Su Nan was so embarrassed that she wanted to move her hand away, but then she found that her hand was held down by senior sister Zhan Weiling, and she shook her head at herself.

"Xiao Nan, go ahead, of course a sprained foot will hurt, you can rub it for her."

Senior sister Zhan Weiling said so, and Su Nan was too embarrassed to give up, thinking that it was just a massage anyway, and it was not a big deal.

Thinking of this, Su Nan started to move her hands, and at the same time, senior sister Zhan Weiling picked up the medicinal wine and poured it on Li Gong's jade feet.

With Su Nan's gentle massage, the medicinal wine wetted the jade feet, and the whole bare feet became shiny, inexplicably a little seductive.

Su Nan didn't dare to look too much and concentrated on massaging.

As Yuzu was gently massaged by Su Nan, Li Gongting was blocked from what she wanted to say, her eyes widened unconsciously, and the pupils slowly dilated.

This feeling is too intense, how should I put it, just under the touch of Su Nan's big hand, Li Gongting felt that his feet seemed to become extremely strange, as if there was a burst of electric current passing through them, it was numb, and even the electric current began to rush. His body became weak uncontrollably, and he leaned limply on the chair.

As if his head was starting to steam, Li Gongting's face was flushed, and his body temperature was getting higher and higher.

What's going on, it's obviously just a foot being touched.

She opened her mouth, wanting Su Nan and Zhan Weiling to stop, but she couldn't make a sound. Slowly, her consciousness became a little confused.

Zhan Weiling's emotions were very complicated. She noticed that following Su Nan's movements, Li Gongting's little feet were pressed tightly, her expression was also absent-minded, and her eyes were closed, as if she was too comfortable to bear.

Comfort is inevitable, after all, being massaged bare feet by Su Nan in an extremely uncomfortable state, the shameful feeling is like the cool ice water in summer, poured from the head, the whole body is cold.

Zhan Weiling has experienced this kind of wonderful enjoyment for a long time. Every time she gets a sense of shame through Su Nan to relieve her discomfort, she will enjoy an unusually comfortable feeling, and Li Gongting must be like this.

Seeing Su Nan rubbing her good friend's feet with her own eyes, and making her feel better because of it, Zhan Weiling felt extremely uncomfortable.

She is not a green slave, so she won't be happy about it, but she also knows that if Li Gongting is punished, she will feel even more uncomfortable if she doesn't help them.

The lesser of two evils, Zhan Weiling rationally made the most suitable choice.

After a while, realizing that Li Gongting was leaning against the chair, panting, and almost unable to sit still, Zhan Weiling put down the medicinal wine, grabbed Su Nan's hand, and kept him from moving, with a silent expression on his face.

Su Nan was a little puzzled: "Sister, what's wrong?"

During the process of rubbing the medicinal wine on Li Gongting, he kept his head down, so he didn't notice the change in Li Gongting's face.

Zhan Weiling was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to say. She grabbed Su Nan's hand and sighed inwardly. She said, "We're going to be late soon. Let's go back to class first. Let Gong Ting rest here alone."

Su Nan felt that it was not good to leave senior sister Li Gongting behind like this, so she opened her mouth, but Zhan Weiling didn't give him a chance to speak, so she couldn't help but lead him to stand up, and walked out of the infirmary, leaving only Li Gong with a flushed face Ting sat there and rested quietly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhan Weiling pulled Su Nan away from the infirmary, and walked irritably for a while, when Chu Xi walked towards her, Chu Xi gave her a questioning look.

Zhan Weiling was silent for a while, let go of Su Nan's hand and said to him, "Xiao Nan, you should go back to class first, I have something to discuss with Chu Xi."

Both of them are his own women, but they want to avoid talking with him, Su Nan feels weird, but he doesn't think there is any conflict between the two, after all, they only had breakfast together in the morning, and left after a little hesitation.

After Su Nan walked away, Chu Xi asked softly, "What happened?"

Zhan Weiling narrated what happened just now with a complicated expression, but Chu Xi remained silent for a long time after listening, and then stared at her speechlessly.

"Don't you think you are too arbitrary, just because she fell into Mu Nan's arms, you can judge that she is infected."

Zhan Weiling was startled, then shook her head: "You don't understand, Gong Ting has practiced martial arts since she was a child, she wouldn't fall down so easily, and there were a lot of people at that time, if she did it on purpose, she must have been infected by me, Gong Ting is very Pay attention to the image, only when she can't hold on, will she lose her mind and get close to Xiao Nan in full view of the public."

Chu Xi didn't deny it, and said, "I think it's better to be cautious, otherwise if something goes wrong in the future, we won't have time to regret it."

Zhan Weiling's brows gradually frowned. She was very sure at first, but after hearing what Chu Xi said, her heart was inevitably shaken. At the same time, she also felt that her behavior just now was indeed too impulsive, because she was worried that Li Gongting would be punished. So she was actually very flustered at the time, and she kept taking actions blindly.

"What about the girl?" Chu Xi asked again.

"Still in the infirmary, do you want to see her?"

Zhan Weiling seemed a little hesitant. To be honest, she didn't know how to face Li Gongting after what happened just now.

Regardless of whether Li Gongting was infected or not, it would be pretty bad if she wasn't infected, which means that she personally changed the relationship between her good friend and her boyfriend from ordinary to ambiguous.

Chu Xi shook his head: "Not yet. If she is indeed infected, you may make her vigilant by taking me to see her now. As her friend, you often have the opportunity to contact her. The initial attack occurs every day. Things, you pay attention recently, we will discuss what to do after confirmation."

Hearing this, Zhan Weiling's heart became heavy again, and it was inevitable that if Li Gongting was really infected, how would she treat this rare friend.

At this time, Zhan Weiling even expected that she had misunderstood just now, even if her good friend had intimate contact with Su Nan due to carelessness, it would be better than Li Gongting being infected.

After a brief conversation between the two, the class bell rang, and they went back to class.

None of them saw a figure in the distance quietly entering the infirmary.

Seeing Su Nan and two beautiful seniors walking together, Lu Ying suddenly became nervous, especially after one of them was Zhan Weiling, she became even more nervous. Zhan Weiling claimed to be Su Nan girlfriend man.

I remember that at the beginning, she also approached Senior Sister Zhan Weiling to expose Su Nan's ugly face, so that she would stay away from Su Nan. It's her.

Su Nan, who was angry that time, gave her a hard lesson, every time Lu Ying remembered the details of that time, her heart was full of strange feelings.

Being forced to take off her clothes, lift her skirts, and receive all kinds of excessive expectations, she was obviously very angry at the time, but now looking back, the corners of her mouth can't help but curl up.

Shaking her head to stop thinking about it, Lu Ying's attention returned to this matter again. She saw Su Nan following the two senior sisters to the infirmary, so she walked to the window curiously and took a look. Unexpectedly, she found something extraordinary. matter.

That senior Zhan Weiling actually forced Su Nan to bully another senior, Li Gongting!She tightly held Senior Li Gongting's feet to prevent Senior Li Gongting from moving, forced Su Nan to take off her shoes and socks for Senior Li Gongting, and even asked Su Nan to rub her jade feet .

As a girl, it would be quite embarrassing for a boy to take off her shoes and socks, let alone rubbing her bare feet. At that time, Senior Li Gongting also looked like she wanted to die, but Senior Zhan Weiling was cold-blooded and ruthless, and didn't care at all.

Lu Ying admitted that when she saw Su Nan rubbing Senior Li Gongting's bare feet, she was very angry, but the anger was more directed at Senior Zhan Weiling, not Su Nan.

She felt that she had grasped something vaguely.

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