Thinking of this, Su Nan put this kind of thing behind her and ran towards the teaching building.

On the other side, Zhao Junmin staggered to the door of the activity room, looked at the closed door and hesitated, then gritted her teeth, and pushed the door open.

Inside, Zhao Xiaomin, who was slumped on a chair and rested with her eyes closed, was taken aback when she heard the sound, and almost jumped up. Fortunately, Su Nan helped her tidy up her clothes before leaving, otherwise she would have died of embarrassment.

Seeing that it was her third sister who came in, Zhao Xiaomin completely let go of her worries, and asked lazily, "Little sister, do you have anything to do with me? Class is about to start."

Normally, my younger sister would not come here, because my younger sister is thin-skinned and embarrassed to face Su Nan, so she will not come if she can.

In addition, it was almost time for class to start, and my sister rushed over in such a hurry, she could only be looking for her.

However, Zhao Xiaomin's body was still in a state of numbness, and she couldn't lift her spirits up. Even though she knew that her sister was in a hurry, she just asked lightly.

"Sister, where is that guy?"

Zhao Junmin, who broke in suddenly, asked with an excited expression. She scanned the entire activity room and found that only her sister was there, and immediately became very disappointed.

"Oh, you are asking about Ah Nan, he just went back."

Zhao Xiaomin replied with a sigh of relief, feeling herself silently, it's terrible, I played too much, and I haven't recovered yet, I must not lose face in front of my sister, and maintain my dignity as a sister.

While thinking about maintaining her dignity as an older sister, she couldn't help recalling what happened just now. It's a little strange that Su Nan didn't do much S-shaking behavior. Is it because of the location that she didn't dare to let it go too much, or was it just pure take pity on yourself.

Thinking of the latter, Zhao Xiaomin smiled.

Hearing the news that Su Nan had just returned, Zhao Junmin was devastated. She ran to the classroom to look for Su Nan so hard, but came here immediately if she couldn't find it, but now her sister told her that Su Nan had just returned.

If I knew it earlier, I would have called my sister first, but now it's over, I don't know when it will be too late.

Feeling her own state, Zhao Junmin recalled the previous two punishments, and she was treated in various ways by Su Nan who didn't know it.

Thinking of the details at that time, she felt weak all over, and a sense of shame surged in her heart, and it was this sense of shame that made her almost paralyzed body regain some movement.

She gritted her teeth, turned around, and planned to take this opportunity to run over to find Su Nan, but she had already been punished twice, and the shame just now couldn't support her from here to Su Nan's classroom, and even let Su Nan come over It was too late.

Zhao Junmin froze and fell to the ground. Strangely, she didn't have much fear deep in her heart, just a little nervous and shy, and a trace of inexplicable anticipation for what happened next.

Seeing her younger sister fall to the ground suddenly, Zhao Xiaomin was startled, and regardless of her weakness, she got up and ran over to help her younger sister up.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

Asked with concern, squatting down and seeing her sister's flushed face and frowning in distress, Zhao Xiaomin was startled, and suddenly realized that the third sister had a seizure.

Zhao Xiaomin didn't panic, she was a little surprised, but she immediately took out her mobile phone and prepared to call Su Nan over.

Just as he was about to make a call, his arm was grabbed.

Zhao Xiaomin lowered her head, and saw her sister resigned to her fate, and whispered to herself, "It's too late."

Zhao Xiaomin's heart is indescribably complicated. Even if it is at a critical juncture, there is no way out. For example, she can make a video call with Su Nan, but her younger sister directly chooses to accept her fate. It seems that she does not reject the so-called punishment at all. It's almost the same as her and Chu Xi.

Zhao Xiaomin gripped the phone tightly and said in a low voice, "You can connect to the video."

Zhao Junmin shook her head again and again, her face flushed, and she begged in a low voice: "Don't do this, I don't want him to see what I am now, I would rather he didn't know anything."

Dazed for a moment, Zhao Xiaomin understood her sister's mentality a little bit. Su Nan didn't know if she was punished. After the end, there would still be no changes between her sister and him, but if it was a video call, it would not be so simple. At this time, my sister would like to To get enough shame, at least you have to touch yourself in front of the camera, something my sister can't do at all.

But if this is not the case, would you rather my sister enter the punishment link next?

Zhao Xiaomin was a little unsure about paying attention. At the same time, she had a thought in her heart that made her hesitate. If she took this opportunity to let her younger sister and Su Nan communicate via video, it might bring their relationship closer. But my younger sister seems to be very repulsive. Do you want to Against her will?

At this moment, the hand holding her arm was powerless and fell down.

Zhao Xiaomin was startled, and hurriedly looked down at her younger sister, only to find that she was already unconscious, and it was the last moment. If she didn't take any action, she would enter a week-long punishment in less than a minute.

If you don't do anything, let your sister and Su Nan talk through the video directly.

His eyes glanced at the trash can next to him inadvertently. The balls of paper thrown in it were the evidence that she and Su Nan committed the crime just now.

Zhao Xiaomin had a flash of inspiration, looked down at his sister, hesitated for a while, then blushed, leaned down and kissed his sister on the lips.

Zhao Junmin, who was confused, was pulled back, her eyes widened, and her eyes were full of astonishment.

Zhao Xiaomin raised her head slightly, endured her embarrassment, looked into her sister's eyes and said, "I kissed Ah Nan just now, and now I still feel his saliva in my mouth."

Zhao Junmin was stunned, and then her sister leaned down and kissed her again.She couldn't struggle, her delicate face suddenly flushed red, thinking that her sister kissed Su Nan just now, but now she was kissing herself, which was equivalent to an indirect kiss between her and Su Nan, Zhao Junmin felt very shy and uncomfortable The feeling is relieved a little.

Realizing that her sister's condition had improved, Zhao Xiaomin's eyes lit up, and it really worked.

However, a mere kiss has little effect on the younger sister who has experienced two punishments.

Realizing this, Zhao Xiaomin got up and locked the door, then stood beside her sister, she looked down at her sister, and her sister was also looking at her, their eyes met, and they separated immediately.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Not much time, no time to hesitate.

Zhao Xiaomin gritted her silver teeth, lifted her clothes and got down on the ground, breastfeeding her sister, to see if she could be rescued, and at the same time using words to stimulate her.

"He also... kissed."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After lunch, Zhao Ruomin sat on the grass, lazily basking in the sun, she really looked like a big beauty when she didn't speak, and the boys passing by around her paid attention to her frequently.

Zhao Ruomin didn't care at all, she gently stroked her full stomach with a peaceful face, people who didn't know thought she was pregnant.

Some boys came to tease her, but they were all driven away by her indifferent attitude. In the end, the uninterested boys angered her, and even attracted her punching and kicking.

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