last time." Su Nan sighed helplessly. Although I was a little sorry for lying, I couldn't tell the real relationship between myself and the monitor.

Zhao Xiaomin already knew something about him and the monitor, but she only thought that the monitor pursued him in order to destroy their relationship, but she didn't know that their relationship was even more ambiguous.

Chu Xi's eyes fell on Su Nan's face, and there was a hint of puzzlement hidden in her eyes. There was a detail that she had been paying attention to just now. Lu Ying was sitting on Su Nan's right hand, too close, but Lu Ying never raised her left hand. After mentioning it once, Su Nan gave her a strange feeling.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Noticing Chu Xi's pensive look, Su Nan felt a little guilty, and quickly said: "Let's go too, it seems that we haven't stayed in the activity room together for a long time."

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaomin temporarily forgot about Lu Ying, glanced at Chu Xi, and had an ambiguous smile on her face: "Indeed, the lock of the activity room has been changed, and no one will disturb you if you lock the door."

Chu Xi knew that she did it on purpose, probably to tease him. Chu Xi didn't want to show his timidity, so he said, "Xiao Min, your sister didn't feel well yesterday, why don't you invite her to our activity room for a lunch break."

Su Nan was a little surprised, and said: "Is it the third sister? If you are sick, let her come over, and if it is serious, send her home."

He couldn't help feeling a little worried. He had been to Zhao Xiaomin's house on the weekend, and Zhao Junmin felt as if he was sick.

The corner of Zhao Xiaomin's mouth twitched, and she said with a sneer, "It's just a little cold, it's already gone, she studies very hard, and the exam is about to come, don't bother her."

While speaking, he gave Chu Xi a sneaky look, feeling both angry and a little shy, that Chu Xi actually made fun of their sisters, it was too much.

Although she felt that Zhao Junmin's illness was not just a simple cold, Su Nan didn't want to ask too many questions, because that time when she was lying on the same bed with Xiao Min and Junmin, Zhao Xiaomin did a lot of irrational things at that time. Later, Zhao Junmin's forced kiss made Su Nan always feel guilty in front of her sister.

After the three of them put away the tableware, they went to the faucet to wash their hands. Su Nan heard the sound of something falling on the ground, and looked down. There was a mobile phone under his feet, which looked very familiar.

He subconsciously picked it up, looked up, and stood opposite Zhao Junmin who was at a loss. Her delicate face was rosy, and her fists were tightly clenched, looking a little nervous.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked to the other side. At this moment, Zhao Xiaomin and Chu Xi were washing their hands a little further away, so they didn't pay attention to this side.

He handed the phone back and said, "Be careful."

After staring at him blankly for a while, Zhao Junmin blushed and said, "Thank you."

Then quickly grab the phone and turn around and run.

Su Nan was a little surprised, she moved her lips, but she didn't call out to stop her. The other party seemed to be very afraid of seeing him.

Seeing Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin walking towards him together, Su Nan put away his strange mood and went up to him, and then the three of them walked to the activity room together.

Zhao Junmin, who was running far away, stopped, her heart was beating, her little face was flushed seductively, and she felt hot for a while, and she didn't know if she was exercising too much.

Suddenly found Su Nan by her side just now, she was so frightened that she dropped her phone, she was ashamed to death.

Looking back, I found that Su Nan was walking between her sister and a beautiful girl, they were talking and laughing.

Looking at this scene, the girl inexplicably felt a little lost.

When she came back to her senses, she slapped herself hard on the face. My sister said that after the punishment was over, there might be follow-up effects. I felt that the loss must be because the impact of the punishment was still there, and it would be fine in a few days.

The girl comforted herself in this way.

The three of Su Nan came to the activity room, but the plot did not develop in the direction of Li Fan. Su Nan had vented enough in the past two days, and the two girls also deliberately kept a distance from him so as not to damage their bodies. Tian is not close to Su Nan.

After school, Su Nan said something in the group, and went home. Aunt Qin came, and he had to go back to entertain her, so he couldn't stay too late like before.

As soon as Lu Ying turned around, she couldn't see Su Nan anymore, she was a little disappointed, originally she wanted to continue with the noon business, but it seems that it can only be tomorrow.But it's almost noon, so there's no rush to get revenge, you have to take your time.

Thinking of this, Lu Ying cheered up, packed her things and went home.

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