Thinking so proudly, Qin Xiaowan found some clothes to put on and got out of bed.

She could already smell the aroma of food wafting in from outside the door, presumably Su Nan had prepared breakfast.

She just woke up very hungry, but Su Nan had already prepared a rich breakfast for her, which made Qin Xiaowan feel extraordinarily happy.

In addition, Su Nan still sleeps with her at night, Qin Xiaowan only thinks that this is the best life in the world, if only Su Nan took the initiative when sleeping with her.

After fantasizing about Meimei for a while, Qin Xiaowan left the room to go out to wash, but when she just walked to the living room, she found Su Nan sitting on the sofa, her gloomy expression made her heart skip a beat.

"Come here, I have something to talk to you about." Su Nan saw her and said coldly.


Qin Xiaowan thought to herself, she walked over and sat beside Su Nan with her head shrugged, in a very upright sitting posture.She knew that Su Nan was angry because she took off her clothes without authorization, so she didn't dare to be arrogant and kept a very cowardly attitude.

"Why take off your clothes? We clearly agreed."

Seeing that Qin Xiaowan had a good attitude in admitting his mistakes, Su Nan's face softened a little, but he still asked in a bad tone.

Qin Xiaowan lowered her head and muttered in a low voice to defend herself: "I was injured there, and if I wear clothes, the clothes will rub against the wound, which is very painful."

Su Nan was speechless for a while, not sure if she believed it or thought it was very nonsense.

He sighed inwardly, and said in a gentle tone: "You are not allowed next time, you know, and you must wear underwear to sleep with you, otherwise you'd better go back to your room."

"I know, I promise I won't commit a crime." Qin Xiaowan promised with a good attitude.

In fact, at first Su Nan wanted to make use of the topic to frighten Qin Xiaowan, but now Qin Xiaowan's attitude is so good that he can't do anything.

After being dazed for a while, Su Nan waved his hand weakly: "Go and wash up. Breakfast is on the dining table. I'm going out this Saturday. Be careful when you stay at home. Don't open the door to strangers."

"Where are you going? I'll go too!" Qin Xiaowan said hastily.

Su Nan glanced at her and said, "I'm going on a date, do you want to go too?"

Qin Xiaowan was stunned, only to realize that she had been a little carried away recently, and had forgotten the existence of Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin.

She hesitated for a while, and shook her head at Su Nan. It would be very unwise to confront Su Nan's two girlfriends at this time, and it might make Su Nan feel disgusted, so she resisted the urge to provoke.

Qin Xiaowan felt that as long as Su Nan continued to sleep with him, one day he could not help but break through the bottom line. He had never heard of men and women sleeping together for a few months and not doing anything. It was either a eunuch or a fool.

Su Nan is neither stupid nor a eunuch, sometimes when he wakes up in the morning, Qin Xiaowan feels that she is being tortured and flustered.

Su Nan glanced at the docile Qin Xiaowan with satisfaction, he found a benefit, after sleeping with Qin Xiaowan recently, this girl became more and more obedient, almost like a little daughter-in-law, she dared not go east if she was told to go west.

Of course, Su Nan didn't take the opportunity to direct Qin Xiaowan to work. Qin Xiaowan was more like a younger sister to him. Although he didn't remember many things clearly when he was a child, he probably still had a little impression that a little sister often followed him like a follower. Very obedient.

Even if it's just a very vague memory, it's like waking up from a dream and can't figure out the specific content of the dream, but there is still that settled emotion in my heart.

If the younger sister is not very naughty, it is natural to use it to love her.

Finally, after telling Qin Xiaowan a few words, Su Nan then left the house. He didn't go to the next door to find Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin, nor did he go to the senior sister, but went downstairs directly.

This Saturday, after having a threesome with him last night, both Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin went home to spend time with their families.

For my senior sister, I also go to make up classes on Saturdays and Sundays, and I am not at home.

So the place where Su Nan is going today is the monitor's home. He received a call from the monitor early this morning, and Lu Anya seemed to have something wrong again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the way Su Nan came, Lu Ying was still pestered by her aunt. Since last night, her aunt has been bothering her in various ways. She insisted on asking Su Nan to come over, and she was so naive as to threaten her with a hunger strike. She simply gave way. Ying died speechless.

Of course, she understood that her aunt had become a little abnormal now, and she didn't dare to take her naive threat as a joke. After careful consideration, she decided to invite Su Nan over.

Anyway, she is also at home, as long as you watch carefully, you don't have to worry about what will happen to my aunt.

It's just... Auntie is so annoying!

"Xiaoying, where is Ah Nan, why haven't you arrived yet, are you lying to me?"

"It's been another five minutes, why hasn't he arrived yet, you must be lying to me, aren't you?"

"If Su Nan doesn't come here again, I won't have breakfast!"

Lu Anya spoke so swearingly, like a child throwing a tantrum.

Finally, Lu Ying couldn't take it anymore.

"It's enough!"

She stood up and stared angrily at her aunt and said angrily: "Annan, Anan, it's so annoying, you remember him, right! Would you die without him?"

Lu Ying's tone was full of hatred, if she hadn't restrained her anger, she might have already yelled.

Originally, I thought my aunt would at least be moved by my rare outburst, but she just stared at herself quietly before she arrived, and nodded seriously: "Yes, without Nan, I would really die."

She is not joking, she has a strange disease and she can't do without Su Nan, of course, her obsession with Su Nan is just a sequela of the last punishment.

She hadn't seen Su Nan for several days, and felt that she was about to collapse.

Ever since the video was over that day, Su Nan didn't reject the video with her. At the beginning, Lu Anya was quite excited and satisfied. Every time she made a video, she couldn't help but do all kinds of nasty things in front of the camera. Being seen by Su Nan, instead of feeling ashamed, she was extremely satisfied.

But after several times in a row, she found that although she still wanted to see Su Nan very much, she couldn't be tough in the face of Su Nan's refusal, and she became soft-hearted because she was too self-satisfied.

Although she later realized the problem and decided not to have video calls with Su Nan, at that time Su Nan had discovered her weakness and began to send her a video call application, but Lu Anya could not refuse at all.

Until yesterday, she finally made up her mind to drop her phone and didn't contact Su Nan for a day.Then when she got home, she immediately pestered Lu Ying again, trying to get Lu Ying to agree to her request.

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