She was not reconciled, that's why she disregarded face and put on a brazen face and proposed to be his girlfriend.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although she understood Qin Xiaowan's thoughts, Su Nan couldn't agree to it. Logically speaking, since Qin Xiaowan and Chu Xi joined forces, no one would object to being his girlfriend, but Su Nan always felt awkward in her heart.

Maybe it's too familiar to start with?

Qin Xiaowan stared at him stubbornly, seeing his hesitation, her heart tightened, her eye circles slowly turned red.

Su Nan suddenly felt a headache, and said helplessly: "I already have several girlfriends, why are you getting involved? Don't you think it's not messy enough?"

Qin Xiaowan didn't really cry, she was just pretending. As soon as Su Nan made a sound, she knew there was something going on, and said viciously: "Then why did you come to provoke me? You provoked me but didn't care about me. You just don't want to be responsible, scumbag!" Nan!"

Su Nan thought to herself that you have been provoking me all the time, I just lost control of one of the countless temptations, how can I be blamed.

But he couldn't explain this reason, he had to take the little girl's self-esteem into consideration.

He regretted how he was so cheap at that time, because he knew that Qin Xiaowan couldn't leave him and had to do some shameful things to himself, so he gave up on himself at that time, and now he suffers from it.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Qin Xiaowan was a little sad. Su Nan still refused to agree to this level of talk.

Originally, she was just pretending to be sad, but now she was really sad, her eyes were covered with mist, and she was obviously about to cry.

Su Nan's heart tightened, and she said sincerely: "I admit it's my fault, I shouldn't provoke you, but you should also consider my feelings, I have to lie down with you, a pretty girl, every day. Sleeping on a bed, who can stand it! I'm not Liu Xiahui!"

He was really angry. Today, he already knows the reason why Qin Xiaowan wants to sleep with him every night, but which boy, who is physically and mentally healthy, can do it when facing the beautiful girl next to him who asks for everything. Indifferent like him?

The two of them are not biological brothers and sisters, even if they are biological, if they sleep together every night like this, maybe they will know about orthopedics.

Qin Xiaowan was also making trouble out of no reason, she clearly seduced him on purpose, and after he gave up insisting because he knew about the shame disease, she turned around and blamed him for provoking her, that made sense.

You can be a horse fork, but I can't be disturbed?

The problem is that you're all flirting with me, and you almost open your legs and say you love me, and I still want to be a saint?

Qin Xiaowan was taken aback by his angry words, looked at him cautiously, and then recalled that he said that she was a delicate and beautiful girl, and that she couldn't control herself at night.

She suddenly felt shy, her head seemed to be hit so hard that she was dizzy, her pink and jade-carved face was blushing, her heart was filled with shame, but she felt very sweet.

"I, I... I didn't tempt you!" She clarified loudly and flusteredly.

"I didn't say that you seduced me on purpose, but your actions actually seduced me, didn't you? Even if you were unintentional, do you agree with this?" Su Nan's words were more tactful to avoid the girl from being ashamed and indignant.

Qin Xiaowan nodded unwillingly, and reluctantly agreed with him.

Girls insist on climbing into boys' beds to sleep together, but boys are not allowed to touch themselves, otherwise boys will be jerks.

Su Nan's heart tightened, and she tilted her head, her eyes rolled around, and she said strangely: "But I'm sick, aren't I? And you also promised my mother to take care of me, and you promised to let me and you How about eating and sleeping together?"

Su Nan muttered, "She didn't say I'm not allowed to touch you either."

"Yeah, she didn't say anything!" Qin Xiaowan's arrogance suddenly rose, with a charming smile on her lips, but she couldn't help it: "So you provoked me, so shouldn't you be responsible for me?" ? It's nothing else, don't you think?"

The two of you talked about the truth one by one, Su Nan was very proud at the beginning, but she didn't expect that this little girl would join the army later, she was speechless for a while.

If you provoke a girl, is it wrong for them to ask you to take responsibility?

"I've already had several girlfriends, and I'm still dating other girls behind my back. I don't even have confidence in my future. Why do you have to come to this muddy water?"

Su Nan was a little unwilling, with an inexplicable timidity in her heart, struggling to die.

Dating is not a child's play, it doesn't mean that Qin Xiaowan has a strange disease and cannot do without him, so he will agree to associate with Qin Xiaowan.

The first thing to do in a relationship is to really like someone, and you have to take responsibility as a lover. If you can’t do it, you can’t give her what she wants, and there is a future, it’s better to stay the same.

Touching his inexplicably serious eyes, Qin Xiaowan was a little flustered, but she didn't flinch, she was silent for a while, suddenly calmed down, met his gaze and said, "It's very simple, because I like you, that's why I want to be your girlfriend. Although you already have a lot of girlfriends. I can't say I don't mind at all, but I can accept it! And they can accept me as your boyfriend, so why don't you accept it? You have accepted them, But you don't accept me? Do you not like me as much as they do?"

She smiled bitterly, with a sad expression on her immature face, which made her heart ache.

Su Nan felt pain in his heart, he took a deep breath, thought for a while, then looked at Qin Xiaowan seriously, and said: "Okay, I can promise you, but I suggest that we keep a certain distance from each other in a short time, and treat it as a love practice." , if you don’t like me anymore and you don’t have feelings for me anymore, you can ask to terminate the relationship with me at any time.”

Qin Xiaowan was stunned, because Su Nan was moved by what he said when he was touched for a moment. He promised himself to be her girlfriend, and he was already her girlfriend!

Qin Xiaowan had a dreamlike feeling, and when she realized what Su Nan said, she couldn't help but sit upright, even though she was so excited and wanted to shout excitedly, she still nodded reservedly on the surface: "I see, it's an agreement like this."

She guessed what Su Nan was thinking, Su Nan thought she was just impulsive, and after a period of time calmed down, she would propose to break up. However, Su Nan didn't understand how long she had been waiting for this day, and her emotional experience with him After the turbulent period, the love-hate period, the latent time, and then the resurgence period.

Now that feeling has settled in her heart, it's as heavy as a rock, and it won't make any waves again.

Seeing the inadvertent tenderness on the girl's face, Su Nan could only sigh inwardly. It's not that he didn't understand, but he just gave himself an excuse, a fig leaf, and a curtain for the relationship between the two of them.

In his heart, Xiaowan is like a younger sister, she is still young, and he doesn't want to hurt her, this layer of curtain acts as a buffer, giving Xiaowan a chance to back off.

If she won't back down in the future, then Su Nan feels that he has to face up to his relationship with her.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the relationship was confirmed, there seemed to be no change on the surface, but Su Nan faintly noticed that the girl opposite her looked closer to her eyes, but because she was shy, she couldn't show it in her actions for the time being.

He has no good solution, he can only walk around, but because of the agreement, Xiaowan should not do anything too outrageous, and she is not that thick-skinned.

Su Nan let go of his worries and was about to go out when Qin Xiaowan stopped him with a slightly dissatisfied face.

"Wait a minute, why are you walking so fast?"

Su Nan turned her head in a daze: "Go to school, what else can I do?"

"Hmph, let's go to school with them!" Qin Xiaowan murmured in a low voice, then said with a slightly flushed face, "Wait for me, I'll go with you. If you're a couple, you should go to school together."

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