Seeing Chu Xi walking up to Su Nan to say hello, she walked out of the classroom. Lu Ying stopped hesitating, put away the test papers, left her seat, and walked towards Su Nan.

She knew that Chu Xi would sometimes go home at noon. Although it was rare recently, it was not uncommon.

So today she deliberately stayed in class and waited, and went to find Su Nan after Chu Xi returned.She planned to talk to Su Nan to see if she could find out what kind of relationship he had with Zhan Weiling, as well as Zhan Weiling's details.

When she came in front of Su Nan, Lu Ying said straight to the point: "Su Nan, let's have dinner together. I want to talk to you about my aunt."

This is a good excuse to ask Su Nan... No, she just wants to talk to Su Nan, not a date. At the same time, she really wants to talk to Su Nan about her aunt. My aunt has changed a lot in the past two days. I don't know if it's good or bad.

Hearing that the squad leader was going to talk to him about Lu Anya, Su Nan's mood suddenly became very delicate. At the same time, he remembered the unscrupulous things he had done to the squad leader, and there was a faint feeling of guilt in his heart. breed.

After being silent for a while, Su Nan nodded, and also felt that he should talk to the monitor.

Su Nan sent a message to Zhao Xiaomin and the senior sister, then got up and followed Lu Ying out of the classroom. There were other people in the class at this time, but everyone was not too surprised to see them walking together, but their expressions were a little strange.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ever since Su Nan and the monitor were eating together in the cafeteria and were recognized by the classmates in the class, everyone knew that the monitor was asking Su Nan for advice on study problems, so it was no surprise.

After all, as the class monitor, Lu Ying's academic performance is actually not the best in the class, and she has always been worried about this, so she often asks the students with good grades for advice, everyone knows this.

However, Su Nan's grades have improved rapidly recently, and it is reasonable for the monitor to ask him for good study methods.

The two left the classroom, but instead of going to the cafeteria, they sat down in a restaurant outside the school and ordered a few dishes.

After the waiter took the notebook and left, Su Nan picked up the teapot silently and poured a cup of tea for himself and the squad leader. While drinking tea, various thoughts flashed through his mind, but he was a little undecided.

The relationship between him and the squad leader has reached this point and there is no turning back, although I don't know why the squad leader still likes me after I did that kind of thing.

It is not accurate to say that he likes it, Su Nan is not sure what the monitor is thinking, whether he likes him or not.It's just that what she said that day didn't seem like she hated him or had no feelings for him.

Lu Ying picked up the cup and took a sip of hot tea, but she was thinking about which thing to talk about first, but she didn't think about it for too long, because since Su Nan left her aunt's house that day, her aunt has changed a lot, but she hasn't. It doesn't seem like a bad thing to bother her to contact Su Nan all the time.

Putting aside her aunt's business for the time being, Lu Ying put down the teacup and asked nonchalantly, "You know Senior Sister Zhan Weiling?"

Su Nan was a little surprised, she didn't expect her to bring the topic up to her senior sister.

Nodding, Su Nan said, "Senior sister and I are neighbors."

Lu Ying was not surprised, and continued to ask: "What kind of person do you think she is?"

what kind of person?

Su Nan's face was strange, and he didn't understand why Lu Ying asked such a question, but he didn't show it, he just said, "Senior sister takes good care of me, do you know her too?"

Lu Ying's eyes flickered, and she said, "She told me that you are her boyfriend, is that so?"

Eyelids twitched, Su Nan remained calm, "Yes, you know, I'm not a good person, Chu Xi, Xiao Min, senior sister, I have an unclear relationship with them."

While saying this, Su Nan's heart sank, thinking, if the squad leader gets angry because of this and ignores him from now on, maybe he will have less trouble in the future.

But he couldn't lie to himself, he couldn't be happier when he thought so.

Lu Ying raised her brows, she didn't deny his words, but lowered her head slightly, and murmured something.

"You promised me, you also said that you want to be a good person."

Su Nan was stunned, speechless for a while.

Lu Ying remained silent as if she was waiting for him to speak, but after realizing his abnormality, she froze for a moment, with a trace of depression flashing in her eyes.

Su Nan looked at the class monitor with a complicated expression, and originally wanted to ask her why she wanted to be a good person, but the answer seemed obvious, so he couldn't ask, and his mood quietly became a little heavy.

When the atmosphere cooled down, the waiter came with the food and woke them up.

Su Nan waited for the waiter to put down all the food, and said, "Let's eat first, and chat while eating."

Having said that, during the next meal, the two of them remained silent until the end of the meal.

Seeing the squad leader take out her wallet, Su Nan hurriedly said, "I'll pay the bill."

He picked up the mobile phone on the table and walked towards the cashier. Lu Ying was stunned for a moment, and then followed. When she walked to Su Nan, Su Nan had already settled the bill.

"How much, I'll give it back to you." She was a little embarrassed, and took out her delicate purse again.

"No need, it's not a big amount, just treat it as my treat." Su Nan shook her head.

Lu Ying thought and thought, and finally put the wallet back.

"Go back?" Su Nan asked tentatively.

Lu Ying hesitated for a while, she didn't seem to ask anything just now, but she was not in the mood at the moment, so she nodded.

The two left the store and walked back to the school. The supervisor didn't know what he was thinking all the way, and walked silently with his head down. Su Nan wanted to raise the topic several times, but he didn't know what to say. give up.

Not long after entering the campus, Su Nan stopped in her tracks, but Lu Ying didn't notice it. She continued walking for several meters before realizing that he was not by her side. She quickly stopped and turned to look at her.

"I'll go there." Su Nan pointed to the building not far away and said.

Lu Ying glanced at the building and said, "Then I'll go back to the classroom."

"We're going to part here."

After a moment of silence, the two turned around and walked in different directions.

After walking for a while, Su Nan gritted her teeth, turned around and looked at the monitor's back, and said.

"Squad leader, I'm sorry, I've been wrong all this time, and I took some unnecessary anger on you. If you want to retaliate against me in the future, I will continue. If you want to reform me, I will continue, although I think I have There is no cure, but this is my responsibility."

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