Kissing the palm of her own hand, Qin Xiaowan was not satisfied, she kicked off the quilt and got up, got out of bed barefoot and ran to open the door, trying to go out to find Su Nan, but the door couldn't be opened, and was sucked in by a huge force, while outside Su Nan's voice sounded.

"Put on your clothes."

Qin Xiaowan puffed her cheeks, rolled her eyes, ran back to get dressed, and stood in front of the door when she was done, saying, "I'm ready."

She looked excited, ready to pounce, her face was blushing with joy, obviously it was something to be ashamed of, but she didn't care about it, she couldn't control the urge to get close to Su Nan.

Qin Xiaowan scolded herself as a pervert and shameless in her heart, but she got up her spirits and paid close attention to that door, holding her breath.

There was a moment of silence outside, and then the door opened, Qin Xiaowan jumped out immediately, but in vain, she turned around and saw Su Nan standing behind her with a rope in her hand.

After saying "No!", Qin Xiaowan and Su Nan were forced against the wall, and Su Nan tied her with a rope.

Qin Xiaowan struggled, but her mood became more excited, because the more she struggled, the more she came into contact with Su Nan's body. The subtle touch and ambiguous friction really made people feel beautiful.

And Su Nan also found that something was wrong with her, but she had no choice but to pretend that she didn't know anything, and tied Qin Xiaowan around with a rope, but her feet were not tied.

Qin Xiaowan turned around and wanted to fall into his arms, Su Nan raised her hand to press her forehead, this girl was much shorter than him in height, after being held down, she couldn't even kick Su Nan with her feet, and her hands were tied.She was a little downcast.

"Don't be crazy, go to sleep!"

Su Nan pushed Qin Xiaowan to her room, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, he didn't care, but if this dragged on, Qin Xiaowan would definitely not be able to get up tomorrow.

After entering the room, Qin Xiaowan became much quieter, no longer thinking about turning around and throwing herself into his arms, but only turned her back to Su Nan's big eyes with a sly gleam.

Su Nan asked her to go to bed, and she obediently climbed onto the bed and lay down, then blinked her eyes and stared at him shyly, and whispered, "Please...please be gentle."

"Yes." Su Nan nodded, pulled over the quilt, and gently covered her body.

Ignoring the girl's dissatisfaction, Su Nan said: "Sleep well, and I will untie you tomorrow."

Then Su Nan tied her feet slightly so that she could not get out of bed, and then left the room.

Qin Xiaowan lay on the bed blankly, feeling uncomfortable all over. She really wanted to see Su Nan and have intimate contact with him, but her hands and feet were tied and she couldn't move at all.

Under the extreme desire, she twisted her body and struggled out of the quilt, and her bound feet kicked against the wall, making a dull sound.

"Sleep!" Su Nan's stern voice came from the next door.

"Can't sleep!" Qin Xiaowan yelled aggrievedly.

There was no movement next door, she kicked and stared again, and after an unknown amount of time, she heard the sound of the door opening, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she looked at the door of her room expectantly.

Then, Su Nan opened the door and came in, walked to her bedside and looked at her with frowns furrowed, with a helpless look on her face.

Qin Xiaowan felt guilty subconsciously, but the impulse deep in her heart prevented her from telling Su Nan to go back, and she really wanted him to be with her all the time.

Su Nan sighed, pulled a chair to sit down, and said, "I'll sit here and go back when you fall asleep."

Qin Xiaowan shook her head and looked at him with bright eyes, "Go to bed, otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight, don't want me to be sleepy in class tomorrow."

Last time she used excuses to trick Su Nan into climbing into her bed, but this time she was very straightforward, not hiding her feelings for Su Nan at all.

Because of this, a shy blush appeared on her face, but her eyes kept staring at Su Nan, full of expectation.

Su Nan pondered for a moment, then nodded lightly, Qin Xiaowan is still so noisy at this late hour, maybe the two of them won't have to sleep all night, so they can only try to comfort her.

And the method of appeasement is what Aunt Qin said, sleeping together should count as well, anyway, as long as it is an ambiguous behavior, and only lovers and husbands and wives will sleep in the same bed.

Qin Xiaowan was tied up by him, so she couldn't mess around.

After thinking of this, Su Nan no longer hesitated, climbed onto the bed and lay down, and Qin Xiaowan's eyes flashed with excitement, she moved her body to lean against him with a blushing face, and leaned against his body.

Su Nan frowned, but didn't say anything, because Qin Xiaowan didn't move after half of her body touched him, she closed her eyes tightly, her beautiful eyelashes trembling slightly, as if she was very nervous.

Su Nan stared at her delicate face, which was full of red clouds, cute and alluring, her body was wrapped in circles with ropes, her body was stretched out with subtle curves, it looked a little moving.

Su Nan withdrew her gaze and stopped staring, slowly calming down her restless heart.

At this time, he heard Qin Xiaowan say: "It's too tight!" His voice was full of pain.

Su Nan was a little uncertain whether she was really in pain or a lie. She opened her eyes to look at her, only to see that her small face was uncomfortable, and her posture changed to lying on her side facing him, with her chest pressed against his arm. No wonder Su Nan Nan felt that his arm was soft to the touch, but he didn't feel it all at once because the other party's curves were normal.

With a slight push from him, Qin Xiaowan, whose hands and feet were bound, lay flat involuntarily. She opened her eyes and stared at him angrily, as if she was asking why.

Su Nan coughed dryly: "It's too close, it's hot."

Qin Xiaowan pursed her ruddy mouth: "Then you still tie me up so tightly? I'm hot too, so quickly untie me."

"I'll turn on the air conditioner for you!" Su Nan got up and turned on the air conditioner with the remote control.

Qin Xiaowan was short of breath for a while, and when Su Nan looked over, her expression turned downcast, and she said, "Can you untie me, I feel uncomfortable, you are too tight, if the blood doesn't flow, I will die tomorrow."

Su Nan shook her head, seeing that she looked like she was about to cry, she changed her words and said, "I'll loosen it for you, but not completely. You're sick, and this is the only way to be safe."

Qin Xiaowan curled her lips, but still nodded.

Then Su Nan approached her, helped her sit up and helped her loosen the rope on her body. When she tied it just now, she kept struggling, and it was indeed a little tight.

After about a while, Su Nan helped her to lie down again, and Qin Xiaowan reminded him: "Feet!"

Su Nan walked around to the place where her jade feet were placed, and also loosened them with the same method just now, but the girl's feet were too slender and slippery to the touch. As soon as he loosened some of her jade feet, one escaped, and the other Only escaped quickly.

Qin Xiaowan huddled her feet under the quilt, looked at him pitifully and said, "Don't tie your feet up, it's hard to stretch your legs when you sleep."

Seeing the girl's cowardice, Su Nan's heart softened, and he said, "You have to make sure you don't act recklessly."

"I promise!" The girl said quickly.

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