In the morning, she set the alarm clock on her mobile phone and woke up on time, but found that Su Nan hadn't woken up, and she was in a deep sleep, which shocked her, thinking that there was something wrong with the incense.

Fortunately, after calling Su Nan a few times, he woke up, and it seemed that nothing happened, Qin Xiaowan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt that she used too much last night and burned the whole stick, which is why Su Nan was allowed to sleep for so long, and she had to reduce it by half in the future, so as to satisfy herself without delaying Su Nan.

Thinking that she secretly bullied Su Nan last night, but Su Nan didn't know it, the girl felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction and a strong sense of joy, which made her delicate and fair face instantly full of charm. The blush looks delicate and verdant.

She seemed to be obsessed with this feeling. When she touched Su Nan's body yesterday, every bit of the past two punishment experiences came to mind, making her deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate herself.

Su Nan didn't know that he was fascinated once, he just felt a little strange instinctively, but he couldn't explain why.

Seeing that he was about to be late, he didn't think about it. He hurriedly bought a few steamed buns on the way, and came to school while eating.

During class, Chu Xi turned her head to look at herself several times, with a slightly strange look in her eyes.

Of course Su Nan knew what she was thinking, and she was sweating secretly. This time, there was a big misunderstanding. After being promoted by Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi either thought that the senior sister was a pervert, or that he was a pervert.

Seeing Chu Xi looking at her with slightly defensive eyes, probably worried that she wanted her to lick her feet, Su Nan was speechless, took out her mobile phone and secretly sent Chu Xi a WeChat message, asking her to pay attention.

After school at noon, Zhao Xiaomin came to the class early to look for Su Nan, and waited for him and Chu Xi, not caring about Su Nan's weird eyes at all.

But this is not the first time you have seen this kind of thing. Many people in the class know that Su Nan, Chu Xi, and Zhao Xiaomin from the next class have a very good relationship. Although they don't understand what's going on, they can only envy and hate.

Chu Xi had a great reputation in the class. Although she hadn't done anything, because of some rumors, everyone didn't fear her, but they didn't dare to provoke her.

Otherwise, since Su Nan has a good relationship with several beautiful girls, it is estimated that many people find him unhappy and come to trouble him.

At this time, these people can only envy and envy Su Nan in their hearts, while pretending to be indifferent or even disdainful, pretending to be noble.

I went to the cafeteria early today, and there were a lot of people queuing up. Su Nan couldn't bear to let the two girlfriends line up hard, so he took over the work and asked them to go to the old place to wait.

After the two girls found their seats and sat down, before they started chatting, Chu Xi noticed that Zhao Xiaomin seemed a little happy smiling today, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be hidden no matter what.

Chu Xi was very curious about what happened to this guy, so he pretended not to care and asked, "Today is your birthday?"

Zhao Xiaomin gave her a blank look: "It's too much, I can't even remember my birthday."

After complaining, Zhao Xiaomin looked left and right, took out the phone and opened WeChat, and handed it to Chu Xi after operating it for a while, and said with a guilty conscience: "Look while Ah Nan isn't here."

Although Chu Xi was very curious, she still remained indifferent, which disappointed Zhao Xiaomin. She always wanted Chu Xi to admire her and praise her, but it was a pity that Chu Xi never let her do so.

After taking Zhao Xiaomin's phone, Chu Xi looked at it nonchalantly.

At first glance, Chu Xi was taken aback. It was the chat records of Zhao Xiaomin and Zhan Weiling.

Chu Xi continued to look down, and found that the senior sister took the initiative to chat with Zhao Xiaomin, because of the foot licking incident last night.

During the chat, Zhan Weiling emphasized that what Zhao Xiaomin saw last night was just a misunderstanding, of course Zhao Xiaomin didn't believe it, and replied perfunctorily.

The senior sister seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and actually made a big deal out of it, telling Zhao Xiaomin that Su Nan asked her to do this. She said that Su Nan's character had a hidden s factor, which was hidden very well in normal times, but she was a woman who liked to watch women submit. Under myself, I do all kinds of shameful behaviors to myself to please myself.

Seeing this, Chu Xi's delicate face was already blushing impatiently, and she felt inexplicably ashamed in her heart, and even couldn't help imagining a domineering and unparalleled man with a whip in her hand, looking down at herself with a pair of indifferent and ruthless eyes Su Nan.

There was a slight sway in my heart.

She gritted her teeth and continued to look down.

After Zhao Xiaomin sent a series of surprised expressions, the senior sister regretted and told Zhao Xiaomin that it was Su Nan who made such excessive demands on her.The senior sister claimed that she cared too much about Su Nan, so she agreed to Yunyun for a while.

After reading it calmly, and handing the phone to Zhao Xiaomin, Chu Xi said flatly: "I think she is lying, Mu Nan is not such a person."

"Really, I think Ah Nan is this kind of person, did I misunderstand senior sister?" Zhao Xiaomin said happily while holding her mobile phone.

A strange look flashed in Chu Xi's eyes, and he asked, "Why do you seem to be very happy, didn't you swear last night not to sit still?"

Zhao Xiaomin rolled her eyes and said seriously: "Senior may indeed be lying, and I didn't fully believe her, but she actually took the initiative to explain to me, it seems that she put me in the eye, I am very happy."

The corner of Chu Xi's mouth twitched slightly, this silly girl...

She also saw that Zhao Xiaomin was happy because of other things, probably because she discovered Su Nan's incredible secret and saw another side of her lover, so she was excited.

Chu Xi even suspected that with Zhao Xiaomin's character, he might offer to cooperate with Su Nan, please Su Nan, and would be willing to play with him.

Thinking of this, Chu Xi almost wanted to help her forehead. Zhao Xiaomin, a silly girl, is sometimes too lethal. With the relationship between her and Zhao Xiaomin, if Zhao Xiaomin really has such thoughts, or even takes action, she probably won't be able to persist. How long will it take to be dragged into the water.

Thinking of being forced by Su Nan to lick the soles of his fingers, toes, and feet, and even being forced to do more extreme things by him.

Chu Xi thought about it for a while, his face was unpredictable, and finally he got a slight blush, looking extremely beautiful.

Su Nan didn't know that her senior had blackmailed herself like this in order to break away from the word "abnormal". If he knew, she probably felt like she was in the mood to fuck her eighteen times.

He came to Shizuo with the meals for three people, and found that the two girlfriends looked at him slightly strangely. He asked while sitting, "Is there something on my face?"

Chu Xi's eyes flickered, and he said, "I'll go home at noon."

Does this answer have anything to do with the question I asked?

Su Nan couldn't help thinking

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chu Xi went home after lunch, but Su Nan felt that she was leaving in a hurry, and her back looked a little flustered.

He didn't think much, and went to the activity room with Zhao Xiaomin.

Chuxi went back today, and because of what happened last night, senior sister probably wouldn't come to the activity room, so he and Zhao Xiaomin were the only ones for the whole noon.

Su Nan thought of this and realized that this was a good opportunity.

Don't think wrong.

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