Back home, Su Nan clapped hard, first Zhao Xiaomin, then senior sister, the two seduced him one after the other, but they couldn't satisfy him, which made him a little impulsive, and he didn't calm down until he took a cold shower.

Qin's mother was gone, and Qin Xiaowan was also hiding in the room. The living room was quiet, as if returning to the previous days, which made Su Nan a little uncomfortable.

After being dazed for a while, he packed up his mood and went back to the room, turned on the computer and played for a while, remembering his own fluttering novels, opened the webpage and found that his grades had improved a lot recently.

Although he is less and more procrastinating, since he began to improve in all aspects of his body, his mind has become more flexible. In addition to those strange experiences, he picked some and wrote them up. The monthly manuscript fee will increase.

Thinking of this, Su Nan was in a good mood. Seeing that it was late, she turned off the computer and went to bed.

At one o'clock in the morning, the door of his room was slowly pushed open, and a slender figure walked in quietly, stood at the head of the station and looked at Su Nan who was sleeping soundly for a while, the hotness in his eyes could no longer be hidden.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In a daze, Su Nan felt a strange feeling in his body, which made him seem to have returned to the time when Chu Xi left after dinner in the evening.

At that time, in order to please him, Zhao Xiaomin knelt down in front of him and did what he liked for him. He will never forget that feeling.

Is this a dream?

Su Nan thought to herself, and then felt something was wrong again, it felt too real.

The next moment, he opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at a black shadow in front of him in the darkness. All the feelings he felt in the dim moment just now came from what this black shadow did at this time.

Su Nan was startled at first, and then said in disbelief: "Xiao Wan, what are you doing?"

His eyesight was amazing, and it was Qin Xiaowan who could see the black shadow in the dark, and this discovery stunned him instantly.

Hearing him call her name, Qin Xiaowan raised her head to look at him, Su Nan was startled, and saw deep nostalgia and strong longing in her eyes.

"Brother Nan, I'm sorry, please don't look at me, please..." Being stared at by him like this, the girl's face burned red, and her eyes were full of tears, pleading.

Su Nan gritted her teeth and wanted to sit up, but found that her hands were tied to the head of the bed with a rope and she couldn't get up. He was shocked, Qin Xiaowan must be crazy!

In desperation, he snapped his arms violently, and the rope broke with a snap.

Su Nan just wanted to sit up and push Xiaowan away, but at the moment he got up, Qin Xiaowan turned around and pressed on him in a six-nine posture. When Su Nan sat up, she still locked her neck with her legs.

His nose smelled a burst of fragrance, he looked down and found that Qin Xiaowan, a crazy girl, was actually only wearing a pair of fat pants.

The corners of Su Nan's mouth twitched, and she was also a little angry. She grabbed the legs locked around her neck and forcibly separated her, trying to take her off her body, but Qin Xiaowan couldn't do it with her hands tightly around his waist.

Su Nan picked up the rope next to her, tied Qin Xiaowan's feet, put them aside, took her hands off her waist, and tied them up.

The girl's strength was nothing compared to his.

After doing these things, Su Nan took a deep breath, even though she couldn't move her hands and feet, she could still move her mouth.Qin Xiaowan covered his lower body with her mouth, kept swallowing and swallowing, her flexible little tongue swept, bringing bursts of numbness to the bone.

Immediately subdued Qin Xiaowan, pushed Qin Xiaowan away, and Su Nan jumped out of bed to turn on the light.

After turning on the light, the room was brightly lit. Su Nan looked at Qin Xiaowan on the bed, and saw that her hands and feet were bound and she was only wearing underwear, lying on the bed struggling like a worm.

Su Nan was stunned, and seeing him staring at her, Qin Xiaowan blushed and looked like she was about to cry, begging him bitterly: "Please don't look at me, don't look at me, ah, it's too embarrassing, no It's..."

With a dark face, Su Nan rushed over and put the quilt on Qin Xiaowan's body, leaving only her face outside.

Suppressing a ripple in her heart, Su Nan frowned and stared shyly at Qin Xiaowan, who was still muttering "Don't look at me", she kept yelling "Don't look at me", but her expression was very excited. The body twisted constantly, as if wanting to expose the figure to the air.

Su Nan pulled the quilt again, and asked impatiently, "What's the matter with you?"

To actually attack him in the middle of the night and do such a thing to him is not something a normal girl would do at all, only a shameless and shameless girl would dare to do such a thing.

Although she knew that Qin Xiaowan was a pervert, she had always restrained herself, and she rarely showed it in the past—except for the time when she met the fox girl Chu Xi.

For such a long time, she had obviously concealed it very well, and she had always acted like a normal girl in front of him, so why did she suddenly go crazy tonight.

Su Nan couldn't figure it out. At the same time, he remembered Qin Xiaowan hugging himself from behind when brushing his teeth that morning. It seemed that Qin Xiaowan had become abnormal since then.

Hearing Su Nan's angry question, Qin Xiaowan froze for a moment, as if she woke up suddenly.

She blushed suddenly and didn't dare to look at Su Nan, feeling ashamed and wishing she could get her face under the bed and hide.

Seeing this, Su Nan had no choice but to slow down her tone, and said helplessly: "What's wrong with you? If there is something difficult to hide, tell me and I will try my best to help you solve it."

Su Nan thought, could it be that Qin Xiaowan became abnormal and couldn't control herself?

Why are there perverted girls around me? Even senior sister and Chu Xi have perverted sides.

Su Nan sighed, a little tired, forget about the others, Qin Xiaowan gave him the same feeling as his sister, but it turned out like this.

"I..." Qin Xiaowan was ashamed and said, "I don't know what's going on, I almost couldn't control myself every time I faced you, I just did this kind of thing when I came to my senses, I'm sorry, I did not do it on purpose."

She murmured in a low voice, her eye circles were red, and tears slowly oozed out.Of course she knew what was going on, this was the residual influence after entering the game that day, but she couldn't tell Su Nan this kind of words.

At the same time, she is really sad. As a girl, she doesn't have a thick skin. If Su Nan does this kind of thing when she is asleep, she can bear it. I dare not face Su Nan.

Su Nan was skeptical about her words, but seeing her crying sadly, she softened her heart and sighed: "You may be sick. If you are really sick, I won't blame you."

Qin Xiaowan was startled, nodded, and said sadly: "Maybe, what should I do to cure my illness, if not cured, what will I do next time?"

"I'll take you to see a psychiatrist tomorrow." Su Nan said, he felt that Qin Xiaowan really had a mental problem, it's better to see a doctor as soon as possible to avoid irreversible consequences.

"See a doctor..." Qin Xiaowan felt a little embarrassed. It would be too embarrassing to tell the doctor this kind of thing. Besides, she knew why she was like this, and it was not something that a doctor could solve.

Just when Qin Xiaowan was in trouble, Su Nan's cell phone rang. He temporarily left Qin Xiaowan behind and picked up the cell phone, only to find that it was Qin's mother calling.

What is Aunt Qin calling in the middle of the night?

Su Nan had a bad feeling, but he still chose to answer.

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