Su Nan stroked her hair distressedly, thinking that he was really bad for bullying Qin Xiaowan like this, but that unfamiliarity also made him feel satisfied in his heart.

All his abnormalities were caused by the handle. With Qin Xiaowan's unremitting efforts, his attention was finally attracted to it.

But like an avalanche, his persistence quickly disintegrated. He pulled the girl up, pressed her down on the sofa, and then lay down on her body, kissing her cheek and other places.

Hands are also understanding clothes.

Qin Xiaowan trembled uneasily and looked at him pitifully, but Su Nan ignored him and continued with her behavior.

He is like an explorer, facing a completely unfamiliar environment, unable to control his curiosity, he explores bit by bit, regardless of the consequences.

It was the first time for Qin Xiaowan to experience this on her own body. Goosebumps appeared on her skin that was in close contact with the air. She shyly covered it with her hands, but she couldn't stop the continuous attack of those who wanted to.

At this moment, Qin Xiaowan really panicked, she didn't expect to take that last step, at least it shouldn't be this time.

In her fantasy, the first time with Su Nan should be an extremely beautiful night, not that Su Nan is like a beast who doesn't know how to pity herself at all.

But the matter has come to this point, it is irreversible, and she has no possibility of resisting Su Nan.

With a sigh in her heart, Qin Xiaowan resigned to her fate, thinking that although she was not perfect, it was not his fault, there was nothing to complain about being his woman, and she was too far behind.

It's the sound of the door opening.

Qin Xiaowan opened her eyes in surprise, endured the feeling of Su Nan lying on her chest, and looked towards the door, only to see Zhan Weiling closing the door, looking at herself and Su Nan with interest.

Qin Xiaowan yelled "ah" and sat up quickly, but was immediately pushed down by Su Nan, and his chest was buried by his face again.

Qin Xiaowan hugged his head and asked shyly, "Why are you here?"

Zhan Weiling said: "I'm not worried that you can't handle it. This guy is a bull. I'm afraid you will get hurt."

"I'm fine." Qin Xiaowan was not convinced.

"It's not what you expected to hand over for the first time under such circumstances."

Zhan Weiling said again, Qin Xiaowan was silent.

Zhan Weiling smiled, walked to them, grabbed Su Nan's arm and tried to pull him up, but failed, she sighed and said, "It seems that I have to sacrifice."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhan Weiling died instead of Qin Xiaowan, and led Su Nan to her side.

Qin Xiaowan didn't leave during this process, she covered her eyes tightly with her hands, blushed, watched the whole scene through her fingers, and exclaimed in a low voice from time to time: "Senior sister is so amazing."

Zhan Weiling felt very ashamed, but she couldn't drive her away, and Su Nan's entanglement made her unable to distract her.

Later, Qin Xiaowan also joined in for some reason, Zhan Weiling was startled when she woke up, and pushed Qin Xiaowan to let her go quickly, but Qin Xiaowan looked reluctant.

Zhan Weiling stretched out her hand to touch her body, and immediately realized that this little girl had been fascinated by the good show between herself and Su Nan, and she became thick-skinned.

But Zhan Weiling still didn't want Su Nan to get rid of her like this, so she cheered up and protected Qin Xiaowan from under Su Nan.

The two girls, Su Nan spent the night with them in a half-true way. After waking up, he felt very unbelievable, not because of the stupid things he did, but because of the cooperation between them, and they were willing to bend down to accompany him together. .

Although Qin Xiaowan just had a taste of the sweetness and didn't come to the real thing with him, she was extremely daring when she was inexperienced with her senior sister.

Equivalent to Su Nan's shock, the performance of the senior sister and Xiao Wan was much more ordinary, and there was no fuss after waking up. The senior sister got up calmly and pushed him out of the room without wearing clothes.

Su Nan stood at the door, looked at the closed door and murmured to himself: "When did they get along so well?"

I can't figure it out, but it seems like a good thing?

With a strange mood, Su Nan went to the bathroom to wash up.

After Su Nan left, the atmosphere in the room fell into an embarrassing situation, no one made a sound, the two girls were blushing and did not dare to look directly at each other, especially Qin Xiaowan, who was so ashamed that she almost buried her face in her chest.

After a while, Zhan Weiling gave a dry cough, looked at the shy Qin Xiaowan and said, "You were too messy last night, don't do that in the future."

After all, she is someone who has been there before, and she has worked with Zhao Xiaomin before, so it is easier to let go, but Qin Xiaowan's performance at the beginning made her feel guilty.

Qin Xiaowan was not convinced, and whispered: "Who told you to behave like him in front of me?"

"I was helping you." Zhan Weiling sighed, she could more or less guess Qin Xiaowan's motive last night, but she was still too bold, was it because she slept with Su Nan during the punishment?

She guessed so.

"I know you're helping me, but I just feel bad, and I don't want to, but I can't control myself."

Qin Xiaowan lowered her head.

She didn't lie. Seeing that scene at that time, she was indeed jealous, but she didn't say more, because it was too embarrassing after all.

At that time, she was in a bad mood looking at it, and suddenly she felt aroused, her heart was itchy, and she was jealous, so she added it in her head.

At this time, I feel a little regretful, I am still a virgin, and I have had sex with three people, this experience is also bizarre.

Zhan Weiling was silent for a while, and didn't worry about this problem any more. Instead, she put on her clothes and said, "Let's go out quickly, I don't know if he has returned to normal, lest he run out again."

"You go, I didn't sleep well last night, I need to sleep for a while." Qin Xiaowan hugged her knees and said with a blushing face.

Zhan Weiling chuckled, thinking to herself that she was still inexperienced and thin-skinned.

Knowing that Qin Xiaowan couldn't face Su Nan, Zhan Weiling didn't force it, and left the room by herself after getting dressed.

Looking at her back, Qin Xiaowan couldn't help touching her chest, feeling the fragility, and sighed unwillingly: "It's really big, when will I be so big."

Recalling the experience of being laid on the senior sister by the out-of-control Su Nan last night, Qin Xiaowan was fascinated and blushed at the same time. In order to protect her, the senior sister still used her palm to block her when she was attacked. Perseverance is really a moving liquid.

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