"What are you doing?" Su Nan asked her.

"Nothing, I just walked by and heard a woman's voice in your room, so I stopped because I was curious." Qin Xiaowan pretended to be relaxed.

Seeing that her expression didn't change, Su Nan knew that she had just arrived, and when he was with Lu Anya just now, in order to prevent Lu Anya's voice from being heard by everyone, he specially found something to cover her mouth.

Facing Qin Xiaowan who was suspicious at this time, Su Nan said calmly: "There are guests inside. They borrow my room to rest because they are not feeling well. Everyone knows it. Don't think about it."

Qin Xiaowan suddenly refused: "What am I thinking about, I don't think about anything at all, okay? Am I the kind of gossip in your heart, hmph."

Su Nan didn't expose her, and said: "Okay, it's my fault, anyway, don't bother others, Xiao Min should be cooking, you can help me, let me see what's wrong with Ruo Min, she took a hot spring yesterday It's overdone."

"It deserves it, hee hee." Hearing that Zhao Ruomin was unlucky, Qin Xiaowan laughed, and ran to the kitchen without asking who was in the room.

Su Nan hurried to Zhao Ruomin's room, she didn't think much about it before, but now she felt something was wrong.He helped Zhao Ruomin wipe his sweat before, but he took off his clothes, and he didn't know if Zhao Ruomin put them back on later, if he didn't, he would probably be suspicious if he was seen by the monitor.

Pushing the door open, Su Nan was stunned by the scene in the room. She saw Lu Ying and Zhao Ruomin confronting each other in the room. They were standing under the bed, sitting on the bed with their hands on their waists, naked, only Xiao Xiao just a covering.

The two seemed to be at odds, glaring at each other unhappily.

"Su Nan, you came just in time." Seeing Su Nan coming in, Lu Ying immediately opened her mouth. She pointed to Zhao Ruomin and asked Su Nan, "You brought her water in earlier. Was she also naked like this? She said she She has the habit of sleeping naked, don't you know how to ask her to put on clothes? She is Zhao Xiaomin's younger sister."

She stared at Su Nan with a hint of unkindness in her eyes.

Su Nan was ashamed in her heart, Zhao Ruomin is really an idiot, can't she speak well, she insists on sleeping naked, which sister-in-law would let her brother-in-law into the room under such circumstances.

He thought quickly in his mind, and replied: "She was covered with a quilt at the time, but I didn't notice it, and then she went out."

"Then now, why is she so calm in front of you?" Lu Ying gritted her teeth and asked again, Zhao Ruomin was still so calm even after Su Nan came in, is this normal, and as far as she knows, Zhao Ruomin is not a shame patient.

Seeing the squad leader's angry eyes, Su Nan knew that he couldn't be kind today, so he quickly glared at Zhao Ruomin: "Yes, Ruomin, why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Zhao Ruomin reluctantly pulled the quilt over her body, and muttered: "Who told her not to believe me and scolded me for being shameless? My sister has never scolded me like this, so why should she scold me?"

Lu Ying was taken aback.

Su Nan was sensitive to the subtle atmosphere that permeated between them, and quickly stopped Zhao Ruomin from continuing: "Enough, if your sister sees her, she will definitely beat you up. If you don't feel well, don't move around, and lie down quickly."

Zhao Ruomin also seemed to realize that this matter should not be known by her sister, so she quickly lay down.

Su Nan said to the class monitor: "Your aunt should be fine, do you want to see her?"

Lu Ying came back to her senses and nodded.

She walked out behind Su Nan, and before leaving, she couldn't help but look back, Zhao Ruomin was making faces at her, seeing that she was discovered, she quickly covered her head with a quilt.

Lu Ying was in a strange mood and walked out of the room.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Auntie, I'm coming in."

Lu Ying's voice sounded outside the door, waking up Lu Anya who was still in a daze. She quickly hid in the quilt and lay down, grabbed the clothes that she hadn't had time to put on, stuffed them all into the quilt, and then pretended to be calm. The door opened: "Come in."

Lu Ying pushed open the door and walked into the room, came to the bed and sat down, looked at her aunt worriedly: "Auntie, are you better, why don't we go to the county hospital to see, I read it on the Internet, call from here car, it takes less than ten kilometers to reach the hospital.”

"No, I feel much better. In fact, I rarely commit this problem. This time is too unlucky."

Lu Anya shook her head. She had a sudden attack before, and her painful performance scared everyone. In order to cover up what was wrong with her, she lied and said that she was suffering from menstrual pain. Lu Ying seemed to believe it, but Zhao Xiaomin and her sister had strange expressions at the time, so it must be because she saw something. .

Lu Anya suddenly felt a little worried, and didn't know how to face them.

Lu Ying was silent for a while, then nodded: "Well, maybe it's because I've caught a cold these past few days, my aunt has a good rest, Xiao Min asked her sister to buy some medicinal materials, they are cooking, I'll help."

"Thank them for me." Lu Anya said hesitantly, unable to look directly at Lu Ying.

"I will." Lu Ying noticed this and felt suspicious, but got up and left calmly.

The moment she went out, her eyes fell on the bra protruding from the quilt on the bed, her eyes dimmed for a moment, and she closed the door.

When she came to the kitchen, Zhao Xiaomin and her younger sister Zhao Junmin were messing with something, and Qin Xiaowan was also helping.

Lu Ying approached and took a closer look, only to find that it was similar to boiled sugar water, except that a lot of brown sugar was added. She shook her head inwardly, knowing that Zhao Xiaomin was just putting on a show.

"This..." Zhao Xiaomin sensed someone approaching, turned around and saw her looking at her, with an unnatural expression on her face, and said, "My mother used to use a folk remedy, sometimes our three sisters would cook it and drink it when we have something to do, and it works well , do you want to try it?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have this kind of trouble." Lu Ying pretended to be calm and refused, thinking that your family has a genetic disease, and everyone suffers from menstrual pain.

"I went to see my aunt just now, and it's all right, but thank you." She said politely, and then she walked away to find Su Nan.

Only then did Zhao Xiaomin breathe a sigh of relief. She was really afraid of being caught by this person. After all, the anomalies in her body and others were a secret, and it would cause trouble if it was spread out.

Then Zhao Xiaomin thought of Lu Anya again. Since Lu Ying said that Lu Anya was almost fine, it meant that Su Nan's treatment had worked. Do you want to talk to her next?

Lu Ying found Su Nan in the backyard. Su Nan was cleaning up the messy ground. The group of them soaked in the hot spring and made a mess around them. There was a lot of rubbish on the ground, and they were too embarrassed to check out if they didn't clean it up.

Lu Ying looked at her for a while, then stepped forward to help. Seeing her coming, Su Nan just turned her head to look at her, and then continued to work.

It took the two of them a few minutes to pick up the rubbish on the ground, put it in a bag and put it in a conspicuous place, so as not to forget to throw it away when they left.

After they were done, they walked to the nearby kiosk and sat down to rest, looking at each other without saying a word. It was not until the silence lasted for several minutes that Su Nan said, "Where are they?"

Lu Ying replied: "Your girlfriend, her sister, and Xiao Wan are still busy, Ruo Min is still in the room, and my aunt... is much better."

When talking about my aunt, Lu Ying had a strange feeling in her heart, and couldn't help but stare at Su Nan. At the same time, she realized a problem. Su Nan's girlfriends probably already knew about her aunt, but they didn't know How will I deal with it, whether I don't know it or try to accept it, and how will my aunt deal with it?

"How do you think they will handle this?" She couldn't help asking, looking at Su Nan seriously.

"Just treat the pain, what else can I do?" Su Nan pretended not to understand.

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