Qin Xiaowan had nothing to say, it was indeed so convenient, Su Nan completely lost consciousness, she could do whatever she wanted, no matter how satisfying she was.

Compared with installing a camera to secretly shoot, recording a shameful video in front of Su Nan without his knowledge, fascinated him seems nothing.

Qin Xiaowan thought to herself, but looked at her mother strangely; "Mom, how did you get your medicine?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This is drugged!

It's still colorless and odorless, and it can fascinate people without anyone noticing it in a minute, it's terrible!

Where did mother come from such a high-tech thing?

Qin Xiaowan's heart trembled and she panicked. She had never told her what her mother's job was, and she was really afraid that something would go wrong.

Qin's mother was very calm, pinching her daughter's face gently: "Don't worry, this is a health product that my mother's company is planning to launch recently. It is used to help sleep, and it is a good medicine for treating insomnia."

The corner of Qin Xiaowan's mouth twitched: "This is breaking the law."

Although she doesn't understand the law, can a medicine that can silently put people down be considered a health product?

What kind of company is the company that my mother works for? It actually produces this kind of medicine. It must not be a black-hearted company!

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help feeling worried, for fear that her mother would be implicated if something happened in this company, and she didn't understand why her mother continued this job.

As if she knew what her daughter was worried about, Qin's mother smiled softly: "Don't worry, mom is not working for the bad guys. This is just a laboratory product, but it has been tested many times and it is completely harmless to people. It will be natural when it is officially sold. It will be diluted dozens of times or hundreds of times."

Because of her trust in her mother, Qin Xiaowan felt relieved.

Under Qin's mother's talk, Qin Xiaowan finally bit the bullet and agreed to attack Su Nan. She took the incense and lighter from her mother, took a deep breath and was about to walk towards Su Nan, but Qin's mother stopped her.

Qin Xiaowan looked at her mother in doubt, didn't she want to fascinate Su Nan, why did she stop herself?

"Don't worry." Qin's mother said: "Mom suggests that you should wait until you have an attack before fascinating Xiao Nan. That should have a therapeutic effect."

Is it this kind of shameful feeling to drug someone you like?How much does mother know?

Qin Xiaowan felt weird and shy at the same time.

Qin's mother blinked and joked: "And this kind of drug is very effective, Xiao Nan will definitely not find anything when she wakes up."

The teasing from the mother made her daughter ashamed, she didn't want to do anything!

Su Nan didn't know that the mother and daughter he took in were trying to dazzle him, and he was playing games with some of his girlfriends at this time.

Something interesting happened to him. Unlike last night when everyone was sitting together, he was ordered to run back and forth by several jealous girlfriends. Today, after losing a few games and familiarizing themselves with the gameplay, they actually turned against each other. Potential to eat a chicken.

As the saying goes, the best relationship for a man is to go to the same window together, carry a gun, go whoring, share the stolen goods, and it is almost the same as a woman.

And playing games together is an easy way to get closer, have common goals, common enemies, and fight for goals together.

In addition, there is a man in common, and it is still impossible to drive the other party away. Even if there are conflicts in the daily relationship, they can only get along a little bit. It is normal for the relationship to get better.

The four of them played until after nine o'clock, and they didn't end until Zhao Xiaomin was about to go offline.

Before going offline, Su Nan chatted with Chu Xi a few words, and asked if he wanted to accompany her in the past, but was rejected, but asked him to keep his phone on at all times and be there on call.

The reason for doing this is to contact Su Nan as soon as possible when I have an attack, and let him come to see me.As for why he didn't let Su Nan come to accompany him now, Chu Xi mainly considered that Qin's mother was still there. If Qin's mother found out and told Su Nan's mother, it would be difficult to lose her life.

Being idle and bored, Su Nan turned on the computer and prepared to update a chapter of his street novel, but when the computer entered the desktop, he suddenly had a whim and wanted to do something urgently.

This feeling is familiar, including when three girlfriends came to him in strange ways, and the most recent one was the weekend of last week-the junior high school girl who had intimate contact but didn't know her name.

Su Nan's heart moved, could it be another round of strange events?Who will it be this time?

Not long ago, he played games with his girlfriends, and he just went offline, so it is unlikely that they were them, and apart from his girlfriends, the only person Su Nan had contact with was the unknown junior high school student. Girl, could it be her too this time?

At the beginning, Su Nan thought that only his three girlfriends would be involved in the strange incidents around him, because they were the only ones all along, but since the appearance of the ghost girl, Su Nan had to wonder whether Other girls were also implicated.

It just didn't appear before for unknown reasons.

Thinking of this possibility, Su Nan began to look for the source of his temptation, it seemed that it was because of the act of turning on the computer, so what's in the computer?

Su Nan recalled an anomaly that once happened to her mobile phone, a mysterious mobile game. At that time, her senior sister and Zhao Xiaomin both entered the game one after another, and were overthrown by herself one after another.

And that time, the game was installed forcibly.

Su Nan's heart moved, and he looked at his desktop carefully, and found a new icon, which was a cute girl's head portrait, and the style was still in the two-dimensional style. There was a number zero on the icon, which seemed to be downloaded.

Su Nan couldn't resist the urge to download, moved the mouse and clicked, and the number on the icon changed from zero to 1, and it kept changing.

Su Nan's heart beat a little faster, she took a deep breath and watched the numbers keep jumping.


Lu Anya called Shu Bao'er, explained her situation, and asked anxiously, "Based on your experience, how do you deal with my situation?"

Shu Bao'er said helplessly: "It's very hard to listen to you. It seems that you are terminally ill and there is no cure."

"Why is this..." Lu Anya was stunned, and hurriedly asked: "You must have had this kind of experience, and there must be a solution. By the way, don't you have Su Nan's mobile phone? Give me his number!"

"What's the use of talking about it now, and you didn't call me earlier." Shu Bao'er complained, and Lu Anya immediately reprimanded her: "Your phone can't get through!"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't think of that either."

Shu Baoer sneered, and then comforted: "Resign yourself to fate, although the first time is a bit strange, but in fact, as long as you let go, it's quite comfortable, and after a day, your seizures will become once every three days. "

"The more you talk, the more uneasy I become. What the hell is comfort?" Lu Anya muttered, why does it feel like Shu Baoer is trying to encourage her?

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