"Huh? When was it locked?" Zhao Xiaomin was very disappointed.

Although Su Nan was also disappointed, she didn't show it on the road, and said with a smile, "Forget it, let's go to the activity room."

Zhao Xiaomin bit her lip. Given how well she knew Su Nan's body, she naturally knew how much Su Nan was thinking now, and it was all her fault that she acted recklessly and aroused Su Nan's interest. She had to satisfy him.

She bit her finger and stared at Su Nan with charming eyes: "Usually, almost no one comes here."

Such an obvious hint made Su Nan's heart pounding, but he didn't intend to be here, so he shook his head: "Let's go tonight, don't rush for a while."

"But Ah Nan is very impulsive, isn't he?" she said.

Su Nan swallowed her saliva and said, "It's still bearable."

"Holding up is bad for your health, leave it to me!"

Zhao Xiaomin said something with a smile.

Su Nan couldn't feel any refusal at all, and everything was going to happen naturally.

The conversations and movements between them passed through the door and passed into the utility room, making the utility room completely silent, almost audible, only the rapid breathing of the two girls was still rising and falling. .

Zhan Weiling and Lu Ying looked at each other in blank dismay, their cheeks were flushed, and each could see the embarrassment on the other's face.

They were entangled with each other at first, but they didn't expect someone to come over suddenly from outside. They were so scared that they didn't dare to make a sound. Then when they heard that Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin were doing something outside, their nervousness turned into weirdness and embarrassment.

The voices of Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin could be clearly heard outside, because there was only one door between them, and their voices, including what Zhao Xiaomin did after speaking, could be heard.

Lu Ying blushed and looked strange, but at the same time her heart was sour. Zhao Xiaomin was her cheap sister, and Su Nan was the one she cared about.

Zhan Weiling was speechless other than embarrassment, Zhao Xiaomin was so seductive to Su Nan, he didn't even look at the occasion.

Of course, she didn't dare to make a sound. If she made a sound, it would embarrass Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin.

Immediately after she realized that Lu Ying was also there, she couldn't help looking at Lu Ying's face, and found that Lu Ying was stunned, thinking that since this girl likes Xiao Nan, this scene should have hit her hard.

Zhan Weiling sympathizes with her, but also thinks this is pretty good, maybe Lu Ying will be completely disappointed in Su Nan from today onwards, and won't pester Su Nan anymore.

At this moment, Zhan Weiling felt that her palm touched something hard, she was stunned for a moment, her hand was still on Lu Ying's chest, and she immediately realized that it was from her mobile phone.

Seeing that Lu Ying was distracted listening to the voices outside, Zhan Weiling rolled her eyes, let go of Lu Ying's grip, and then slipped in through the neckline, intending to take the opportunity to take down the phone.

But Lu Ying, who had reacted, held her down firmly, unable to withdraw her hand.

They didn't dare to make a sound, so they kept this posture.

A girl's shy voice sounded outside.

"Ah Nan, I'm wearing a skirt today."

"Come on, stick your ass up."

"...I'm afraid."

Su Nan took a deep breath, supported Zhao Xiaomin's upturned butt with both hands, and said, "Don't worry, I will pay attention."

This building is very spacious, if someone goes up the stairs, the movement will not be small, and Su Nan's body has been strengthened many times, he probably heard the other party several floors down.

Zhan Weiling and Lu Ying, who were separated by a door, held their breath at the same time, didn't they, it's really coming!

The next second, they heard fierce applause.

The two girls blushed, especially Lu Ying, who bumped into Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin again, felt like dying, especially when Zhan Weiling was by her side.

The battle outside was fierce, and soon the two girls were fascinated by it, and they began to blush and their hearts beat.

Suddenly, Su Nan's eager voice sounded.

"Oops, someone is coming up!"

"Ah? What should I do?"

Zhan Weiling was already very worried about Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin, but when she heard someone came up, she was so anxious that she didn't care so much, she let Lu Ying go suddenly, and then opened the door.

"Xiao Nan, come in!"

Su Nan was stunned, but didn't have time to think, so she pushed Zhao Xiaomin in quickly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Someone went upstairs suddenly, Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin were a little flustered, and they were about to end in a hurry.

At this time, the door that had been closed tightly opened suddenly, and the senior sister leaned out and whispered to them nervously.

"Xiao Nan, come in!"

Su Nan and Zhao Xiaomin were taken aback, but they didn't have time to think, the footsteps below were a little anxious, they should be running up, it would be terrible if someone came to see this scene.

Thinking of this, Su Nan pushed the dazed Zhao Xiaomin into the utility room without thinking, and the senior sister gently closed the door and locked it.

"Ah~" Zhao Xiaomin was pushed into the house by Su Nan behind him, and was pushed deeply by his thing. She couldn't help exclaiming, she quickly covered her mouth, not daring to let the sound out, she lowered her head, her face flushed red .

At this time, she lowered her head and noticed a pair of feet on the ground. She was startled, subconsciously raised her head, and looked at Lu Ying with complicated eyes.

Zhao Xiaomin was dumbfounded, why is she here?

Thinking that she hadn't separated from Su Nan at this time, and that Su Nan's hot and hard thing was still deep inside her, Zhao Xiaomin suddenly felt a strong sense of shame, as if her body had reached the boiling point, a large amount of heat flowed out along the way. As her thighs flowed down, her body became even weaker, and she was about to kneel down.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief after entering the room. Although it was a bit embarrassing for her senior to see this scene, she was an acquaintance after all, and her senior knew his relationship with Zhao Xiaomin, so it was just embarrassing, far better than being bumped into by outsiders.

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