Just after hanging up, another call came in, it was from Xiao Min.

"Su Nan, come over to the activity room, we'll wait for you here."

"almost there."

The girlfriend called, Su Nan hung up the phone, left the roof, walked down the teaching building, and walked to the building where the activity room was located.

Li Gongting stood on the balcony of the third grade class and saw Su Nan walking by from a distance, her eyes narrowed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Along the way, Su Nan always felt that someone was following him, but every time he turned his head, no matter how sudden he was, he never caught any suspicious person behind him.

In the end, he could only attribute it to the fact that he was not in a good spirit recently. In addition to having inexplicable dreams, he also liked to think wildly. He ignored the inexplicable feeling. Su Nan climbed the stairs all the way to the door of the activity room, opened the door and left the chattering room. The sound stopped immediately.

The three girls who were chatting and drinking tea cast their eyes on him the moment he entered the door, which made him flustered, and forced a smile: "You are so free to drink tea, ask me to come over and pour tea." ."

"It's weird." Zhan Weiling stroked her delicate chin and looked at Su Nan thoughtfully.

Zhao Xiaomin pouted and said, "Sure, every time he left us and went somewhere, he didn't go on a date with a girl secretly."

"I'm wronged." Su Nan lamented, but she was so panicked that she had seen all her behavior patterns.

These girls who are equivalent to a cooperative relationship are quite scary when they share information.

"Okay, don't scare him, be careful to scare him away."

It was Chu Xi who knew the truth, and she taught the two partners a lesson as soon as she opened her mouth. Just when Su Nan was relieved, she looked at him with a smile on her face and asked softly, "Are you tired of helping the monitor? If you are tired, I will help you." Go ahead and say, she doesn't look for so many people in the class, but looks for you every time, which is a bit too much. Let's sit down and have a cup of tea first."

She poured a cup of hot tea for Su Nan, but Su Nan's back was sweating coldly, and Zhan Weiling also looked at him with a smile, as if he was watching a joke, but Zhao Xiaomin's face was not very good-looking.

Su Nan knew why Zhao Xiaomin was so bothered, and felt a little embarrassed. She didn't expect Chu Xi to be the one who eats people and doesn't spit out bones, but how Chu Xi found out is probably guesswork.

Su Nan calmed down, walked over to sit down, took a sip of the teacup, and sighed: "Don't blame me, I just walked away for a while, by the way, senior sister, why are you so free today? Drink tea here."

Although Zhan Weiling sometimes comes over to sit and sit, most of the time she stays in the classroom for self-study, and when she comes, she just sits for a while and then leaves.

"Just like that, you changed the subject." Zhan Weiling smiled and said, "Why are you so free? Because occasionally I need to relax. People who are always bored with questions will be stupid."

"Ah Nan, did you hear that, she is hinting at you, remember to go with her tonight." Zhao Xiaomin next to her teased the two of them, causing the senior sister to roll her eyes.

"Cough..." Su Nan coughed dryly, and then asked Xiao Min: "What about you, did you call me to come over and really ask me to come over for tea?"

Senior sister and Xiao Min looked at each other, and finally they turned their eyes to Chu Xi.The senior sister said to Chu Xi: "Chu Xi, tell me."

Su Nan also looked at Chu Xi, and always felt that the three of them gathered together today to discuss some important matter, what could it be, and that was the only thing that the three of them could care about.

Chu Xi took a sip from the teacup, put it down, and said to Su Nan, "Before you came, we were discussing what activities to hold during the holiday."

"Activities?" Su Nan was puzzled, holding activities during the holidays, making them look like a serious club, which is really against harmony. Isn't this a place to drink tea leisurely in the name of a club? It's still illegal, and the school doesn't even There is no such thing as a society.

"After all, we are members of the Tea Drinking Club. It's okay if we don't have time in normal times. At least we should do some activities that the club should have during the holidays."

Chu Xi said it as a matter of course.

"I thought we were doing serious activities every day."

After Su Nan finished speaking, she glanced at the four teacups on the table.

Xiao Min couldn't help laughing out loud, but was stared at by Chu Xi, and quickly put on a serious expression, but the corners of her mouth twitched from time to time, making people want to laugh.

Chu Xi asked, "What's the name of our club?"

"Drinking tea club." Su Nan replied.

"Wrong." Chu Xi corrected, "The correct answer is the Internet Celebrity Research Club. Drinking tea is just a superficial way to deceive people. Student Mu Nan, as a member of this club, you really failed."

"So you still remember this name." Su Nan finally spit out what he wanted to vomit, and then he continued to vomit: "And what does it mean to hide people's eyes and ears, which Internet celebrity do you want to study at the Internet Celebrity Research Institute?" ? Don't play dead."

Chu Xi smiled lightly, and said: "His fans are all over the Internet, and the memes created by him on the Internet have been enduring for a long time, and have become the source of joy for netizens. That's right, he is..."


"He is Cai Xukun, the Japanese younger brother with black fans all over the Internet."

Zhao Xiaomin weakly raised her hand: "If you just want to catch fire, I think His Royal Highness Qiao Biluo's deeds are worth learning from."

"It can't be done." The senior sister said with a look of affirmation: "Looking like ours, it can't shock people after being exposed. After all, on the Internet, there are various methods to improve the appearance. Five points can be changed to eight points, and eight points can be changed at most. Just change to nine points, and the gap cannot be widened."

Next, the three of them actually started a discussion on the topic of how to become popular, which opened Su Nan's eyes. Are these three serious?

Not long after, Chu Xi stopped the topic, and said to Su Nan: "It's so happy to decide. We will carry out club activities during the winter vacation. Let's shoot various interesting video works as the content of the activities. The specifics will be detailed later." Talk, do you have a question?"

Su Nan can have any problems, anyway, it's not a big deal, since everyone likes it, let's go together.

After seeing him nodding, Chu Xi said again: "Since the content of the event is relatively rich, I plan to find some helpers. Xiao Wan and the third sister of Xiao Min's family will also join in at that time."

Hearing this, Su Nan finally realized suddenly that the purpose of the three of them was to solve the problem of illness during the holiday.

After all, the winter vacation lasts for a month, and everyone basically goes home separately. If you don't want to stay together, it will be very troublesome to have an attack.

Then Su Nan thought that during the Chinese New Year, everyone must be with his family. It seems that precautionary measures must be taken first, and Chu Xi should also think of what to do.

After deciding on the matter, Su Nan was sent downstairs to buy water. He knew that the three girlfriends had something to discuss and it was not convenient for him to be in front of him, so he pretended not to know and left.

After walking out, Su Nan closed the door and left.

Not long after he left, a young girl appeared from the women's toilet, she was Li Gongting.

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