But Su Nan didn't let go, and put her hands on her rear hips to play a rogue: "You give me a kiss."

Lu Yingqiao blushed, and was afraid that her aunt would appear suddenly, so she struggled and stood on tiptoe to kiss his lips forcefully, sticking out her tongue.

Su Nan froze for a moment, but naturally accepted it with a smile.

After a while, Lu Ying pushed him away, blushed, and said viciously to him: "Hmph, you're disgusting!"

Su Nan licked off the trace of wetness on her lips, and teased, "It's not disgusting, you rinsed your mouth very well."

Now Lu Yingyu's face was blushing again, she walked over to push him in shame and annoyance, and drove him out: "Go, I won't let you in next time!"

After saying that, he closed the door with a "bang", then leaned against the door and gasped for breath, his cheeks were flushed, his eyes seemed to be filled with water, and he looked obsequious.

"Xiaoying, has Xiaonan left?"

The sudden sound startled her, only to realize that my aunt was opening the door and poking her head out, her eyes were looking around, as if she was looking for Su Nan.

Feeling guilty, Lu Ying quickly suppressed the strange feeling in her heart, nodded and said, "Yes, I just sent him out."

Lu Anya didn't say anything, she seemed relieved, and closed the door again.

The caring Lu Ying naturally found that her aunt was out of control, so she couldn't help feeling sour in her heart, and cursed secretly: "This little bastard, will my aunt really treat him..."

Thinking of that possibility, she also felt a little guilty, and didn't know what to do.

On the other side, Su Nan came out of Lu Anya's house and hurried home in a happy mood.

First came Lu Anya, and then Lu Ying. In just one night, he kissed two beauties, but when he thought about the relationship between these two beauties, his enthusiasm cooled down.

No matter how heartless he is, he still knows how much it will affect the relationship between Lu Anya and Lu Ying if this matter is not handled properly. indefinite.

But judging from the squad leader's current situation, because of Lu Anya's strange illness, as long as the two of them don't do anything too outrageous, the squad leader won't react too much.

As for the fact that she has already had a relationship with Lu Anya... Let's keep it a secret for now.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when Su Nan got home, and Qin Xiaowan was not at home. Looking at the message on WeChat, she went out to play with Chu Xi and others next door.

Su Nan was in a nervous mood. It was impossible for everyone to go shopping without calling him, but everyone couldn't ask him out, and they didn't see him at home. They must be upset and even suspicious. It seems that they have to find a better excuse.

While thinking about it, Su Nan walked into the bathroom and began to take a shower. Her body smelled of the perfume of the squad leader and Lu Anya. She changed her clothes and washed them off early, lest the suspicious Qin Xiaowan would find anything abnormal.

After taking a shower and throwing his clothes into the washing machine to wash, Su Nan walked out refreshed, ready to go back to the room and go to bed early, lest everyone come back and ask him where he went.

Just when I opened the room, I saw Zhao Xiaomin lying on the bed and playing with her mobile phone. Her two slender legs were turned up alternately, and her bare feet looked playful and cute.

Today she is wearing jeans, which are plump, firm, upturned, and stretched so tightly that one feels the urge to slap her upwards, revealing a pink and slender waist, which looks very tempting.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Zhao Xiaomin threw the phone away, got out of bed and ran over to hold his arm. She didn't mind her puffed chest pressing on his upper arm, turned her head and smiled and stared at him, then puffed her cheeks and pinched him with her small hands He said angrily, "Honestly, where did you go to hook up with the chick tonight!"

"I'm here to hook you up, little girl." Su Nan was not afraid of her, pinched her little nose lightly, then leaned over to kiss her, and quietly slid one hand down on the tight jeans.

Zhao Xiaomin laughed and avoided, "I hate it! I won't kiss you until I tell you."

Saying so, the arms that hugged him tightly did not let go, but the body stuck even tighter, and there was a scorching breath.

Su Nan kept doing nothing, picked her up and walked to the bed: "Hey, if you dare to refuse me, I'll let you see how good I am!"

He threw Zhao Xiaomin onto the bed and lay on his stomach, then his eyes fell on her tight jeans, the burning eyes couldn't be restrained any longer, and he rushed towards her.

At the beginning Zhao Xiaomin kicked her legs to resist, but later she remained motionless, just buried her face firmly on the pillow, her ears were red, and a seductive humming sound leaked from the pillow, making people's minds swayed.

Su Nan swallowed her saliva, stopped temporarily, climbed up and pressed her back, put her mouth next to her ear and whispered: "I promised me last time, when do you plan to fulfill the promise?"

While speaking, he also slapped his palms and drew circles on the tight jeans, which was obviously implied.

Zhao Xiaomin's cheeks were hot, and she said with a slight nasal voice, "You are going to die, Chu Xi and the others are coming back soon."

She came back early, but she didn't dare to get too messy with Su Nan, that matter... It would take too much time just to prepare in advance.

"That means it's okay if they're not here?" Su Nan teased, the hot air from her breath burned Zhao Xiaomin's ears, her delicate body became softer, her heart was beating wildly, and she forgot to speak for a while.

When Su Nan accepted her agreement, she was overjoyed, and her massage and Tai Chi became stronger, and she even sat on the side away from her, hoping that her palms could be in close contact with her.

Zhao Xiaomin panicked, thinking that he was coming now, so she quickly put her hands behind her and covered him tightly to prevent him from moving, and said softly, "It's not possible now, tomorrow, how about tomorrow?"

Su Nan straightened up, and the joy on his face became even brighter. It seemed that Xiao Min really agreed, tomorrow, where are you going tomorrow?Is there anything good about her?

Unless you go out to have a room with Zhao Xiaomin alone, you definitely can't do it at home, but it's impossible for Chuxi not to know that it's not good to leave Chuxi at home alone.

As if knowing what he was thinking, Zhao Xiaomin turned her head and said to him winkingly, "She went out with you last time, so it's my turn this time."

"Oh? Are you going to talk to her?" Su Nan said happily.

Zhao Xiaomin gave him a blank look, "Little rascal, I still need to talk about this kind of thing, don't worry, after the last time, Chu Xi felt very sorry, and asked me to find a date with you one day."

Su Nan let go of the last trace of worry, and couldn't help but feel fascinated by tomorrow's date. His eyes fell on Xiao Min's tight jeans, and he put his hands on them to ask for some interest.

Originally, he shouldn't be so excited, but the girl is willing to do this for him, and for him, he is so close to the girl in a real sense, which is different from the punishment period, so he is looking forward to it.

Su Nan started to plan tomorrow's date: "We'll go straight to play after school in the afternoon, instead of going home, we'll eat out, watch movies, go shopping, I'll accompany you to whatever you want to do, um, I'll book a hotel now. "

Zhao Xiaomin blushed, and said softly, "Don't go outside. Tomorrow, I will ask Ruomin to accompany Junmin, and then you and I... go to my house."

After speaking, he buried his face in his arms shyly.

Su Nan was very moved, "Xiao Min, I can't wait, I'll charge some interest tonight first."

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