Su Nan secretly thought something was wrong, but before she could open her eyes, Li Gongting kissed her, and pressed her soft lips on his.For a moment, both of them trembled, as if the friction produced an electric current.

Li Gongting didn't move, but Su Nan woke up quickly, feeling something was wrong.It's just that before he could think about it, Li Gongting, who was kissing him, acted and really started artificial respiration for him.It's just that she is still very unfamiliar, it seems that this is the first time to kiss a man, no wonder the first reaction when she just kissed was to be in a daze.

After a few artificial respirations, Su Nan finally came to his senses, opened his eyes as if he was being rescued, pushed Li Gongting away and sat up, taking a deep breath.

"Su Nan, are you okay?" Li Gongting asked while supporting him, her cheeks blushing.She was also short of breath and looked frightened.

Su Nan shook her head and said with a wry smile: "Sister Li, didn't you say that you are good at teaching? Why are you playing with me like you are desperate?"

"This... because you are so good, I unconsciously want to win you once. I'm really sorry for you."

She finished speaking intermittently, with an embarrassed and embarrassed expression, and her guilt was well hidden.

"Forget it, you didn't mean it." After all, she pretended to be dead first, and Su Nan didn't have the confidence to continue entanglement, so she planned to end it like this.

He said: "It's dirty, sister Li, let's do it today, I have to go back first."

"Well, then you go slowly, senior sister, I will leave later." Li Gongting lowered her head and said softly, her voice was indescribably gentle.

Su Nan froze for a moment, turned her head, and saw her flushed cheeks that she tried desperately to hide.It was very different from the usual Li Gongting, the heroic aura in her body seemed to fade away all of a sudden, and the strong aura softened, as gentle as water.The strong contrast directly hit the soft spot deep in Su Nan's heart.

Artificial respiration just now...

Su Nan realized the reason why Li Gongting became like this. It turned out that she would also show such an expression, so cute.

No, you can't think that way, this is senior sister Zhan Weiling's friend.

Su Nan shook her head, expelled all the thoughts that shouldn't be from her mind, then stood up and said goodbye: "Goodbye, Senior Sister Li."

After speaking, he quickly ran out of the woods.

Li Gongting stared blankly at his back in the woods, subconsciously touched his lips, it seemed that there was still Su Nan's temperature and humidity on them.

She put her hands on her chest and felt her heart, which had become hot, beating so hard that it seemed to jump out of her throat.

For the first time, she experienced a mood that was as mellow as wine, her head was dizzy, and she seemed to be drunk.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Su Nan, Su Nan, wake up, it's dawn."

He vaguely heard someone calling himself, and the voice was right next to his ear.

Su Nan opened his eyes, and dimly saw a handsome face appearing in front of him. She was very close to him, and the faint scent of body fragrance came into his nostrils.

The girl with red lips and white teeth stared at him with bright black eyes, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised with a hint of mischief, almost making Su Nan think that she was still in a dream.

She reached out her hand mischievously and pinched Su Nan's nose.

Almost subconsciously, Su Nan put his arms around the girl's waist, and the girl let out a cry of surprise, and her body fell heavily on him.

She frowned, Yuexiong was a little hurt from being smashed.

Because her body was close, she touched the symbol of the boy's morning health, she blushed and struggled to get up, and greeted Su Nan's arm with her small fist, angrily said: "I told you to play tricks on me."

His eyes subconsciously flashed below his waist, and then immediately moved away.

Su Nan sat up, raised her legs and put them together, hiding the symbol of the morning under the quilt.

He had no intention of competing with Qin Xiaowan, so he yawned and asked her: "This weekend, why don't you go to bed later."

Qin Xiaowan sat down dignifiedly, and said as if nothing had happened: "Aren't you going to hang out with senior sisters and the others today? Miss Xiao Min specifically told me to wake you up last night."

Su Nan suddenly remembered that in order to cope with the arrival of the holiday, the actions that Chu Xi and the three might take were this weekend.

Glancing at Xiaowan quietly, she felt a little strange when she saw that her expression was as usual, and she seemed not at all angry at him and Chuxi and the others going out to play.

This is not like the normal Qin Xiaowan. Did Xiaowan also participate in today's event?

Xiaowan seems to have reached an agreement with Chu Xi, Xiao Min, and senior sister, and belongs to the same camp.

Su Nan asked, "Are you coming too?"

"No, I have an appointment with Junmin to go shopping today." Qin Xiaowan said lightly.

Su Nan gave her a weird look, this development is a bit wrong, Qin Xiaowan has changed his temper?

"Xiao Wan, are you alright?"

At this time, Zhao Junmin's voice sounded outside, startling Su Nan, and grabbed the t-shirt that was left aside and put it on her body.

Qin Xiaowan said dissatisfied: "Why are you panicking? Are you so afraid that she will find out our adultery? Are you interested in her?"

"What nonsense, her sister is my girlfriend." Su Nan hurriedly reprimanded Qin Xiaowan, telling her not to talk nonsense.

Qin Xiaowan looked at him with disdainful eyes, and looked at him flustered, wondering if this girl knew something?He and Zhao Junmin had little contact in normal times, how did Qin Xiaowan find out.

"Get up quickly, we're leaving later."

Seeing that he was still in a daze, Qin Xiaowan couldn't see it, grabbed the quilt covering his body and pulled it away, but found that he was only wearing fat clothes, and the symbol was obvious, so she was stunned for a while.

There was a clicking sound, and before Su Nan could do anything, the door was opened, and Zhao Junmin poked his head in, "Xiao Wan, is he awake? Do you want to..."

Zhao Junmin couldn't continue speaking, she stared blankly at them, especially at Qin Xiaowan.

At this moment, Qin Xiaowan was holding the quilt in her hands, and in front of her, Su Nan was only wearing fat clothes, and she was still in a state of just waking up, looking very energetic.

From this point of view, Qin Xiaowan seemed to be molesting Su Nan.

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