It's almost unforgettable!

Su Nan thought in shock.

supernatural event?

Or am I hanging up?

During this period of time, he was not hit by a car, nor struck by lightning, nor was he electrocuted by a leaking power line. Instead, he had a dream of being killed by a meteor in the morning. Could it be related to this?

Impossible to think about.

Su Nan had to attribute the reason to his sudden enlightenment, and inevitably felt a little happy.

After school, the phone vibrated suddenly, Su Nan took it out and saw that it was a WeChat message from Chu Xi.

"See you on the rooftop."

Three simple words.

Su Nan reluctantly looked at Chu Xi, the other party packed up and walked out of the classroom, and finally looked back at him with a meaningful look.

going or not?My dad is the school manager.

Su Nan's mind automatically made up the meaning conveyed by her eyes.

"Su Nan, if you go to the Internet cafe at night, do you want to go?"

Li Xiang, who was at the same table next to him, was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something and pulled Su Nan to ask.

Su Nan gave him a surprised look and asked, "Aren't you boarding students going to study by yourself at night?"

Li Xiang smiled and said: "Tonight, the wife of the Mediterranean is going to give birth, let everyone study by themselves."

Su Nan understood, it turned out to be skipping class.

"Forget it, I don't play games again."

Su Nan shook his head, Zhan Weiling might have a mental illness, and he planned to take care of her when he went back tonight.

"It's a pity not to go. I met a cute girl in the first year of high school recently. She even asked me about you in the morning. I think [-]% of them are interested in you."

Li Xiang patted him on the shoulder regretfully, looked at him with a kind of sympathy, and then walked away with a few classmates.

Su Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Li Xiang probably thought he was sad about his English grades and was not in the mood to play.

Su Nan remains skeptical about the girl Li Xiang mentioned, this guy has a bit of a strong taste.

Picking up his schoolbag, he left the classroom and walked to the top floor.

At this time, a young girl came out of the women's toilet, gritted her teeth and glared at Su Nan's back, and walked towards the third shift.

At this time, the third shift was empty and empty.

The girl stood at the door and looked at it. Then, she walked to Su Nan's position as if filled with lead. After taking a deep breath, she squatted down, put her face on Su Nan's stool and took a deep breath, enjoying the expression on her face. with a shy flush.

"It's so good, it's Su Nan's taste."

After a while, the girl raised her head reluctantly.Then she put on the mask, took out her mobile phone and took a selfie on her and Su Nan's stools. Sometimes she deliberately pouted compared to the scissors, but her face was not obvious because she was wearing a mask.

When I came to the rooftop, the sun was setting in the west, and everything was red.

Chu Xi was watching the sunset with her back to him. The sun shone on her body, her fair skin seemed to be plated with red light, and with the ends of her hair blown by the breeze, her slender figure was also ravaged by the breeze, full of seductive feeling.

Su Nan secretly swallowed.

Chu Xi seemed to sense something, turned around and gave him a contemptuous look, threw a key at him, and said, "This is the key to the roof, I will find someone to install the lock tomorrow, and this will be our place for activities in the future. ."

Su Nan looked around and found that at some point, a large sun umbrella, a table, and two chairs appeared on the rooftop.On the table were the cat ears, cat tails and other accessories that Chu Xi had used in the morning, as well as a set of tea sets.

Is she serious?

Su Nan was distressed by the time after school, and asked with a smile, "What are we going to do?"

Chu Xi was silent for a moment, and then said, "You can help me make a video."

"Video?" Su Nan was surprised.

"Yes, it's practice in the morning, now it's official."

Chu Xi said concisely, then walked to the table, picked up the cat's ears and put them on her head, and then picked up her tail and put it on the back of her buttocks.

"Uh..." Su Nan took a closer look, only to realize that the cat's tail wasn't used for stuffing, it was evil.

When Chu Xi looked back and saw his expression, she seemed to know what he was thinking, her eyes were embarrassed, and she whispered softly, "Perverted."

But inexplicably, there was no hint of anger in the expression on her face, instead a faint blush appeared.

Su Nan turned his face away in embarrassment.

"Hey..." With an inexplicable sigh, Chu Xi approached, accompanied by a faint fragrance, she came to Su Nan and handed him the phone.

The setting sun shone on her face, which was bright red, with a different meaning.

Su Nan suppressed the ripples that suddenly appeared in his heart, took the phone, and found that the vibrato was already turned on, just press the shooting button.

When the camera was aimed at Chu Xi, her face in the camera became very ugly, it should be a face-changing prop using vibrato.

Su Nan felt very strange, didn't he say that he wanted to post a video to attract attention and make his face so ugly?

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