Zhao Xiaomin couldn't help laughing: "What nonsense, don't you approve of him? You came here in a swimsuit because you wanted to be seen by him."

"...I just came to find my sister!"

"Okay, take it as it is."

"It was."

Zhao Xiaomin looked at her younger sister's frowning face with a smile, shook her head, and her face became serious, "Little sister, come and take a look at this."

Zhao Xiaomin pointed out the video that was just captured and gestured to her sister.

Zhao Junmin was a little hesitant. She didn't want to talk to her sister when she said that, but she couldn't refuse with a hard heart when she saw how serious her sister was.

After hesitating for a moment, the girl still walked over, stood beside her sister, and looked down at the phone.

Zhao Xiaomin clicked to play, and Su Nan appeared on the screen.

Zhao Junmin was stunned for a moment, and before she could react, she saw another person in the video, a beautiful girl with only a bath towel on her body, who opened the door to welcome Su Nan like a mistress welcoming her man.

The video finished playing in less than a minute, but Zhao Junmin still didn't recover for a long time.

Zhao Xiaomin said: "I just took a picture of this. They are next door. Little sister, what do you think I should do? You have been smarter than your sister since you were a child. Help me think of a way."

Zhao Xiaomin also didn't know what to do, so she went to ask her sister for help.

Zhao Junmin only felt that her mind was in a mess. When she heard her sister say this, she subconsciously said: "Call everyone together and block the door together. He is cheating! This woman must have been called by him, and she was arranged next door to us. He unacceptable!"

An uncontrollable anger rose from the bottom of her heart and rushed straight to her brain, her tone became cold.

Zhao Xiaomin smiled wryly, and quickly grabbed the impulsive younger sister, and said, "Don't be impulsive, this video alone doesn't prove anything, and that senior sister may be the same kind of person as us."

Zhao Junmin was stunned: "Sister, what do you mean, this senior is a new infected person?"

Zhao Xiaomin nodded, "Well, I don't think Ah Nan would lie to us like that, I would like to believe him, maybe he just didn't know how to speak to us, that's how he used to be."

After calming down from the feverish state, Zhao Xiaomin chose to trust Su Nan.

Junmin was shocked. Because of her father, she didn't believe in the loyalty of men. She always felt that it was unrealistic. She thought that her sister was the same, and she had to accept Su Nan. But at this moment, her sister's words made her understand I was wrong, my sister really fell in love with Su Nan, and she was willing to trust him unconditionally, even if she got evidence that Su Nan met other women.

"So..." Zhao Xiaomin paused, and his expression became serious: "I'm going to find him."

"This..." Zhao Junmin was stunned. At this moment, she thought a lot, thinking of her sister's situation.My sister will never leave Su Nan. If Su Nan is really entangled with other women, it is more likely to offend Su Nan if she goes to the door at this time. Maybe my sister will be left out in the future. .

"He's not doing anything weird, so even if I find him, he won't be mad at me."

Zhao Xiaomin finished speaking with a smile, dialed Su Nan's cell phone number, and after waiting for more than ten seconds to get connected, she asked, "Ah Nan, I didn't see you, where did you go?"

Zhao Junmin was inexplicably nervous, how would Su Nan answer.

There was a long silence on the other side, and then a voice came out: "Next to..., uh, I met senior sister Li Gongting who came here for a tour. She has something to do with me."

Zhao Xiaomin smiled sweetly: "Okay, let's talk, remember to come back early, we will wait for you at the hot spring."

"Well, it's coming soon, in fact, there is nothing wrong here."

"Well, see you then."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiaomin smiled and said to her sister, "Look, I just said he won't lie to me."

"That guy..." Zhao Junmin wanted to say something, but when she saw the happy smile on her sister's face, she shook her head and kept silent.

"Little sister, go to the hot spring with me and wait for him."

Zhao Xiaomin took Zhao Junmin's small hand and said, Junmin blushed and shouted: "No, what's none of my business?!"

It's just that her sister was forcibly dragged away without giving her a chance to struggle.

Such an honest Su Nan should be rewarded, how about going to the hot spring with his sister?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the misty pool, Su Nan was soaking naked in the water, his eyes were closed, and his eyelashes were shaking, showing that he was a little nervous.

Li Gongting, who was wearing a one-piece white swimsuit, moved from behind him to in front of him, the pool water was splashed by her, and her bare hands fell on Su Nan's body.

Li Gongting said: "This hot spring pool has the best effect. It can dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, relax muscles and joints, and achieve the effect of eliminating fatigue. In addition, massage some special acupuncture points of the human body, which can make you exercise for a long time. The body removes some hidden dangers."

Her hand exerted a little force, stroking the acupuncture points one by one, like a lover's caress, or a massage with special effects, Su Nan only felt a sense of comfort from the soles of her feet to the sky, her muscles stretched, her tendons were soft and crisp , I can't wait to make a sound.

"...There is also a relatively hidden acupuncture point, just at..."

Su Nan couldn't hear what Li Gongting was saying, only felt her hand was going down, instinctively told him something was wrong, but not long ago, Li Gongting's serious look made him hesitate again, afraid that he had misunderstood.

The sudden ringing of the bell was like a life-saving talisman, and Li Gongting retracted her hand.

Su Nan opened her eyes and turned to walk to the shore, saying, "Maybe my sister is looking for me. I came here without notifying you just now."

"You still have a younger sister?" Li Gongting asked unexpectedly.

"It's not my own sister, it's the daughter of a friend of my mother's. She currently lives in my house, so it's more convenient for her to go to school."

After Su Nan finished speaking, he answered the phone. It was Zhao Xiaomin's call. When Zhao Xiaomin asked where he was, Su Nan hesitated, but told the truth. After all, he and Senior Sister Li had no ulterior secrets.

"Okay, let's talk, remember to come back early, we will wait for you in the hot spring."

Hearing her girlfriend's seemingly seductive words on the phone, Su Nan felt itchy in her heart, wishing to rush back immediately.

After hanging up the phone, I turned around to say goodbye to Senior Sister Li, my gaze passed over her inadvertently, and then I dodged subconsciously. In fact, Li Gongting's swimsuit is not sexy, but it's just that a man and a widow live together, and there is still contact between the bodies. Even if it seems very serious to him, he can't help but have crooked thoughts in his heart.

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