Soon, Su Nan's hand fell on her chest, because Su Nan's top that had been stuffed here before was removed, and only the thin top she was wearing was left, so the feeling became very clear.His hands are so warm, so skilled, with a hint of tenderness in the roughness, as if he already knows a woman's body well and knows how to make a woman happy.

Instinctively, a trace of dissatisfaction emerged in Lu Ying's heart, and then she was shocked by the feeling brought by his Tai Chi hands, which made her have no time to think, and emotions such as shyness, anger, and confusion surfaced in her heart.

She wanted to resist subconsciously, but when Su Nan used force again, her body seemed to be drained of strength, and her whole body became soft and hot, as if Su Nan's hand had magic power.

Later, a hand went around behind her, but Lu Ying was powerless to resist, and even under the skillful teasing of the other party, her body unexpectedly had a faint reaction of being honest.

Su Nan naturally noticed the state of the squad leader, hugged her and turned around, sat on the toilet, let the squad leader sit on her lap, still maintained the act of kissing her passionately, and at the same time put both hands around her and hugged her, This posture is more convenient.

He was a little dissatisfied with this state, and the delicate body in his arms slumped into a puddle of mud, exuding scalding heat, which made Su Nan's arms hot and made him even more impulsive.

Gradually, his hands became more dishonest, and gradually, he released himself, and things became more and more out of hand.

The girl trembled all over, woke up, and realized what had happened, she looked very ashamed and indignant, it was fine if she didn't resist, but she was not consciously addicted to it, she was really too bad!

But this is not the time to be upset, the situation at this time is very bad, Su Nan's actions prove that he seems to want to do something here, in such a bad place, to do something indescribable to her.

She opened her mouth to speak, Su Nan took time to cover her small mouth with one hand, and hugged her waist with the other to prevent her from escaping, and the rest depended on her skills and feelings. Fortunately, he and Zhao Xiaomin had experienced a lot. No hands.

Lu Ying's head went numb, and her heart was inexplicably sad. Was she going to be taken away by Su Nan for the first time?

No, absolutely not!

But what can be done?

Can't resist, can't call... Fame is more important than body, she can't make a decision immediately, and when she hesitates, Su Nan will undoubtedly lead the matter to an indescribable situation.

Lu Ying's head was spinning crazily, and her virginity was threatened, which made her extra sober, but seemed a little unreasonable. She gritted her teeth and resolutely stretched out a hand, putting it between herself and Su Nan, interrupting his blind exploration.

Then, Lu Ying took a deep breath, learning without a teacher.

A flash of surprise flashed in Su Nan's eyes. Looking at the class monitor, she didn't expect that she would suddenly take the initiative. Could it be the perverted soul who couldn't bear herself?

Seeing Su Nan's surprised look, Lu Ying was instinctively ashamed, but tried her best to maintain her superficial calm, stared at his eyes and moved her lips seriously, and said a few words silently.

"that's it."

Su Nan was startled, then nodded. He didn't mean to be serious at first, but was just a little too impulsive. Since the squad leader is so sensible and helps him solve the problem of impulsiveness, he will naturally not do anything more extreme.After all, this place is wrong. For a girl, losing her first time in this kind of place would not be a good experience.

And the squad leader may not be willing either, as she is not pure as a pervert, it is enough to teach her a little, and it is better to avoid doing things that will affect her life.

They didn't dare to breathe. In this small and dark space, breathing, body temperature, and breath were all intertwined. Occasionally, the girl made eye contact, and the girl would quickly drift away, blushing to the neck, indicating that she was extremely shy.

Su Nan endured her torture, and couldn't help but go around to the back to torture her, and occasionally go around to the front again.

Lu Ying felt very ashamed and helpless, after several interruptions failed, she could only grit her teeth and hold back.

At a certain moment, Lu Ying felt that Su Nan's hand tightened on her body, which made her feel a little pain. After she frowned, she suddenly realized something, and widened her eyes in horror, but it was too late...


The girl woke up from a daze, her cheeks were flushed, she gave Su Nan a look of embarrassment and indignation, she quickly stood up from his embrace, turned her back to him, then took out a tissue to wipe the sweat on her face, every time After wiping it, her body trembled and her eyes were complicated.

Su Nan was a little embarrassed. To be honest, he had the idea of ​​doing this deliberately. Firstly, thinking about the lower body felt very exciting, but treating a pervert like this would surely make her happy. Ten is a bit like being deeply shocked and feeling extremely ashamed at the same time.

Even for a perverted woman, is it too much this time? After all, it is the first time for the perverted squad leader to experience such a thing.

But after doing everything, it's useless to regret, and Su Nan believes that the monitor still thinks it's pretty good, but the girl's shame made her unable to accept it all at once.

He packed his pants and was about to ask the class monitor to delete the video, but when he pulled up his pants chain, the monitor suddenly opened the door and ran away, leaving the door wide open.

Su Nan was startled, and then realized that there was no one in the women's toilet at this time. He didn't dare to stay, so he got up and walked out of the cubicle, and quickly went out from the women's toilet.

There was no one outside, Su Nan saw the squad leader looking back at this place from a distance, his expression seemed a little hesitant, but when he saw him coming out, he snorted softly, gave him the back of the head very coldly, and then ran away quickly.

Su Nan understood that the squad leader was worried that he would be seen when he came out of the women's toilet, but because of what happened just now, he didn't give him a good look.

But bukkake to a virgin is indeed a very excessive thing, no wonder the perverted monitor can't bear it, so I'll find another opportunity to apologize to the monitor after school in the afternoon.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan didn't see the monitor, and she left the classroom as soon as the bell rang.

He didn't care too much, after all, it was a difficult thing for him to take into account the shame of a pervert. He felt that the squad leader was only angry on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart. .

Besides, the reason for that situation was all because of the squad leader, who threatened him to enter the women's restroom and take off his clothes in the women's restroom, but Su Nan just resisted.

I came to the activity room with a slightly happy mood, but there was no one there. I took out my mobile phone to read the messages in the group. It turned out that Zhao Xiaomin proposed to eat hot pot tonight, and she and Chuxi went back to prepare first.

Su Nan didn't stay for long after reading the message and went home, but she was thinking about a question along the way. Now that Aunt Qin lives at home, seeing that she has such a good relationship with the two beautiful girls next door, would she think too much? Not to mention there is a senior living next door.

Probably not, as long as Aunt Qin doesn't know the relationship between herself and them, but Qin Xiaowan's mouth must be blocked in this way, Qin Xiaowan knows his situation.

Su Nan didn't want her elders to know about the fact that she had stepped on several boats. Aunt Qin might tell her parents after she knew about it. Such a situation was too bad.

The more she thought about it, the more disturbed she became, Su Nan hurried home, she had to make it clear to Qin Xiaowan as soon as possible, but she didn't know how to persuade Qin Xiaowan to help her hide it, how about threatening her?Take her to secretly film yourself.

When he got home, before he entered the door, Su Nan heard the sound of warblers and swallows coming from the house. He felt something was wrong, so he opened the door and walked in, dumbfounded.

I saw Chuxi, Zhao Xiaomin, Senior Sister, and Qin Xiaowan, four of them coming in and out of the kitchen, each holding a plate full of vegetables, freshly cut meat, seafood, etc., and putting it on the dining table, In the middle of the dining table is an induction cooker, which is boiling hot pot bottom material.

Aunt Qin's voice came from the kitchen. She was processing the rest of the ingredients while chatting with his three close female friends, looking a little too enthusiastic.

I don't know if it's because Aunt Qin is his elder, so the three girls are very enthusiastic and hardworking, and even Chu Xi has a smile on his face.

Only Qin Xiaowan pouted a little dissatisfied, looked at the three girls with raging fighting spirit in his eyes, and seemed to regard them as opponents.

Su Nan looked at such a harmonious scene in front of him, and was a little at a loss. Didn't Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin talk about eating hot pot? Why did they come to his house, and the senior sister was there.

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