She muttered, and took out a handful of change from her pocket, fifty cents a piece, which was quite a few dollars.She stuffed the change into Junmin's hand, turned around and walked out of the room complacently.

Zhao Junmin looked at the banknotes in her hand in a daze, then she seemed to remember something important, her face changed suddenly, and she chased out.

Outside, Zhao Xiaomin was sweeping the floor. When Ruomin walked out of the room alone, she thought she was being lazy and was about to teach her a lesson. At this time, Zhao Ruomin took the broom from her hand and said flatteringly, "Sister, let me do it. You rest for a while."

It's rare that my younger sister is so sensible, and Zhao Xiaomin is satisfied: "I'll give you this month's pocket money after finishing cleaning and returning home."

"Thank you, sister, you are awesome!" Zhao Ruomin nodded quickly, and started to work, feeling full of energy.

"Hey, Ruomin, what are you eating?" Seeing that Ruomin's mouth was moving, Zhao Xiaomin asked curiously.

Zhao Ruomin thought that the family's wealth and power had always been controlled by her sister, so she had to please her, let alone a few bubble gums.

She gritted her teeth and took out the only small bag left from her trouser pocket, and handed it to her sister with a look of reluctance: "Sister, eat bubble gum, I exchanged it with Jun Min with pocket money."

At this time, Zhao Junmin just rushed out of the room, and stayed where she was after seeing this scene.

Zhao Xiaomin was also stunned, recognizing what it was, she looked dumbfounded at her serious sister, who was still trying to blow bubbles!

"You, you, you..." Zhao Xiaomin became anxious, and simply snatched the broom from Ruomin's hand, and knocked on it without any explanation.

"Why hit me!" Zhao Ruomin already has a lot of experience in being beaten, even if she felt extremely wronged, she subconsciously turned around and ran away, and the speed was very fast, and according to experience, this time her sister was very angry, and she couldn't do without being beaten a few times. So the direction of her escape was the door, she opened the door and ran out, intending to find Su Nan.

Just at this moment, Su Nan next door went out, intending to ask them to go out for dinner, but Zhao Ruomin bumped his head into his arms. Fortunately, he was strong enough not to be knocked down, and even hugged Ruomin to prevent her from falling.

"Why are you running?" Su Nan pushed away the shocked Zhao Ruomin, and said with a frown.

Zhao Ruomin looked aggrieved: "My sister hit me, I just ate bubble gum."

At this time, she didn't dare to eat, took out a pack of tissues, took out one, and spit the bubble gum on the tissues.

Su Nan was wondering, and was dumbfounded seeing this scene, girl, you are too naive.

"Huh, why is it a balloon?" Zhao Ruomin was stunned.

Su Nan already realized what happened, saw Zhao Xiaomin chasing after him with a broom, so he pushed Ruomin away very indifferently, turned around and closed the door.

Hearing the screams outside, Su Nan thought, let her learn a lesson.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In a nearby restaurant, Su Nan and others booked a box, and the waiter was bringing up the dishes, and they planned to part after eating.

On the opposite side, Zhao Ruomin lowered her head, looking listless, her ears were flushed as if she had been ravaged, her buttocks were touching half of the stool, she dared not sit hard, her brows were tightly frowned, and she took a deep breath from time to time.Obviously, her butt was also beaten, because she was rejected by Su Nan, she looked at Su Nan with a trace of resentment.

Su Nan thought about such an embarrassing thing, it was really hard to say something to Ruo Min in front of Xiao Min, so she could only pretend not to see Ruo Min's resentful eyes.

Next to him is Qin Xiaowan. Although Qin Xiaowan doesn't know what happened, she can vaguely feel Ruomin's hostility towards her. Seeing Ruomin's misfortune, she gloats in her heart.

Sitting next to Qin Xiaowan was Zhao Junmin. She had an embarrassed expression and lowered her head to eat silently. Although this kind of thing had nothing to do with her, she was the one who turned out the big sister's pile of small bags, and because of her attitude, Ruomin mistakenly thought it was It was edible, Zhao Ruomin didn't have time to check what it was under the fight between the two, so he tore it open and ate it.

The set was bought by Zhao Xiaomin, and it still had a smell, not the unpalatable one. Zhao Ruomin misunderstood it all at once, until her sister found out and beat her up.

This matter was known by Su Nan, and Zhao Junmin felt embarrassed for her second sister, but her second sister didn't seem to have reacted yet, she just felt wronged that she was beaten for no reason.

At this time, Zhao Xiaomin calmed down, and generally knew that Ruomin didn't do it on purpose, but was just a little stupid, so she felt a little sorry for the fact that she couldn't help but beat up her sister, and looked at her with apologetic eyes.

She said softly to Ruo Min: "This time it's my sister who is wrong, she hit you without asking, but you are also at fault, you know, it's wrong to eat indiscriminately."

When it came to the end, her expression became serious, and she even hated iron for being weak, it was outrageous, she actually ate that thing like bubble gum, how could she have such a stupid sister.Fortunately, it wasn't the used one. If it was that kind, she would rather beat her sister to death.

Zhao Ruomin nodded, and said weakly: "I know I was wrong, and I will never eat indiscriminately again."

At this point, she already understood that it wasn't bubble gum. Although she was curious about what it was, she didn't dare to ask her sister directly.

She touched the condom package in her pocket with her little hand. She put it in her pocket without everyone noticing it before. She decided to search the brand on the package with her mobile phone after returning home to find out what it was and why it made her sister and sister so angry.

Seeing their sisters turn their fights into friendships again, Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The dishes are ready, let's eat first, and I will send you back later."

Everyone was hungry, so they focused on the dishes on the table, swallowed their saliva, and couldn't wait to start. Among them, Zhao Ruomin had the biggest appetite, feeling a little bit of turning grief into appetite.

After eating and returning home, everyone sat and watched TV, chatted, and played another game. When the stomach was almost digested, Su Nan got up to send his girlfriend and her two younger sisters home, while Qin Xiaowan went back to take a nap.

There is not a lot of luggage, because they will come back to live next year. Xiao Min and Jun Min only picked up some clothes and went back, packed a suitcase, and Su Nan helped to carry it downstairs.

When they arrived at the gate of the community, the Didi car had already arrived at the gate. Su Nan put her luggage in the trunk, and when she walked back to the car gate, she saw Xiao Min pushing Ruo Min, who looked unwilling, into the passenger cab.

Su Nan's heart immediately moved, Xiao Min probably planned to let him sit in the middle, and she and her sister sat next to him, thinking about it a little excited.

Then Zhao Xiaomin's actions seemed to verify his guess. She asked Junmin to get in the car first, but Junmin didn't seem to react, and got into the car calmly, until she saw Su Nan coming in, and then she became flustered.

"You... sit by the window." She murmured softly, seeming to lack confidence.

Su Nan acted as if she didn't hear, and sat down beside her. At this time, Zhao Xiaomin got into the car, and Zhao Junmin, who was about to speak, shut up, but she looked a little upset. She was sure that Su Nan heard her talking, but Su Nan pretended Zuo can't hear, what's the matter, can't you try to take advantage of yourself?

Her pretty face blushed inexplicably.

After the driver started the car, Zhao Xiaomin leaned on Su Nan's body, causing Su Nan's body to lean slightly towards Jun Min, and immediately stuck to Jun Min's body, a slightly hot feeling came back.

Obviously feeling that Zhao Junmin's body froze, Su Nan just took it as ignorance, this was something Xiao Min acquiesced, so Su Nan was very confident.

Moreover, Su Nan felt that Zhao Junmin was her own woman. Whether it was what she did to her during the punishment, or the way she treated her when she had an attack, it was impossible for the relationship between the two to be normal.

He finds it quite interesting, even though the relationship between the two of them is so ambiguous, Junmin is so shy, which is so different from her two older sisters.

Zhao Junmin shrunk her body to avoid Su Nan, but the space was too small to hide at all, so she had no choice but to sigh helplessly and endure silently.

Su Nan's heart moved, and while Xiao Min was resting with her eyes closed, she gently placed her hand on Jun Min's thigh.

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