Looking at this scene, Zhao Junmin was completely dumbfounded, and then because her sister started to move, she squatted down slowly. smell.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After school in the afternoon, Su Nan saw senior sister Li Gongting on the way to the activity room.

Just as she was about to go over to say hello and ask her when she would teach her kung fu, Li Gongting seemed to have seen him too, she paused, changed direction and walked away as if nothing had happened.

Su Nan was stunned, and couldn't figure out where he had offended her. Could it be because of the incident of rubbing potion on her injured foot before?

But isn't that helping her?

Puzzled, Su Nan shook her head, gave up thinking, and planned to ask Senior Sister Zhan Weiling when she had time.

At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure rushing towards him at a very fast speed.

As if he was stimulated, the hairs all over his body exploded, and he quickly turned around to punch him out.Suddenly, Su Nan realized that it was Zhao Ruomin who hadn't seen him for a long time, so he quickly stopped and smiled.

"Ruomin, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Su Nan originally wanted to say hello to cover up her embarrassment, but she didn't expect that after Zhao Ruomin ran up to him, she grabbed his hand and said, "Brother-in-law, come with me, I have something to tell you."

The girl looked serious and said ambiguous words, as if it was the prelude to a confession.

Su Nan was ashamed, recalling that the last time they met, Zhao Ruomin had uttered nonsense to herself, saying that she had taken care of her brother-in-law, eloped with her brother-in-law, and so on.

At that time, Su Nan felt that Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister was also quite abnormal. Seeing that she was holding her hand with a solemn attitude, she started thinking wildly.

"Well... I have something to do, I have to go back first." After a moment of silence, Su Nan said with a polite yet awkward smile.

But Zhao Ruomin didn't intend to let go, instead he held his hand even tighter, and said mysteriously: "Brother-in-law, I have something very important to tell you, it's about the elder sister and the younger sister."

Su Nan froze for a moment, realizing that she seemed to have misunderstood, and was a little embarrassed.

"Cough..." With a dry cough, Su Nan asked puzzledly, "What's the matter with Xiao Min and Jun Min? Can't we talk about it here?"

"No, you can't see anyone about your elder sister and younger sister." Zhao Ruomin shook his head repeatedly, with a stern expression on his face.

Su Nan felt a little strange, what do you mean you can't see people about your sister and sister?This statement is strange.

Zhao Ruomin looked serious, although Su Nan sometimes felt that she was very nervous, but at the moment she didn't seem to be lying, and at the same time he was a little curious, so he nodded.

"where are we going?"

After thinking for a while, Zhao Ruomin lowered his head to touch his pocket again, and took out a handful of change, some of which were more than one yuan, several pieces of five yuan, and one piece of ten yuan.

She continued to rummage through her pockets a little unwillingly, until she really couldn't find any more money, then she raised her head and said, "Let's go drink milk tea."

After speaking, he looked at Su Nan expectantly.

Su Nan felt that she probably wanted to invite herself to a better place, but she really had no money, so she could only go to a low-consumption place like a milk tea shop.

He said: "Why don't you go and have something to eat, I'll treat you."

Zhao Ruomin was moved, and after thinking about it, he said reluctantly: "No, I want to invite my brother-in-law this time."

Su Nan didn't force her, she notified Chu Xi, Zhao Xiaomin, and senior sister, and then left the school with Zhao Ruomin.

They sat down in a very remote milk tea shop outside the school, just the two of them.

After Zhao Ruomin asked Su Nan, he ordered two cups of milk tea, and then sat down in front of Su Nan.

When the waiter put down the milk tea and walked away, she moved her body closer, pressed her chest on the table and started talking.

The corners of Su Nan's eyes twitched slightly, forcing himself to look away.

"My eldest sister... cheated on my little sister."

When Zhao Ruomin opened his mouth, he was shocked, Su Nan was stunned by the thunder, what, Zhao Xiaomin cheated on Zhao Junmin?This……

Seeing that Su Nan didn't believe it, Zhao Ruomin said seriously, "Really, I have evidence."

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone, connected the earphones, and put the earphones on Su Nan's ears with her own hands.

Su Nan only felt that her soft fingers gently scratched her ears, and her ears felt a slight numbness, and then the earphones sounded.

After listening to this recording, Su Nan had a strange expression on his face, as if he had heard something unbelievable.

Simply unimaginable.

Zhao Xiaomin and Zhao Junmin actually have this kind of relationship.

Is it because of the so-called telepathy and empathy?

Su Nan remembered this setting, but before he suspected that it was an excuse used by Zhao Xiaomin to cover up something, now that he thinks about it, could it be that he guessed wrong?

Seeing Su Nan stunned and silent, Zhao Ruomin looked at him worriedly, and naturally stretched out his hand to stroke his head, comforting him and said: "Brother-in-law, don't be sad, my sister abandoned you, but you still have my sister-in-law."

Why do you emphasize that you are a sister-in-law?

Su Nan hesitated for a while, and said, "It might just be a misunderstanding, I believe Xiao Min..."

Zhao Ruomin patted the table, startling Su Nan, and the waiter at the counter also looked over.

She didn't realize it, and said sadly: "Brother-in-law, don't lie to yourself anymore, your sister has betrayed your feelings for her, break up, there is no future for licking a dog!"

Su Nan was stunned for a while before saying, "I can't break up with you just because of a recording. It's too irresponsible. Anyway, don't worry, I'll take care of this matter."

He felt that there must be some special reason for Zhao Xiaomin to do this. At the same time, if Zhao Xiaomin really had that kind of relationship with Zhao Junmin, he would not feel sad or betrayed, except for the destruction of the three views.

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