Qin Ying found that he was too uncomfortable, but she didn't consider him. Instead, she deliberately leaned her body closer to him. She touched his cheek with her delicate fingers and showed a mischievous smile: "Don't be so nervous, little boy, we won't be so nervous at all. Like a couple, relax, relax..."

She coaxed softly, and her little hands fell on Su Nan's back, from top to bottom, gently soothing.

Su Nan felt inexplicably comfortable, but Qin Ying's intimacy really made him unbearable.

"Too...too close."

When the other party spoke, his mouth was almost touching his ear, and the breath he exhaled was even more itchy.

Su Nan wanted to escape, but found it unrealistic, because the other party is too tight, unless he breaks free by force, but this will offend this woman, and then offend his own mother.

"Pretend to be a couple, of course you have to get closer, otherwise you don't look like one."

Qin Ying was serious, leaned her head on Su Nan's shoulder, and laughed happily, "How about it, do you feel like a little bird clinging to others? Everyone is watching us."

She lifted her chin triumphantly.

The corners of Su Nan's mouth twitched, and he looked around, and sure enough, he found that passers-by were looking at him with envy, which made people feel a lot of pressure.

He felt that he couldn't go on like this, and was eaten to death by Aunt Qin. She obviously enjoyed the envious eyes of passers-by, and some of them probably would.

"I'm hungry, and the stuff over there seems to be pretty good."

Su Nan pointed to a remote corner in the innermost part of the street, where there was a stall selling buns.

Qin Ying followed his gaze and found that there were not many people there, and it was not suitable to go there to show off her youth, but seeing Su Nan's expression of wanting to eat, her heart seemed to melt.

Taking the initiative to take Su Nan's arm and walked to the steamed stuffed bun stand, Qin Ying asked the boss to sell her steamed stuffed buns enthusiastically. At this time, she had no time to pay attention to Su Nan, so Su Nan took the opportunity to pull her hand from her arms and walked to the stone chair beside her. Sitting down, he took out his mobile phone and called Qin Xiaowan back.

Qin Xiaowan sent a message before, asking where Su Nan had gone, but at that time Su Nan was stuck by Qin Ying and couldn't reply to the message, so she quickly pulled Xiao Wan out to help her escape while she was free.

Qin Ying bought the buns and turned around. Just as the phone was connected, Su Nan opened her mouth and said, "Where are we? We are buying breakfast outside. I wanted to ask you to come with me, but who told you to sleep late? You are hungry." Well, there's really nothing we can do about you, let's go back now."

Pretending to sigh helplessly, Su Nan hung up the phone, stood up, and said to Qin Ying who was standing in front of her, "Xiao Wan said she was very hungry, let's go back."

Qin Ying sighed regretfully, she hasn't had enough fun yet, not enough. Although it's fun to be a little girl, it can't make her daughter hungry.

Since Su Nan was holding the breakfast in both hands, Qin Ying didn't hold his arm anymore, and walked with him to the parking place in a dispirited mood, and drove away.

"Xiao Nan, Xiao Wan said you have a girlfriend?"

While driving, Qin Ying suddenly asked a question.

Su Nan wanted to nod along with the trend, but in this way, Qin's mother might not let Xiaowan get close to him in the future, which would make it impossible for him to treat Qin Xiaowan conveniently.

Thinking of this, Su Nan felt that this matter could not be admitted.

He said seriously: "Sister Qin...don't listen to Xiaowan's nonsense, Chuxi and I are just good friends."

How good it is is hard to say.

Qin Ying nodded, and said: "I've met those girls before, and they all seem to be interested in you, but my Xiaowan is still the most charming, you will definitely suffer if you don't choose Xiaowan!"

She swears, but she doesn't know where her confidence comes from.

"Don't believe me."

Seeing that Su Nan seemed a little upset, Qin Ying continued, "Look at you, Sister Qin."

She proudly puffed out her chest, making her curves appear more slender, and Su Nan's eyes were involuntarily drawn to her.

A seemingly triumphant smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "You see, this is what Xiaowan will look like in the future. Don't look at Xiaowan's current loli shape, but she will grow up to my level in the future. If you If you date Xiaowan now, you can appreciate her immaturity as a loli, the youthfulness of a girl, and the maturity of sister Yu, it's like playing a nurturing game, how about it, think about it, isn't it very exciting."

Although it sounds very tempting, Su Nan is unmoved, he is already a mature man, he has experienced everything Qin Ying said!

Once Chu Xi and Xiao Min were punished at the same time. They not only exchanged bodies, but also gradually changed from a young girl to a mature woman, and finally turned into a loli.

Another time, after Chu Xi received the punishment, there was a period of aftereffects. At that time, the little Chu Xi was charming, and now Chu Xi is in her teenage years, and in the future she can appreciate the demeanor of Chu Xi when she matures. Su Nan was very satisfied.

Sensing Su Nan's indifferent attitude, Qin Ying gritted her teeth and said, "So indifferent, Xiao Wan will grow up to be like me in the future, don't you like it?"

There was inexplicable displeasure in her tone.

Su Nan thought it would be strange for me to answer that I like it. If I like my woman growing up like her mother, do I like my daughter or my mother-in-law?

But Qin Ying has a weird temper. If she answered that she didn't like it, she must think that she despised her for being old.

Su Nan replied cautiously: "No, I was thinking just now, Xiao Wan will stand with you when she becomes an adult, wouldn't you be like a pair of twins?"

I wanted to turn a corner and praise her for being young, but Qin Ying was stunned after listening to it, and then she looked interested, "I didn't expect that, it's so interesting, Xiaowan, let's grow up soon."

Her eyes were full of longing.

Su Nan's face is weird, what kind of hobby is this?

But if you think about it carefully, if Qin's mother doesn't look old in four or five years, then Xiaowan looks very similar to her, and looks like twins, but mother and daughter. Thinking about it makes me feel... Cough, yes surprise.

Will Qin's mother still be young by then? Su Nan thinks she should be able to. Qin's mother is now in her thirties and still so young. Apart from being well maintained, she is also naturally beautiful and has a face that does not look old.

Some celebrities are like this. When they are in their forties, they look younger than when they were eighteen. Qin's mother may have such a physique.

Then Su Nan thought, if Xiao Wan inherited her mother's genes, it would be great, and Xiao Wan will always maintain a young and beautiful appearance in the next few decades.

In fact, Su Nan had already seen Xiao Wan when she was a girl, and she appeared in a certain punishment. At that time, Su Nan couldn't remember that it was Xiao Wan afterwards, but now she is fine.

Recalling carefully, the Xiaowan who appeared during that punishment was indeed quite similar to Qin's mother today, but she was much younger, especially in terms of temperament, so it would not make people feel that they were the same person.

When I got home, I saw Qin Xiaowan sitting on the sofa when I entered the door, with her mouth pouted and an unhappy expression on her face.

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