After a word of warning, Chu Xi was ready to get busy, but Zhao Xiaomin was so angry that she directly handed her the shovel in her hand and said angrily, "Don't you believe me, then I'll go out and prove it!"

After speaking, he ran out quickly, but Chu Xi was stunned for a while, wondering if he should chase him or not.

After hesitating for a while, she poked her head out quietly, intending to see what Zhao Xiaomin was going to do and Su Nan's reaction, but what she saw in the living room made her completely dumbfounded.

Today Zhao Xiaomin was wearing loose black sports trousers. She walked in front of Su Nan to block Su Nan's view of watching TV. After drawing Su Nan's attention, she smiled at him and asked Su Nan if she was pretty. Su Nan naturally replied that she was pretty.

Then Zhao Xiaomin turned around and pulled down his trousers, which shocked Su Nan directly, and also caught Su Nan's attention tightly.

(Delete 1)

Chu Xi was completely bewildered by Zhao Xiaomin's series of straightforward actions. How could there be such a shameless person in this world without the slightest sense of shame?

Chu Xi didn't know that Zhao Xiaomin was very angry because she was misunderstood. After all, she deliberately gave up Su Nan to Chu Xi, but in exchange for ridicule and misunderstanding, she threw it out in anger, insisting on proving Su Nan It was very impulsive, and at the same time, she knew that Chu Xi would definitely peek at it, so she had a little revenge.

After being intimate with Su Nan, Zhao Xiaomin secretly opened her eyes and looked towards the kitchen. Sure enough, she found that Chu Xi was peeking, and Chu Xi also noticed that she was looking over. The two looked at each other, which was a bit subtle.

Zhao Xiaomin blinked at Chu Xi, and seemed to be saying with air, look, Su Nan just wanted it.

Chu Xi, on the other hand, had a strange expression on his face, and felt a little bit of blaming himself in his heart. He knew that Zhao Xiaomin was such an unscrupulous person, so why did he give her a chance.

Although the three of them walked together, the scene in front of them was nothing, but the girl's little thoughts were a bit tasteful after all.

After kissing for a while, the two stopped kissing, but the emotional Zhao Xiaomin lay in Su Nan's arms and made more exaggerated demands on him.

asked for her.

Of course Su Nan refused, because no matter how you looked at it, it was inappropriate. It was nothing if Chu Xi saw the kiss, but if it was true, once Chu Xi walked out of the kitchen, he would probably die of anger.

"Let's go to the room and come secretly."

Zhao Xiaomin continued to send out invitations to Su Nan, her delicate body writhed in his arms, which made people's will wear away little by little.

Sensing that Su Nan's will was loose, Zhao Xiaomin whispered something in his ear, which made Su Nan show a surprised expression.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xi wondered what they were talking about.

The next moment, Zhao Xiaomin yelled towards the kitchen: "Chu Xi, Anan and I have entered the room, call us after cooking."

After speaking, he pulled Su Nan to stand up, and Su Nan didn't resist anymore, but his face was a little weird.

After staying in the kitchen for a while, Chu Xi was outraged and planned to go out to stop them.

She ran out of the kitchen to the door, took a deep breath, and gently pushed the door open.

Suddenly a figure jumped out, startling her.

It's Zhao Xiaomin!

Caught by Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi couldn't struggle at all, and was forcibly dragged onto the bed, where Su Nan had already taken off her clothes and was waiting for battle.


Chu Xi thought to himself.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi's resistance seemed very weak. Facing the joint siege of Zhao Xiaomin and Su Nan, she went from struggling to resist, to trying hard, to being completely conquered physically and mentally.

At this moment, she forgot her reserve, from a rebel to a good citizen, immersed in the beautiful and harmonious society that Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin built for her.

Su Nan's hard work finally allowed her to achieve a moderately prosperous life, and she was so satisfied that she could not help but close her eyes to enjoy the happiness and beauty.

After the hardworking worker Su Nan sent Chuxi to the first rich, she didn't forget Zhao Xiaomin, who had suffered and contributed a lot, and turned her head to build her.

Zhao Xiaomin's hard work finally made Chu Xi rich first, and now that it was her turn, she felt very excited, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to the beautiful atmosphere of building a harmonious society together with Su Nan.

Chu Xi, who had enjoyed a good life, woke up from the feasting and feasting at this time. Seeing Zhao Xiaomin, a comrade who was still working hard, she couldn't bear it, and began to contribute. She would help Zhao Xiaomin as much as Zhao Xiaomin had helped her.

Although the building of a harmonious society was successful, two women among the three laborers also exhausted their energy and were no longer able to fight anymore.

As the leader, Su Nan is sympathetic to his partners, and gently opens his arms to warm them.

But it didn't take long for them to be awakened by a burning smell. The two girls realized something, got out of bed in a hurry, put on their clothes and ran out. It was astonishing that they did this, and the big pot of soup that was still boiling outside had boiled dry.

In front of the dining table, the three of them were sitting on three sides. There were several daily dishes on the table in front of them. There was still a smell of burning in the air, which was emitted by the boiled and hot pot. At this time The pot is still in the kitchen.

Among the three people sitting around, Chu Xi had a stinky face, but if you look closely, you can find that her cheeks are still flushed red, but her anger is also real.

And Zhao Xiaomin, who was sitting opposite Su Nan, shrugged her head at this moment, without saying a word, she was pretending to be dead.

Su Nan desperately used her eyes to signal Zhao Xiaomin, meaning that you will take care of the trouble you caused, but at this moment Zhao Xiaomin was disobedient, and pretended not to see it.

Su Nan was speechless. He went to look at Chu Xi whose face was full of displeasure. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, not knowing how to comfort him.

He was tricked by Zhao Xiaomin. He saw Zhao Xiaomin dragging Chu Xi to bed before, and he started doing it without thinking.

Later, Chu Xi got into the mood quite quickly, so he didn't doubt Zhao Xiaomin, but at this moment, Chu Xi exuded an air of intimacy, which made him understand that things were not easy.

Chu Xi glanced at Su Nan who was carefully looking at him, then looked at Zhao Xiaomin who was shaking his head, and sighed in his heart.

She felt embarrassed.

In the hearty battle of jointly building socialism just now, she performed very outstandingly, so outstanding that she felt ashamed, and now thinking about it makes her secretly annoyed.

Moreover, she was half-forced to be so involved, so she felt even more ashamed. At this time, she had to put on a look of "the baby is very angry" to maintain her already pitiful face.

The effect was not bad, and the two people who were messing about were cured.

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