After breakfast, Su Nan took a breakfast home and put it on the dining table, while Qin Xiaowan was still in her room.

After he left, the three girls at the dinner table stopped smiling.

Zhan Weiling turned her eyes to Zhao Xiaomin, who was depressed, and she asked in a little surprise: "I want to make sure, what you said just now is true? You spread the disease to your sister, and now you plan to match her with Xiao Nan?"

Zhao Xiaomin nodded in embarrassment. Although I said it just now, I still feel embarrassed about this kind of topic when I bring it up again.

After being confirmed, Zhan Weiling looked at Zhao Xiaomin with pity, sighed, and said in disbelief: "It's unbelievable that the strange disease we suffer from is still contagious. Is there any condition? Otherwise, our school would have been messed up long ago. "

If the infection is unlimited, then it is not impossible for the three of them to infect all the girls in the school.

So in Zhan Weiling's view, there should be some restrictions.

Hearing her question, Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other, their expressions became strange.

"What's the matter?" Zhan Weiling felt a little strange when she noticed their abnormality.

Zhao Xiaomin hurriedly said: "Last time I told you, we have the nature of the source of infection if we have a relationship with Nan, and the relationship between the main body and him is the prerequisite, but there should be other conditions for the specific cause of the infection." , possible contact, it may be that something parasitic on us actively selects, the only thing that is certain is that the girls who are selected are all good enough girls."

Zhan Weiling was stunned when she heard the words, and then her face became panicked.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After hearing what Zhao Xiaomin said about the conjecture about the infection, Zhan Weiling froze, and then her face became flustered.

Chu Xi frowned, "Sister, let me ask you a question, are you still a virgin?"

She asked directly, without seeming ashamed.

Zhan Weiling glanced at her, her face became even more flustered, and she kept murmuring, "How could it be, you treat me as a stone girl, you can bear that."

Chu Xi frowned even tighter, "Then did you take Xiao Min's warning seriously?"

Zhao Xiaomin also gradually came to his senses, looked at Zhan Weiling nervously, and said angrily: "Hey, don't you take my words for granted?"

If so, wouldn't it be possible for Zhan Weiling to infect others?

This is an extra person who shared Su Nan out of thin air, at least she was a pervert who harassed Su Nan, how could Zhao Xiaomin not be angry.

Zhan Weiling's face turned pale, and she shook her head in frustration, "If you say so, wouldn't it be that I infected many people unconsciously?"

Infecting someone with this strange disease, not to mention the guilt towards that person, just adding so many people to share with Su Nan just because of his own negligence, is enough to make Zhan Weiling sad to death.

She is not generous, accepting Chuxi and Zhao Xiaomin is almost the limit, and when accepting them, she has never failed to fight for Su Nan to only love herself, or love herself the most.

But now they told her that because of her, there might be a new kind of girl—a girl who could never leave Su Nan.

It's all my own fault, I didn't take Zhao Xiaomin's warning seriously, and felt that they were stopping me and Su Nan, it's all over now, I don't know who they infected.

Zhan Weiling was full of self-blame.

Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin were also full of helplessness. Before Zhao Junmin's incident was over, they suddenly heard such a sad news, which really affected their mood.

Zhan Weiling may have been a non-virgin for a long time, enough to infect a person.

They just saw the senior sister who was full of self-blame, and they couldn't say anything to blame. Without knowing the specific cause of the infection, they couldn't be sure that it was all Zhan Weiling's fault.

Chu Xi comforted softly: "You don't have to blame yourself too much. We haven't figured out the specific conditions of the infection, but at least we know that it's not through simple physical contact. At least you must satisfy an excellent girl at the same time, and you have had a relatively intimate relationship with the other party. contact with these two conditions."

Zhan Weiling's face looked a little brighter. Thinking about it carefully, she was usually quite withdrawn in class, and she didn't have many friends who could talk to her, and even fewer would go to the bathroom hand in hand.

Chu Xi said: "Senior sister, think about it carefully, the girl you know and think is very good, have you been in contact with her recently, such as sleeping together."

Zhan Weiling was about to shake her head when she suddenly remembered that she slept with Li Gongting last night, her mouth was wide open and her face was extremely ugly: "Last night, a friend of mine came to my house to stay overnight."

Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other, their eyes full of worry. Originally, they just asked one more question cautiously, but they didn't expect such a person to exist.

"Gong Ting...will be infected, is it true?" Zhan Weiling asked with a hint of expectation, hoping to get a negative answer. Apart from not wanting another person to share Su Nan, Li Gong Ting is still her favorite A good friend, if the harmed friend becomes a pervert, how can she have the face to face her friend.

Chu Xi shook his head: "We don't know the cause of the infection, it's just a possibility. Since it's someone you know, you should pay attention recently. Newcomers may be very flustered and even make a lot of mistakes when they come into contact with this kind of thing for the first time. .”

Zhan Weiling nodded numbly, that's all she could do.

Su Nan greeted Qin Xiaowan through the door, then left the house and went back to the next door. When she entered the door, she found three girls sitting in silence, no one made a sound, and the atmosphere seemed a little tense.

Su Nan's heart tightened, the three of them shouldn't have conflicts, which side should they stand on?

No, you can't be eccentric, and you can't be a peacemaker without thinking, and whoever makes a mistake first will teach him a lesson.

Despite thinking so, Su Nan walked over calmly, pretending to ask casually, "Did something happen?"

Blinking their eyes, the three girls looked at him at the same time and shook their heads tacitly.

Li Gongting still doesn't know if he is infected or not. Even if he is infected, he can't think that Li Gongting will join him and others to share Su Nan.

And taking the initiative to match Li Gongting and Su Nan is even more ridiculous. Isn't this making yourself unhappy, and it's not the same as Zhao Junmin falling in love with Su Nan.

The most urgent thing at this moment is to confirm whether Li Gongting is infected or not, and then we can talk about it later.

The three girls made eye contact and settled down.

And Su Nan: "...???"

They didn't understand what was going on with their relationship at all, they didn't say a word to each other, but they kept flirting with each other in front of him.

Su Nan simply didn't think about the problems that he didn't understand, and suggested: "Let's go to school."

The three girls looked at each other and nodded, but they thought in their hearts, if Li Gongting is really infected, then it would be better to get in touch with her as soon as possible, lest she will not know how to deal with it in panic, and be punished on the first day up.

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