There are still people following her behind, and she can actually develop to the point of being followed. What exactly did senior sister Li Gongting do, it is completely unreliable.

"You won't offend some underworld boss, right?" Su Nan asked worriedly.

Glancing at him strangely, Li Gongting said: "I have swept the gangsters a few times this year. There are no big bosses, at most a few gangsters. Usually they are afraid of me when they see me. This time the follower may be the one who was caught last time." The accomplice of the pervert I caught, we will lead him to a remote alley later, and then..."

After some exchange, Su Nan nodded to express his understanding.

Li Gongting said that he was willing to use the bait to lure the enemy out and let Su Nan do it. It doesn't matter whether it can exercise himself or not, the important thing is to cultivate the courage to fight.

Su Nanyi is a bold person, but she is not very worried. No matter how many people are on the other side, the bones of ordinary people will be broken when he punches them. Few of them can withstand it.

Moreover, he is physically strong, as long as his vital parts are not attacked, he probably won't feel much if he is hit with a stick.

Riding bicycles, turning left and right, the two finally turned into a village in the city. They saw tofu flowers for sale, so they stopped and bought two tofu flowers while chatting and eating.

After eating the bean curd, Li Gongting looked up and wondered: "Hey, why is there no one? This is a very remote place. We purposely ate bean curd and waited for them to come, but no one came."

"Could it be that you misunderstood, the other party is just one person." Su Nan guessed.

"It makes sense." Li Gongting was thoughtful, and she said: "Let's split up later, since you chose to follow me alone, it should be a person with a high degree of daring, I will lure him out, and then you will fight with him .”

"Okay." Su Nan had no objection, and even felt a little excited. Senior sister Li Gongting brought him out to let him fight. This is the first time Su Nan has experienced such a thing, and Su Nan faintly feels that the violent factor in his heart has begun to awaken. .

Pretending to say hello to Li Gongting, Su Nan stepped on the moped and left, leaving Li Gongting here alone.

She continued to order a bowl of tofu flower, finished it slowly, then paid, and left on her bicycle leisurely.

Lu Ying slipped out from the corner, wearing a hat on her head to hide her face, and followed in the direction Li Gongting was walking.

When Su Nan left, Lu Ying was a little happy, and then hesitated to go with that, and finally she decided to go with Li Gongting.

She planned to find an opportunity to talk to Li Gongting, test the situation, and see if Li Gongting was a patient of a strange disease.

Seeing Li Gongting turning into an alley, Lu Ying also followed, and then swiped the car.

"It's you?" Li Gongting, who was standing in front of her, was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on her face, and suddenly her expression changed, and she shouted: "Stop!"

But it was too late, Su Nan rushed over from behind, hugged the unscrupulous girl in the hat, and restrained her from moving, even if Yue Xiong, who was pressing her tightly with her arms, didn't care.

Since she is a bad girl, there is no need to estimate too much. It is normal to accidentally take advantage of a fight.

Lu Ying was shocked. The pressure on her chest made her blush. She screamed and kept kicking her feet off the ground. The people behind her immediately hugged her off the bicycle.

Seeing this scene, Li Gongting held his forehead with one hand, and seemed to be a little bit unbearable to look directly at.

Su Nan was stunned when he heard the voice of the bad girl. Why does the voice feel familiar?

At this moment, the girl in the hat turned her head, her pretty face blushed, she stared at him in shame and annoyance, and said angrily, "Let me go!"

"Squad leader?" Su Nan was stunned. It wasn't who the squad leader was, but he was wearing a hat he didn't know where to find, and he couldn't recognize it from behind for a while.

After recovering, Su Nan felt the soft feeling coming back from his arm, Su Nan hurriedly put the squad leader down.

As soon as Lu Ying landed on the ground, she squatted down, clutching her chest in pain, her face was bitter, Su Nan didn't show mercy at all, and she was still very strong, causing her to die of pain.

"Uh, are you okay?" Su Nan was a little embarrassed.

Lu Ying gave him a red-faced look when she heard the words, and remained silent.

Li Gongting came over and squatted down and said, "I know how to massage, if it hurts, I'll massage it for you."

"Rogue." Lu Ying blushed even more, and directly angrily reprimanded her.

Li Gongting: "..."

After resting for a while, Lu Ying finally stood up. Although she was still in pain, she tried her best to look like she was okay.

"Why did you follow us?" Li Gongting also recovered from the blow, and asked Lu Ying curiously.

Su Nan turned his face away, he knew why, the squad leader must have suspected that he was hooking up with senior sister Li Gongting, so he followed.

Lu Ying said, "I just happened to pass by."

After speaking, she glanced at Su Nan.

Li Gongting glanced at Su Nan, then looked at her again, with a thoughtful expression

A flash of panic flashed in Lu Ying's eyes, she forced herself to be calm, and asked, "What about you, why are you still together after school?"

She looked at Su Nan and Li Gongting suspiciously.

Li Gongting had no choice but to explain the matter.

"Uh, you mean to take Su Nan to the actual battle?" Lu Ying looked in disbelief, and when she saw Su Nan nodding, she turned her face away with a embarrassed expression.


What a shame.

Knowing that Su Nan was going to fight, she was a little worried, and said without thinking, "I can go together."

Su Nan fought or something, she didn't choose to stop it immediately, she planned to follow, and if the situation was not right, she would find a way to call the police.

"Yes." Li Gongting nodded.

Su Nan moved his lips, and found that senior sister Li Gongting looked at him with deep meaning in his eyes, so he held back his words.

He was guessing what senior sister Li Gongting was thinking. Senior sister Li Gongting probably saw that he had an unusual relationship with the class monitor, and Li Gongting knew that he and senior sister Zhan Weiling were a couple, so she was fighting for senior sister Zhan Weiling .

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