Lu Anya had nothing to say, and silently endured his beatings one after another. The strange thing was that she didn't feel any pain after being hit by that weapon so many times. Instead, there was an inexplicable comfortable feeling at the place where she was hit.

She has a weird face, is she shaking M?

Suddenly, she felt a chill.

"Uh, this weapon actually has the effect of breaking the defense." Su Nan was shocked at first, and then affected by emotions, he continued the punishment link, his eyes slightly excited.

And Lu Anya looked at the scene of her being beaten through the huge mirror, and almost fainted from shame.

After the end, the two sat face to face, and Lu Anya said angrily: "You let me have a game!"

Su Nan let her play a game, but the result was the same. The game judged that the heroine had violated the rules and was punished by stripping.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the computer, the heroine sat down again, her face looked a little unlovable, the only thing that comforted her was that although she had performed a striptease, she was fortunately not stripped.

Su Nan didn't know how to comfort her. After all, it was just a game, and he was a player. There was no fairness between the player and the heroine of the game. All the content of the game was for the player.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Anya said, "Let's change the game."

She could see that Su Nan couldn't play backgammon by herself, even if she acted coquettishly and asked Su Nan to release the water, she would be judged as a foul by the game system.

She also gradually realized the purpose of the game. As the heroine of the game, she can only be at the mercy of the player Su Nan.

But it's not complete, at least Su Nan is very negotiable and willing to consider her.

Lu Anya decided to use this to let Su Nan choose the game she is good at.

"What do you want to play?" Su Nan asked, ready to quit backgammon.

"What are you not good at?" Lu Anya asked him, and Su Nan replied: "Mahjong, I have never played mahjong. If I choose mahjong, I will definitely lose."

"Will this be unfair to you?" the heroine seemed embarrassed to say.

It's really gentle, and I still think about this kind of thing at this time, Su Nan smiled and said: "This game itself is unfair to you, I can lose at will, but you can't lose."

Of course, Lu Anya pretended to be innocent on purpose, otherwise how could she win Su Nan's sympathy, so she agreed with him when she heard what he said, and said thank you with a grateful face.

But he didn't know that Su Nan's heart was full of pity and helplessness. No matter how the heroine fought, he would eventually attack the heroine, which was very embarrassing.

According to what the heroine said, Su Nan chose a mahjong game this time, which is the kind of arcade hall on the side of the road when he was very young, but it has long since disappeared. Even at that time, because of the rise of computer Internet cafes, there were no people in the arcade. Playing, I remember that the store he went to with others was about to close down.

After choosing the game, unexpectedly, a section of game description appeared first, including the gameplay, as if he had already considered that he would not know this.

But with Su Nan's memory and comprehension ability, he quickly became a mahjong player after watching it once. I don't know if he was secretly affected by the game.

Facing the confident heroine, Su Nan was too embarrassed to say that she had learned it, so she bit the bullet and played mahjong with her.

After clicking start, the table turned into a mahjong table, and the chair where the heroine was originally sitting turned into a sofa lying on her back. What was even more surprising was that the heroine's clothes disappeared, and she was only wearing sexy underwear. .

Su Nan was dumbfounded, and said in surprise, "What's wrong with you?"

"I..." Lu Anya looked back at him, and said with embarrassment: "It seems that I need to maintain this posture when playing mahjong with you."

Su Nan was startled, and said, "Do you want to cancel? I can cancel."

The heroine was taken aback, and said in a panic, "Don't do it, or I will be judged to be cheating, so that's it, you just concentrate on playing mahjong and don't look at me."

How could you not read it.

Su Nan thought secretly, but nodded.

Then the two started playing mahjong. Although Lu Anya's posture was quite inconvenient, it was a game after all, and you didn't need to use your hands at all to play mahjong, just move your mind.

It was such a shameful posture that made her feel ashamed. The hot gaze behind her seemed to be staring at her all the time, making her head messed up and unable to think. Fortunately, she is not the real body now, otherwise she would almost die of shame.

After all, Su Nan had never played mahjong before. Even though she was familiar with the gameplay after reading the instructions, she still lost the first game. However, the game did not end after losing, but started again. The heroine's posture changed from lying on her stomach to lying on her side.

Lu Anya said angrily, "It's not that I want to do this, don't look at me like that!"

Su Nan looked away and continued to play mahjong, but he still lost in the end.

At the beginning of the third game, Lu Anya's posture became worse and more attractive.

The heroine said unrequitedly: "This is the last game. If I win this game, it will be over."

She made up her mind that once the game was over, she would never choose this one again. It was too shameful, to play mahjong in such a seductive pose all the time, and only in underwear.

Su Nan gave her a sympathetic look, didn't say anything, really didn't know how to comfort her, and...

He felt that he was becoming more and more proficient at playing mahjong, and he had a hunch that this round would not be so easy to lose.

Sure enough, not long after the start of the third game, Lu Anya heard the game notification sound, telling her that a foul was committed and the game ended early.

"I didn't do anything, how could I foul? Wait, don't you..." Lu Anya looked at Su Nan in shock.

Su Nan nodded in embarrassment.

"How is it possible? You obviously didn't know how to do it at the beginning. It's only the third game. Why did you grow so fast?"

Lu Anya couldn't understand that she won the first two rounds, which meant her level was higher than that of Su Nan, but in the third round, Su Nan surpassed her. Because of the water, the game judged that she lost.

"Because I have a better brain." After thinking about it, Su Nan replied.

The heroine is speechless.

The next moment, the mahjong table disappeared, and Lu Anya still maintained that embarrassing posture. She felt terrified, and it was time for punishment again.

After hearing Su Nan say sorry, she clicked the mouse, and a pair of scissors appeared out of thin air, cutting off the covering covering her upper body, a small piece of cloth floated down, and the slight chill made Lu Anya tremble, and chicken skin appeared pimple.

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