If Qin Xiaowan hadn't liked him, she might have collapsed a long time ago, but even if she enjoyed the process of perverting the person she likes, she must still feel guilty deep in her heart.

"It's not your responsibility, you're just sick so you can't help yourself."

Su Nan comforted the girl first, and seeing that Qin Xiaowan's mood had stabilized, she tentatively said, "But if you are sick, you need treatment, and you can't let it go, or it will get worse, are you right?"

Qin Xiaowan couldn't help nodding, and looked at him pitifully: "You are right, my mother told me that she would take me to see a doctor, but I don't think my disease can be cured easily, It may be a psychological problem, I think I should adopt a milder treatment method instead of blindly forcing it, are you right?"

Su Nan was left speechless by her question, so she could only nod her head, but she couldn't help but fell silent. Aunt Qin also suggested to him, let him indulge Qin Xiaowan a little, and don't reject simple physical contact with her, otherwise it will be more difficult. Before that, Qin Xiaowan became more perverted.

Like that night, he and Qin Xiaowan were lying on the same bed. Although Qin Xiaowan made some small moves at the time, they didn't go too far, and fell asleep very quickly.

It's just whether to listen to Aunt Qin, but Su Nan is hesitant, feeling that it's inappropriate, but can't think of any other solution.

Su Nan's approval inspired Qin Xiaowan, but after seeing him, he fell silent, and couldn't help beating his mind, not knowing what Su Nan was thinking.

After a moment of silence, Su Nan asked, "How do you think your illness should be treated?"

He needs to test Qin Xiaowan's real thoughts, if Qin Xiaowan plans to take the opportunity to have something to do with him, then he needs to pay attention.

Qin Xiaowan plucked up her courage and said, "Can you come over?"

Eyes looked at him expectantly.

Su Nan hesitated, but walked over and sat beside her.

Qin Xiaowan was a little happy, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she said to him shyly, "Can I get closer to you? It feels...a little impulsive."

This sentence is true, Qin Xiaowan is more than impulsive, she hasn't seen Su Nan since yesterday morning, she is going crazy, some impulsiveness in her heart makes her unable to cheer up all day.

Today the teacher asked her several times if she wanted to ask for leave. If Qin Xiaowan didn't think that she could meet Su Nan at school, she would have really asked.

But she went to look for Su Nan at noon, but she couldn't find him. She also went to his class after school in the evening, but Su Nan left early.

Therefore, now she very much hopes to lean in Su Nan's arms and experience his embrace. The moment Su Nan enters the door, she wants to rush over, if she is not afraid of scaring Su Nan.

At this moment, she made this request.

Su Nan also found that she was a little restless, her slender legs were constantly rubbing against each other, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were staring at herself, shining with a certain longing light.

Su Nan saw this kind of look in Lu Anya's eyes not long ago, and she was a little worried, worried that she would really lose control, so she nodded.

Qin Xiaowan was overjoyed at first, and then her face became even more rosy. She swallowed, slowly moved her little butt, and leaned towards Su Nan who was sitting next door little by little.

And Su Nan also tried to keep calm, and even kept adjusting her breathing to keep her calm.

I was just cooperating with Qin Xiaowan for treatment.

He so comforted himself.

I don't know if it was too uncontrollable, but when Qin Xiaowan approached him, the last touch almost hit her, which made him feel the fullness of her thighs.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Qin Xiaowan sighed deeply, as if letting go of a heavy burden.

But it wasn't over yet, she tilted her body, half of her body was on Su Nan's body, and she also leaned her head on Su Nan's shoulder.

Then she turned her face around and sniffed Su Nan's scent, like a jade girl.

Su Nan was hesitating whether to remind her to restrain herself, Qin Xiaowan suddenly frowned and said, "It's the smell of perfume."

Su Nan was sweating in his heart. How could he have no smell after having such contact with Lu Anya at Lu Anya's house before.

I didn't expect Qin Xiaowan to smell it out, but Su Nan has a girlfriend, so she was relatively calm, "It's my girlfriend."

Qin Xiaowan snorted softly and stopped speaking, but stopped sniffing him, as if she hated the smell of other girls' perfume from him.

After being next to him for a while, Qin Xiaowan was a little dissatisfied, hugged one of his arms in her arms, and played with his fingers with two small hands.

After trying to restrain herself, Qin Xiaowan said to him proudly: "Look, I can control myself. As long as you are willing to help me, my condition can be cured."

Su Nan didn't know how to answer her, so she had to say vaguely: "That's right, a good child is one who can restrain himself." "I'm not a child anymore!" Qin Xiaowan said dissatisfied, her pretty face flushed a little, but she was broken Although the girl who passed by is only in the state of the soul, the feeling is real.

"Okay, okay, you are not a child, but whether you are an adult or a child, you should restrain your desires." Su Nan said with emotion.

Qin Xiaowan blinked her eyes, hugged his arm tightly and said: "From now on, shall we be like this?"

"What?" Su Nan pretended not to understand.

"It's just... like brothers and sisters." Qin Xiaowan, who originally wanted to talk about lovers, finally gave up and changed to younger sister.

But soon she cheered up and said excitedly: "If it's brothers and sisters, it's okay to sit next to each other, and you won't have any worries about physical contact like this."

After speaking, she looked at Su Nan expectantly, Su Nan had no choice but to nod, but he still added: "Of course, it's only this level at most, younger sisters who have gone to junior high school are generally not too clingy to their elder brothers."

"How do you know, you don't have a younger sister." Qin Xiaowan was a little unconvinced.

"But I have classmates." Su Nan explained: "Many people in my class have younger sisters, and they all told me that only those who don't have younger sisters are younger sisters, and those who have younger sisters hate younger sisters." , because it's too annoying."

Qin Xiaowan was a little rejoiced at once, fortunately she is not Su Nan's real sister, and even hasn't seen her for many years, the little brother-sister friendship in childhood has long since deteriorated.

"Then the contact between us should be as good as this." Qin Xiaowan didn't bother with the issue of her sister anymore, she tightened Su Nan's arm again, and then said nonchalantly, "But a younger sister who is only in junior high school may also have a relationship with her older brother." Let's sleep together."

"It's not harmonious!" Su Nan shook her head quickly.

"Are all these filthy things in your mind?" Qin Xiaowan said angrily, why can't a man and a woman sleep harmoniously on the same bed, can't they simply sleep as a companion?

Hearing Qin Xiaowan say such things, Su Nan was really in a weird mood, did this girl forget what she did when she attacked him that night?

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