"I didn't expect that even my aunt did." She sighed, showing that she didn't know beforehand.

But not being angry is an obvious signal in itself, Su Nan is glad that she said it out.

He said: "I'm just a little skeptical, maybe not, don't think too much."

However, Lu Ying thought that Su Nan's suspicion meant that her aunt had done some outrageous things to Su Nan. Lu Ying felt strange and itchy, and wanted to ask them what they had done.

But she resisted this urge, it's better to treat this kind of thing as ignorance, not to mention that she knew that my aunt had had a relationship with Su Nan with a non-body, and she even endured this, the rest, as long as they are not in reality Once in bed, it's not a big deal.

Lu Ying nodded, "I will observe my aunt, but I think she should be. She seems very unhappy that you didn't go to her house last Saturday."

Hearing what she said, Su Nan didn't know what to say. The squad leader was too ordinary. She remembered that she lived with Lu Anya. It seemed that she found out about the whole thing through Lu Anya.

"Tomorrow." Lu Ying suddenly said: "Tomorrow I will take you to see my aunt, that's the decision."

Su Nan feels bad, why tomorrow?He was invited to visit her aunt's house last Saturday. It was only three days ago, and the time fits well with the attack time of a person who has been punished once.

It seems that one of the people who entered the computer game last time was Lu Anya, and after that, Lu Anya pushed him back.

Hey, backtracking, silver chaos...

Su Nan suddenly thought of something, and his eyes widened in surprise. Could it be that the experience in the game at that time could still affect reality.

Lu Anya brought Yin Luandu back to reality, so she couldn't help pushing him back.

Then the other girl is Qin Xiaowan.

I remember that after that, Qin Xiaowan became very abnormal and began to sleep with him at night, and she didn't behave better until a week later.

A week... Is it the time to continue to be affected after returning to reality?

Su Nan thought to himself.

He hesitated for a while, and didn't tell the squad leader about this discovery, otherwise, under her questioning, maybe even the matter with Lu Anya would be exposed.

Having a relationship with Lu Anya, Su Nan hadn't figured out how to deal with it, and couldn't tell the squad leader, so she had to hold it in her heart.

"Tuesday tomorrow, I don't have much time for class, forget it." Su Nan rejected the monitor's proposal. It always feels bad to see Lu Anya at this time, in case the monitor finds out...

It's a bad idea to think about the outcome.

"My aunt wants to see you." Lu Ying said in a subtle tone.

She went on to add: "If you don't go to see her, she may come to you. You released our pigeons on Saturday, and my aunt was very upset at that time."

She seemed to know what Su Nan was worried about, hesitated for a while, and said seriously: "I promised to help you, since my aunt also suffers from that strange disease, you shouldn't avoid her, you just need to be careful when facing her. Just a good size."

Su Nan secretly thought, the problem is that Lu Anya and I have broken through all the bottom lines.

The squad leader said so much, Su Nan finally agreed.

Lu Ying fell silent, only feeling a little uncomfortable, and even doubted herself.

I don't know if this will allow Su Nan to pass the game, but it feels really disturbing to let him take the initiative to contact the sick girl.

When she came back to her senses, Lu Ying had a serious expression.

"Next, we will discuss whether we should take the initiative to let them experience punishment."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The more punishments experienced, the longer the time between two attacks will be.

This is already known.

From the initial attack every day, it became once every seven days after two times.

As for Chu Xi and Xiao Min, according to Su Nan's recollection, they even have seizures more than once every seven days. Of course, he is not very sure, because he almost comes when he is interested in sleeping with his girlfriend, and he doesn't go away for a week. once.

Let's first assume that the time interval between each episode of the girlfriends has exceeded seven days.

So is it possible to think that as long as the girls continue to accept punishment, their disease of being uncomfortable without shame will gradually be resolved, and at worst they will not be so dependent on him.

But Su Nan hesitated, unable to make a decision for a while, he said: "Before the transition to the punishment stage, it will be very painful."

Lu Ying nodded: "I'm afraid so."

The message sent by Shu Bao'er at that time revealed the news.

She didn't urge her, but just watched Su Nan quietly, waiting for Su Nan to make a decision.

Su Nan frowned and sighed, "Let me think about it, this matter is not urgent."

"Okay." Lu Ying closed the notebook and said, "Then let's do what we decided before. Let's check the girls on the list first to see if they are shame sufferers, and then find out what their symptoms are. time."

Su Nan nodded: "I will pay attention."

In other words, he will change from being passive before to becoming active in the future.

The two decided on the matter in this way. First, they must confirm the number of patients with shame disease, and then find out when they will attack, and then take the initiative to cater to them.

The main purpose of doing this is to prevent those girls from entering the punishment stage, and at the same time relieve their pain in time, and Su Nan can also benefit.

Lu Ying mentioned two possibilities to solve the whole matter.

One is related to Su Nan's golden finger.

As long as those girls suffering from the shame disease come to Su Nan, Su Nan doesn't have to do anything, just bear it silently, and when the body is strengthened to a certain extent, the game will naturally be cleared.

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