Shu Bao'er looked pitiful, as if she would cry if she didn't believe her.

Li Gongting snorted softly, she was already immune to Shu Baoer's pitiful appearance, but she believed it a little bit in her heart.

Suddenly thought of something, she frowned and looked at Shu Baoer: "Shu Bao, are you the same as Wei Ling and me?"

Only this can explain why Shu Bao'er recognized her at a glance when she became strange at the beginning.

Facing the question, Shu Baoer blinked, then nodded.

"So you've always been like that..." Li Gongting looked at Shu Bao'er with sympathy, but he didn't understand: "But Shu Bao, why do you always behave normally? I didn't realize it at all."

"Secretly tell senior sister a secret." Shu Baoer said with a smile in her eyes, "Actually, as long as you experience more punishments, the time interval between each episode will become very long. Senior sister didn't feel bad today, didn't you? You don't have to I feel sick every day. If I receive punishment a few more times, maybe it will return to normal."

An interested smile appeared on Shu Baoer's face. Facing the possibility of turning back into a normal person, she didn't know how the senior sister would choose, whether to keep the original status, or take the initiative to accept the punishment cruelly.

Li Gongting breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, it would be too uncomfortable if it happened every day, but then Shu Baoer's words made her turn pale again, and she returned to normal, she needs to continue to experience what happened yesterday, when she thinks about it, she can't accept it, it's too embarrassing up.

As if to see through her mind, Shu Baoer said: "Actually, senior sister doesn't need to reject senior, you don't hate him, do you? Besides, if senior sister Wei Ling really doesn't like senior Su Nan, I quite support you, senior sister." Go and get the senior, anyway, you can't do without the senior, if you become a couple, will you feel better when you face that situation again?"

"Who wants to be a couple with him, Shu Bao, tell me I'll tear you apart."

A blush appeared on Li Gongting's face, and she said angrily.

"I didn't say you were a couple with him, I just said that you don't hate the senior, you can try it." Shu Baoer looked at Li Gongting with a half-smile.

Li Gongting was so annoyed that she rushed forward and grabbed Shu Baoer's pink cheek and pulled it hard, causing Shu Baoer to scream in pain.

Outside the living room, Su Nan who heard the screams was infinitely curious, what on earth were they talking about, they actually started fighting, Shu Bao must have been too presumptuous, a weak chicken dared to molested Li Gongting.

After a while, the door opened, and Su Nan hurriedly sat up straight, lowering her head to play with her mobile phone.

The two women who walked out of the room had ruddy faces. Seeing that Su Nan was addicted to mobile games and didn't know anything about the things in the room, they let go of their worries a little.

At this moment, Su Nan put away her mobile phone and said to Li Gongting: "Senior sister, it's getting late, Shu Bao and I should go back first."

"Aren't you going to stay for dinner?" Li Gongting said as if she didn't dare to look at Su Nan.

A trace of suspicion flashed in Su Nan's heart, and she couldn't understand her attitude. Hearing this, he shook his head: "Someone at home is waiting for me to go back to eat."

After hesitating for a while, Li Gongting said: "Then I will see you off."

This time Shu Baoer didn't come out to make trouble, and followed Su Nan.

Li Gongting sent them downstairs, seeing their figures walking away together, her mood was a bit complicated, the conversation with Shu Bao'er tonight made her heart flustered.

Like her, Zhan Weiling stayed with Su Nan because of a strange disease that made her inseparable from Su Nan.

Zhan Weiling may not really like Su Nan, but she just has to.

She can't do without Su Nan anymore, she has to think about the future.

In this case, Shu Baoer's suggestion is actually quite reasonable, to win over Su Nan and make him like herself instead of Zhan Weiling.

As long as she likes Su Nan too.

Does she like Su Nan?

Li Gongting asked himself.

She is very blank in terms of relationships. She has been living out of interest since she was a child, and she lacks interest in dating and the like. She has not changed much in high school, and in high school with heavy studies, it is easy to avoid falling in love. .

Until some time ago, fate quietly bound her to Su Nan, her friend's boyfriend.

The betrayal of her friends and the violation of what she insisted on made her feel extremely tormented, but now Shu Bao'er reminded her.

If Zhan Weiling doesn't really like Su Nan, then as long as she really likes Su Nan and stays with Su Nan, everything will be taken for granted.

She no longer suffers from betraying her friends, nor suffers from committing a crime against Su Nan.

But she couldn't make up her mind whether to do this, after all, no matter how beautiful the words were, it was still meddling in other people's feelings, to put it bluntly, it was to be a mistress.

This is the most important choice in her life, she still can't make a decision, she can only see with her eyes, to witness with her own eyes whether the relationship between Zhan Weiling and Su Nan is true or not.

And to witness her own heart, what kind of existence Su Nan is to her.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When she came out of Li Gongting's house, it was already dark, Su Nanwang booked a car and took Shu Bao'er back to her home first.

There was nothing to say along the way, Shu Baoer looked out the window with great interest, her vague and ambiguous smiling face was reflected on the window glass.

With the soothing music, Su Nan closed his eyes and rested his mind, and fell asleep in a daze.

"Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan, get up, the sun is drying your ass."

Sleeping well, I vaguely heard someone calling me, the voice was a bit like a school girl.

Su Nan opened her eyes and found herself lying on the hospital bed, wearing a small hospital gown.

This is a multi-person ward. The yellow-orange sunlight passes through the windows and falls on the floor of the room, giving it a warm feeling.

With a sound of brushing, the curtains were drawn, and the room suddenly became dark.

The thin girl who pulled the curtains with her back to him turned around, scolded with an angry expression, "Little naughty ghost, you secretly played games again last night, you woke up so late, give me back my psp, I won't let you play. "

"I don't want it." He heard himself making a lazy voice, "It's agreed, I'll play with you, you can lend me the game console."

"You don't even have the patience to accompany me." The girl pouted, expressing her dissatisfaction.

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