Su Nan has already seen Qin Ying's state at this moment, although she is surprised that she just accidentally took a bite, why she reacted so strongly.

But this kind of thing is simply unreasonable, so he simply didn't explain it, and closed his eyes and lay dead: "I only have one request, please don't slap me in the face."

Of course, Qin Xiaowan beat him reluctantly. After all, she and her mother were messing around, but after all, her mother was taken advantage of by her boyfriend, and this feeling was too aggrieved.

The most important thing is that her mother still has a baby face, and her body is much better than her own. Qin Xiaowan couldn't help being jealous.

She had warned Su Nan before to be careful of her mother, mainly because her mother didn't look like her mother at all, she was more like a sister. If her mother fascinated Su Nan, she would be in a tragedy.

With nowhere to vent her anger, Qin Xiaowan jumped out of bed angrily, and pulled Qin Ying's arm to pull her out of bed, "Let's go, you've lost all your face."

Qin Ying was very powerless at this time, very dissatisfied with her daughter's rudeness, and said angrily: "Unfilial daughter, don't pull me, I want to sleep."

"Go back to the room and sleep." Qin Xiaowan frowned.

"I've run out of strength." Qin Ying seemed to be acting like a baby to her daughter at this time, Su Nan was dumbfounded.

Seeing that she suddenly pulled Xiao Wan, Xiao Wan lost her balance and fell to the bed with a cry of surprise, lying next to her.

Qin Ying stretched out her other hand to grab Su Nan's hand, feeling soft. She turned her head and looked at Su Nan with a charming smile: "Xiao Nan, let's sleep together too."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With great effort, Su Nan finally partnered with Qin Xiaowan to drive the reckless woman out of the room, and when he lay down on the bed again, he felt quite tired.

He is not very good at dealing with Qin Ying, a woman who is obviously an elder, but she doesn't have the air of an elder. She also looks like she wants to get along with your peers. At the same time, she has a baby face, which makes it difficult for people to recognize her elder from the heart. identity of.

In addition, Qin Ying seems to want to match him and Xiaowan very much, probably because the relationship with her parents is too strong.But it's really unreliable for her daughter to be so young and rush to get married.

Without thinking about Qin Ying's mother and daughter, Su Nan contacted his mother and reported that he had arrived at Xiaowan's house. Then he chatted with a few girlfriends to pass the time.

Because some things were inappropriate to say in front of everyone, he chatted directly in private. Xiao Min and his senior sister wanted to video with him, but he refused. After all, it is impossible to video with two people at the same time.

There was still no response from Chuxi. Su Nan had a vague premonition, but she couldn't find Chuxi for a while, so she could only continue to ask Xiao Min to let her go to see Chuxi as soon as possible, and she also promised to go there tomorrow.

Chatting and chatting, everyone gradually became sleepy, and Su Nan couldn't continue to disturb him. After putting down his phone, he also slowly fell asleep...

The next day, he opened his eyes early, habitually picked up the phone next to the pillow, unlocked it and opened WeChat, and saw Chu Xi's reply inadvertently.

Chu Xi: Yes, it's so late, go to bed first.

Su Nan was taken aback for a moment, and then felt a sense of relaxation in her heart. It seemed that there was no accident, otherwise Chu Xi wouldn't have refused to disclose any information when she could be contacted. For a while, she was so difficult to contact.

Su Nan started typing.

Su Nan: What have you been up to lately? No one in the group has seen you over your head.

I thought Chu Xi didn't wake up so early, but unexpectedly received her reply.

Chu Xi: The house is a bit strict, so it's not convenient to play with mobile phones, sorry.

Su Nan: It's okay, as long as you're fine.

Chu Xi: Yes.

After thinking about it, Su Nan continued typing.

Su Nan: Does your family know about me and you?

A little nervous, but Su Nan still clicked to send. During this period of time, he suddenly couldn't get in touch, so he couldn't help filling in some bloody but realistic plots.

Does Chu Xi's family agree with her dating so early?

Can he get the approval of Chu Xi's family?

There is also his messy relationship with the girls. Once these relationships are spread, no girl's parents will be able to accept it.

Chu Xi's family seems to be very extraordinary, and Chu Xi didn't deliberately keep a distance from him at school, plus all kinds of girls who often appear around him, if Chu Xi's parents are willing to investigate, they will definitely find something.

Although it was impossible for Chu Xi to leave him, it was a troublesome matter after all.

Chu Xi: I probably know a little bit, but it’s okay.

As if knowing what he was worried about, Chu Xi replied.Then, she told Su Nan that she was going to class, and she had to hide her mobile phone, so she cut off contact with him.

There was a knock on the door.

I remember last night that Aunt Qin said that she would take her for a stroll nearby. Su Nan put on her clothes and got out of bed, and went to open the door. Outside the door was Qin Ying, who was standing with a charming smile.

"Morning, Xiao Nan, I have prepared a rich breakfast for you, go wash your face and brush your teeth and have breakfast."

Her smile was really charming, and recalling the embarrassing incident last night, Su Nan subconsciously felt embarrassed to look at her, nodded, and prepared to walk out of the room from her side.

Originally, Qin Ying was standing on the side of the door, and there was still a big gap beside it, allowing Su Nan to slip through easily, but unexpectedly, when Su Nan slipped through, Qin Ying just turned around, and the distance between the two became closer A little bit, especially the undulating curve, was directly rubbed by Su Nan's arm.

She let out a cry of surprise, backed away involuntarily, leaned her back against the door frame, covered her chest with her hands, breathed shortly, and looked at Su Nan nervously: "Xiao Nan, you can't."

Su Nan sweated wildly in his heart, you are an elder, shouldn't you act like nothing happened at this time, why did you say such ambiguous words, after all, it wasn't intentional.

Of course, Su Nan couldn't tell why she had a reason, and she froze in embarrassment, confused by her reaction.

Qin Ying patted her chest and said with a smile, "You can't be so careless when you walk, you see, they hit me."

Su Nan froze for a moment, and said, "Yes, I know I was wrong."

Qin Ying continued: "Well, then go wash up."

Su Nan nodded, turned and left, and entered the bathroom.

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