Chu Xi could hear the implication in her words, agreed and no, disagreed and no, and fell into a dilemma for a while.

Zhao Xiaomin's words were a bit exaggerated, and it would be too offensive to act calmly, Su Nan hurriedly complained: "Why do you have to learn the scene in Ai V, you usually peek at this kind of thing, Ai V has entered your mind, right? I still want to use Chu Xi as the heroine, but you are playing at home anyway, what if you are seen outside."

Hearing this, Chu Xi glared at Su Nan. Did you agree at home?

Su Nan knew she had made a slip of the tongue, so she pretended not to see Chu Xi's dissatisfied eyes, and grabbed Zhao Xiaomin fiercely: "Think about the risks, I don't want to make any 'door' incidents, so please stop."

"Don't worry, I've observed it, and I dared to take pictures when there was no one around. By the way, the Ai V I saw was actually the one you like, Nan." Zhao Xiaomin said with a smile.

"How do you know I like it?" Su Nan's eyes widened.

"Because I found it in your phone and computer." Zhao Xiaomin said naturally.

Su Nan's face became embarrassed, and Chu Xi beside him also looked at him with strange eyes.

"Cough..." Su Nan coughed dryly to cover up her embarrassment, and said, "That's a video I downloaded before I met you. I put it on my phone and computer for too long, and I forgot."

"Because it can be practiced." Zhao Xiaomin smiled, causing Chu Xi to give her a blank look.

Zhao Xiaomin went on to say: "A Nan, don't you want to try the scenes in Ai V? Don't you like the taste of being the leading actor? Let me tell you, it's very exciting, and Chu Xi won't object, right?"

If Su Nan objected, it would be difficult to continue the filming, so Zhao Xiaomin seduced him with an ambiguous smile, and signaled Chu Xi with suggestive eyes.

Chu Xi showed embarrassment.

Seeing this, Su Nan quickly shook her head, and said righteously: "I don't want to be a hero at all, so don't slander me."

"That's such a pity." Zhao Xiaomin felt a bit difficult to deal with. Su Nan still didn't know anything. If she continued to take pictures of Chu Xi's skirt, it would seem a bit unreasonable to make trouble.

Zhao Xiaomin had no choice but to ask Chu Xi again: "Chu Xi, are you really unwilling to take pictures? I think it's quite interesting, and it's just a little over the line, so it won't cause much trouble, but if you really don't want to ,Then forget it."

She sighed regretfully and put the camera down.

Just when Su Nan thought the matter was over, Chu Xi made a statement.

"I am willing."

"Chu Xi." Su Nan looked at Chu Xi in surprise.

Chu Xi took a deep breath, her eyes looked a little determined, she said: "There are difficulties and challenges. I agree with this shooting. Don't pay too much attention to Mu Nan. Let Xiao Min shoot whatever she wants."

Su Nan still wanted to persuade, but after noticing Chu Xi's unquestionable eyes, he had no choice but to take back what he wanted to say. Chu Xi had a reason to do so, and he shouldn't stop it.

However, Su Nan also secretly decided in her heart that if Zhao Xiaomin played too much, she should be stopped. At the same time, she must avoid being witnessed, and the camera is also an important protection object, so it cannot fall into the hands of outsiders.

Zhao Xiaomin showed a triumphant smile, and she continued: "You two continue to play, like an intimate couple, just treat me as if I don't exist."

After saying this, Zhao Xiaomin stopped talking. She held the camera firmly in her hand, and only had Su Nan and Chu Xi standing side by side in her eyes.

After Su Nan and Chu Xi looked at each other, they turned around and continued to walk up the mountain. During this period, Chu Xi took the initiative to hold Su Nan's hand.

Zhao Xiaomin quickly ran two steps to catch up, and took a picture of the two of them clasping their fingers together.

She said: "There is no one around, Ah Nan, take the initiative."

"What are you taking the initiative for?" Su Nan didn't react.

Chu Xi's face turned red, and without making a sound, he just took Su Nan's hand and walked around behind him.

Su Nan suddenly realized that she wanted to be considerate of Chu Xi, but since she took the initiative, it meant that Chu Xi had already made up her mind to do this, and she should not let her down.

First, I looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, I lost control of my hand...

Zhao Xiaomin filmed his slight move.

The three of them continued to walk up, during which Su Nan had similar behaviors several times, each time Zhao Xiaomin zoomed in the camera again, and the shots were very clear.

Sometimes Su Nan's hand would stay for a long time, and Chu Xi would tense his body very nervously, Su Nan could feel it.

What's interesting is that at this time, Zhao Xiaomin likes to go around to the front and take pictures of Chu Xi's nervous appearance, and at the same time take pictures of Su Nan's black hand from Chu Xi's front.

As they approached the top of the mountain, there were more people. The three of them stopped such behaviors and acted like an ordinary couple with a photographer they had invited.

It was still early at this time. In the small square on the top of the mountain, some old people were playing chess or doing physical exercises, and there were also a few old people sitting in the pavilion.

The pavilion has two floors, and the wind is too strong on the top, but no one goes up.

After Chu Xi and Zhao Xiaomin looked at each other, Chu Xi took Su Nan's hand and led him to the top floor of the pavilion.

After getting used to it just now, Chu Xi seemed to gradually let go.

She pressed Su Nan's shoulders, pushed him down on the chair, and stood in front of him with blushing cheeks, bent down, and offered her sweet lips.

It's a sweet taste.

The morning sun fell into the pavilion and sprinkled on them, giving them warmth.

Zhao Xiaomin stood at the entrance of the corridor, freezing the scene.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

A simple kiss did not meet the director's requirements, so the two did more.

At first it was Chu Xi who insisted, but Su Nan was reluctant because the location was wrong, but he couldn't refuse Chu Xi, so in the end he did as they both asked.

But as time passed, his behavior became more and more relaxed, and Chu Xi began to be unable to do what he wanted, but Su Nan was aroused. In the corner of this pavilion, under the lens of Zhao Xiaomin, imitating the characters in the little movie that he had longed for. The plot happened again on Chu Xi.

The top of the mountain was still not a suitable place. There were more and more people, and the three of them gradually moved down the mountain.

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