He knew that he was doing something wrong, after all, he had just apologized to the other party, but immediately bullied him, but he really couldn't help it, the handle was too attractive to him.

Su Nan moved and murmured: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, but I really can't control myself."

His thumb seemed to be sweaty, a little hot and humid.

At this time, Lu Anya's calling voice came from outside: "Xiao Nan, come out to eat noodles."

Su Nan was awakened, only to realize that more than ten minutes had passed before he knew it. He whispered "sorry" to the handle, then stuffed it into his pocket, and went outside.

Lu Ying sat at the dining table, saw him coming out, glanced at him, and then looked away embarrassedly, but Su Nan could see that there was worry in her eyes, as if she was worried about her situation.

Su Nan sat down in front of the monitor, opened her mouth, and was about to tell her what she had discovered when Lu Anya came out of the kitchen with three bowls of noodles.

She put the noodles in front of the two of them, which were egg noodles, with some minced meat and chopped green onion floating on the surface, and said, "There are no ingredients in the refrigerator, so I will make enough for lunch, and I will take you to a big meal tonight."

Speaking of which, she sat down next to Lu Ying. Originally, she wanted to sit next to Su Nan, but she was a little embarrassed.

Everyone was hungry and started to eat noodles.

Suddenly, Su Nan's heart moved, and he glanced at Lu Ying opposite, only to find that she was also looking at him with a look of wariness.

Seeing Su Nan looking over, Lu Ying was secretly surprised and had a bad premonition.

Just when she was about to pick up the bowl and go back to the room, she saw Su Nan give herself a sorry look, and then she couldn't move anymore.

In Su Nan's eyes, Lu Ying held a bowl of noodles in front of her with chopsticks in her hand, and the word 'eat' emerged.

He quietly pressed the button with his left hand, and Lu Ying began to eat noodles with an anxious expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Su Nan controlled Lu Ying to lift one foot by pressing the button, put it on her calf, and gently rubbed it.

Suddenly, Su Nan's body trembled, and another beautiful leg stretched out from the next door, and rested on his other foot.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Su Nan looked up at Lu Anya, she was also looking at herself, and smiled at herself, the smile gave off a very charming feeling.

Taking a deep breath, Su Nan pretended not to care and lowered her head to eat noodles, but kept her feet apart so that the feet of the two women under the table would not touch each other. If this happened, the car would undoubtedly have overturned.

Originally, at this time, Su Nan should stop his behavior immediately, but he is not normal now, instead he feels a little irritated, can't stop, can't stop.

Lu Anya noticed the movement of Su Nan's feet, and the smile on the corners of her mouth grew stronger. As her eyes moved, she glanced at Lu Ying. Seeing that she was eating noodles with her head down, she didn't notice her, so she bit her teeth, and her jade feet secretly lifted Su Nan. trousers for zero-distance contact.

Because it was at home, she was wearing shoes off, so she was barefoot at this time.

The warm and snowy feeling of her jade feet was clearly sensed by Su Nan's calf, and her bare feet gently rubbed against his calf, bringing an itchy feeling, and sometimes she would gently pinch his calf with her jade toe on the meat.

Su Nan took a deep breath, enduring the feeling of being teased by Lu Anya, put her left hand into her pocket, and continued to press the keys.

On the opposite side, Lu Ying's tender body trembled, her pretty face blushed, her head lowered even more, her foot on Su Nan's calf was doing the same job as Lu Anya.

Su Nan glanced at Lu Ying whose ears were red, and then at Lu Anya who was looking at her with a smirk at the corner of her mouth. A sense of satisfaction welled up in her heart. They didn't know what was going on under the table.

He couldn't help thinking maliciously, if he let their feet meet, what kind of expression would they have?

That must be very interesting, he thought.

Even though her integrity was broken, Su Nan still didn't dare to do this kind of thing.

After staying like this for a while, Su Nan gradually became a little dissatisfied, and began to desire more.

He pressed the keys with his fingers, controlled the monitor's feet, and climbed up from his own calf.

Lu Ying on the opposite side froze, and immediately raised her head to beg for mercy and looked at him, but Su Nan was unmoved and kept pressing the keys with her fingers.

Realizing that Su Nan was hopeless, Lu Ying sighed, but didn't dare to say anything, she silently lowered her head to eat, but all her attention was focused on her feet.

In the feeling, my feet climbed all the way, as if I had walked through thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally came to a peach garden in a canyon.

Lu Ying was extremely ashamed and angry, but she gritted her teeth and dared not make a sound.

At this time, her other foot also lifted up and stretched towards Su Nan.

In order to prevent Lu Anya from touching Lu Ying's feet, Su Nan stretched her feet towards her.

Lu Anya was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, glanced at Su Nan secretly, then bit her teeth, and clamped his outstretched foot.

She rubbed her legs against each other, making Su Nan very comfortable. At the same time, under Su Nan's control, Lu Ying's two jade feet rested on his other leg, which was also very good.

Treating them like this, but they don't know each other, they only think that they are like him.

This kind of scum-like prank made Su Nan very satisfied and very exciting.

He even had a strong urge to unzip his trousers, but he still didn't lose his mind completely. Knowing that this would not end, he held back and only maintained the current situation.

It took a long time to eat a bowl of noodles, and no one spoke. The atmosphere seemed a bit weird, but the two women were all focused on the table, and they didn't dare to look up because they were nervous, so no one noticed anything unusual.

Finally, when the noodles were finished, Lu Anya was worried that she would be exposed, so she let go of Su Nan's foot, kicked him lightly, and signaled him to take it back.

Su Nan retracted her feet with a calm expression.

Lu Anya started to pack her things, stood up and took the bowls of the three of them into the kitchen for cleaning, only Su Nan and Lu Ying were left sitting face to face.

Lu Ying blushed, stared at him angrily, and said fiercely, "Stop it!"

Su Nan looked a little embarrassed, and said, "I'm sorry monitor, I don't want to stop yet."

These words were shameless and too irritating, but they were not enough to silence Lu Ying. She knew that Su Nan couldn't control her behavior at the moment, and she had also been deprived of her mobility, so she had no solution at all.

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