Although Lu Anya had clearly told Lu Ying that she liked Su Nan, it would be too embarrassing if the younger generation found out that she took the initiative to rape a man.

"Download? I have it. The computer is downloading something. You play first. I'll turn it off."

After speaking quickly, Lu Anya quit the game, and then she found that Su Nan was staring at her.

"Little pervert."

She cursed secretly, she just felt very ashamed to be sized up by a high school boy, but the strange thing was that there was a trace of inexplicable joy, so she quickly blocked Su Nan from seeing it.

Su Nan was stunned for a moment, and then his gaze became strange. He simply wondered if Lu Anya did it on purpose, otherwise she was so unrestrained just now, why she suddenly became as shy as a Huaichun girl now.

"Su Nan, don't worry about auntie, let's play."

Hearing the squad leader constantly urging him in the game, Su Nan, who had a ghost in his heart, had no choice but to play the game with her. At the same time, he hoped to delay the squad leader a little longer, leaving enough time for Lu Anya to deal with her own problems.

After discovering that Su Nan was playing the game with her head down, Lu Anya was finally not so nervous, but she didn't dare to procrastinate, so she hurriedly dressed herself. First, she didn't want Lu Ying to find out about it. Second, standing in front of Su Nan like this, she felt It's too shameful.

Putting on the clothes one by one, the surroundings seem to return to normal.

Finally, he took out the perfume and sprayed it around to make the air fragrant again.

After doing all this, Lu Anya was completely relieved, and she didn't feel tired until she was not so nervous.

She fought desperately just now, and after returning to her senses, she was overly nervous, and now she almost lost her footing.

She tried her best to control herself, and turned her attention back to Su Nan. Although she took the initiative, she still felt a little resentful deep in her heart. After all, she gave herself up in that state, which made her feel like a dream A sense of unreality.

Or cheap.

At this time, Su Nan was still playing games with the monitor, and didn't notice that something was wrong with Lu Anya.

Lu Anya looked at him, looked at his serious face, her heart beat faster for some reason, especially when her eyes moved down and landed on the place where Su Nan was still exposed, her cheeks burned and turned red, all of this was Because of her, she was really bold just now, and she lost all her sense of shame as a woman.

Su Nan was playing the game when he suddenly noticed someone staring at him. He raised his head subconsciously and found that it was Lu Anya, and the place she was staring at...

Su Nan looked down, and suddenly realized that she hadn't noticed it for so long.

However, his first reaction was not to tidy up, but to put his hand down to block it, while staring at Lu Anya with wary eyes.

Lu Anya knew what Su Nan was thinking, and definitely took her precautions as a pervert, but it was only natural for Su Nan to be wary of what she had done this week.

All of a sudden, Lu Anya's face flushed red, she didn't have the face to stay any longer, she ran to open the door and rushed out.

Su Nan froze for a moment, then quickly tidied up the messy clothes on her body.

Lu Ying was sitting on the sofa outside playing games, suddenly Lu Anya ran out and ran into the bathroom at such a fast speed that she couldn't react.

She froze for a moment, and asked Su Nan through the game Lianmai: "What's wrong with my aunt?"

"Maybe I'm in a hurry to go to the toilet. By the way, I have something to do and I have to go back." Su Nan was perfunctory, a little guilty, and offered to resign.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Ying replied, "Wait a minute, I'll go see if my aunt's condition has improved."

Su Nan thought that far from getting better, she became even more perverted.

But of course you can't tell the class monitor this kind of words, and nodded: "Then you go to see her, the game will not be played."

Su Nan quit the game, let out a long sigh, and was pushed back again.

It seems that he can only leave as soon as possible, and he doesn't know if there are any traces left. It is easy for the squad leader to find problems if he stays for too long.

At this time, the phone rang. Su Nan subconsciously picked up the phone, but found that it was not her phone that was ringing, and the source of the sound was really weird, it was actually under the closet.

After hesitating for a while, Su Nan walked over and lay down, and saw a mobile phone inside. He reached in and picked it up, holding it in his hand to look at it.

This is obviously a retired phone, a bit old, but it looks pretty good on the outside.

Just as Su Nan was looking at the phone, the ringing sound suddenly stopped, and then a WeChat message was sent. Although the phone was not unlocked, it directly displayed the details of the message.

"Tranquility, do you want more information about Su Nan?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan's eyes were fixed. At this moment, there were footsteps outside. He didn't have time to think. He quickly put the phone back where it was, and then went back to the chair and sat down.

The squad leader appeared at the door. Her eyes fell on the bed first, and she found that the bed was quite tidy. She felt relieved and said to Su Nan, "My aunt seems to be fine. You can go back first, and I will trouble you."

"No trouble." Su Nan shook her head, then fell silent.

"What's the matter? Aren't you in a hurry to go back?"

Seeing him sitting still, Lu Ying asked in surprise.

"Well... yes, go back, I'll go back first."

As if he had just realized it, Su Nan stood up and walked out of the room. He passed in front of the monitor with his head down, his heart was fluctuating violently, and he had a strong urge to ask the monitor, but he was still firmly restrained.

"Su Nan." The monitor behind him suddenly stopped him.

Su Nan stopped and looked back at the monitor.

The squad leader stared at him worriedly, and said, "Are you okay, your complexion is a little pale."

"Is there?" Su Nan touched his face, and said nonchalantly, "Maybe I didn't sleep last night, I'll be fine after going back to rest."

"Then go back and rest quickly, you've worked hard today." Lu Ying was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly urged him.

"Yeah." Su Nan nodded, then turned and left.

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